Completely Randomized Block Designs

Completely Randomized Block Designs (RCBD) is the design in which homogeneous experimental units are combined in a group called a Block. The experimental units are arranged in such a way that a block contains complete set of treatments. However, these designs are not as flexible as those of Completely Randomized Designs (CRD).

Introduction to Randomized Complete Block Designs

A Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD or a completely randomized block design) is a statistical experimental design used to control variability in an experiment by grouping similar (homogeneous) experimental units into blocks. The main goal is to reduce the impact of known sources of variability (e.g., environmental factors, subject characteristics) that could otherwise obscure the effects of the treatments being tested.

The restriction in RCBD is that a single treatment occurs only once in a single block. These designs are the most frequently used. Mostly RCBD is applied in field experiments. Suppose, a field is distributed in block x treatment experimental units $(N = B \times T)$.

Suppose, there are four Treatments: (A, B, C, D), three Blocks: (Block 1, Block 2, Block 3), and randomization is performed, that is, treatments are randomly assigned within each block.

Randomized Complete Block Design Layout, completely randomized block designs layout

Key Features of RCBD

The key features of RCBD are:

  • Control of Variability: By grouping/blocking similar units into blocks, RCBD isolates the variability due to the blocking factor, allowing for a more precise estimate of the treatment effects.
  • Blocks: Experimental units are divided into homogeneous groups called blocks. Each block contains units that are similar to the blocking factor (e.g., soil type, age group, location).
  • Randomization: Within each block, treatments are randomly assigned to the experimental units. This ensures that each treatment has an equal chance of being applied to any unit within a block. For example,

In agricultural research, if you are testing the effect of different fertilizers on crop yield, you might block the experimental field based on soil fertility. Each block represents a specific soil fertility level, and within each block, the fertilizers are randomly assigned to plots.

Advantages of Completely Randomized Block Designs

  • Improved precision and accuracy in experiments.
  • Efficient use of resources by reducing experimental error.
  • Flexibility in handling heterogeneous experimental units.

When to Use Completely Randomized Block Designs

CRBD is useful in experiments where there is a known source of variability that can be controlled through grouping/ blocking. The following are some scenarios where CRBD is appropriate:

  1. Heterogeneous Experimental Units: When the experimental units are not homogeneous (e.g., different soil types, varying patient health conditions), blocking helps control this variability.
  2. Field Experiments: In agriculture, environmental factors like soil type, moisture, or sunlight can vary significantly across a field. Blocking helps account for these variations.
  3. Clinical Trials: In medical research, patients may differ in age, gender, or health status. Blocking ensures that these factors do not confound the treatment effects.
  4. Industrial Experiments: In manufacturing, machines or operators may introduce variability. Blocking by machine or operator can help isolate the treatment effects.
  5. Small Sample Sizes: When the number of experimental units is limited, blocking can improve the precision of the experiment by reducing error variance.

When NOT to Use CRBD

The Completely Randomized Block Design should not be used in the following scenarios:

  • If the experimental units are homogeneous, instead of RCBD a CRD may be more appropriate.
  • If there are multiple sources of variability that cannot be controlled through blocking, more complex designs like Latin Square or Factorial Designs may be needed.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Incorrect blocking or failure to account for key sources of variability.
  • Overcomplicating the design with too many blocks or treatments.
  • Ignoring assumptions like normality and homogeneity of variance.

Assumptions of CRBD Analysis

  1. Normality: The residuals (errors) should be normally distributed.
  2. Homogeneity of Variance: The variance of residuals should be constant across treatments and blocks.
  3. Additivity: The effects of treatments and blocks should be additive (no interaction between treatments and blocks).

Statistical Analysis of Design

The statistical analysis of a CRBD typically involves Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), which partitions the total variability in the data into components attributable to treatments, blocks, and random error.

Formulate Hypothesis:

$H_0$: All the treatments are equal
$S_1: At least two means are not equal

$H_0$: All the block means are equal
$H_1$: At least two block means are not equal

Partition of the Total Variability:

The total sum of squares (SST) is divided into:

  • The sum of Squares due to Treatments (SSTr): Variability due to the treatments.
  • The sum of Squares due to Blocks (SSB): Variability due to the blocks.
  • The Sum of Squares due to Error (SSE): Unexplained variability (random error).


Degrees of Freedom

  • df Treatments: Number of treatments minus one ($t-1$).
  • df Blocks: Number of blocks minus one ($b-1$).
  • df Error: $(t-1)(b-1)$.

Compute Mean Squares:

  • Mean Square for Treatments (MSTr) = SSTr / df Treatments
  • Mean Square for Blocks (MSB) = SSB / df Blocks
  • Mean Square for Error (MSE) = SSE / df Error

Perform F-Tests:

  • F-Test for Treatments: Compare MSTr to MSE.
    ​If the calculated F-value exceeds the critical F-value, reject the null hypothesis.
  • F-Test for Blocks: Compare MSB to MSE (optional, depending on the research question).

ANOVA for RCBD and Computing Formulas

Suppose, for a certain problem, we have three blocks and 4 treatments, that is 12 experimental units are analyzed, and the ANOVA table is

Block$b-1 = 2$20.6710.331.350.3285
Treatments$t-1 = 3$94.0831.364.090.0617
Error$(b-1)(t-1) = 6$46.007.67  
Total$N-1 = 11$348.92   

CF &= \frac{(GT)^2}{N}\\
SS_{Total} &= \sum\limits_{j=1}^t \sum\limits_{i=1}^r y_{ij}^2 – CF\\
SS_{Treat} &= \frac{\sum\limits_{j=1}^t T_j^2}{r} – CF\\
SS_{Block} &= \frac{\sum\limits_{i=1}^b B_i^2}{t} – CF\\
SS_{Error} &= SS_{Total} – SS_{Treat} – SS_{Block}


Randomized Complete Block Design is a powerful statistical tool for controlling variability and improving the precision of experiments. By understanding the principles, applications, and statistical analysis of RCBD, researchers, and statisticians can design more efficient and reliable experiments. Whether in agriculture, medicine, or industry, CRBD provides a robust framework for testing hypotheses and drawing meaningful conclusions.

Experimental Units

FAQs on Completely Randomized Block Designs

  • What is the main purpose of blocking in CRBD?
  • Can CRBD be used for small sample sizes?
  • How do I choose the right blocking factor?
  • What are the assumptions of CRBD?

R Language Frequently Asked Questions

Data Mining Concepts: Questions & Answers

A strong grasp of data mining concepts is essential in today’s data-driven world. This quick question-and-answer guide will help you build a solid foundation, ensuring you understand the core principles behind this powerful field. I have compiled the most common questions (about data mining concepts) with concise answers, making it easy to grasp the fundamental principles of data mining.

Data Mining concepts

Why are Traditional Techniques Unsuitable for Extracting Information?

The traditional techniques are usually unsuitable for extracting information because of

  • High dimensionality of data
  • Enormity of data
  • Heterogeneous, distributed nature of data

What is Meant by Data Mining Concepts?

“Data mining concepts” refer to the fundamental ideas and techniques used for extracting valuable information from large datasets. It is about understanding how to find meaningful patterns, trends, and knowledge within raw data. The key techniques of data mining concepts are:

  • Classification
  • Clustering
  • Regression
  • Association Rule mining
  • Anomaly Detection

What Technological Drivers Are Required in Data Mining?

The technological drivers required in data mining are:

  • Database size: A powerful system is required to maintain and process a huge amount of data.
  • Query Complexity: To analyze the complex and large number of queries, a more powerful system is required.
  • Cloud Computing: Cloud platforms provide the scalability and flexibility needed to handle large data mining projects. It offers access to on-demand computing power, storage, and specialized data mining tools.
  • High-Performance Computing: Complex data mining tasks require significant computational power, making HPC systems essential for processing huge amounts of datasets and running intensive algorithms.
  • Programming Languages and Tools: Languages such as R and Python are widely used in data mining due to the availability of extensive libraries for data analysis and machine learning. The data mining software such as IBM, and others, provide comprehensive data mining capabilities.

What do OLAP and OLTP Stand For?

OLAP is an acronym for Online Analytical Processing and OLTP is an acronym for Online Transactional Processing.

What is OLAP?

In a multidimensional model, the data is organized into multiple dimensions, where each dimension contains multiple levels of abstraction defined by concept hierarchies. OLAP provides a user-friendly environment for interactive data analysis.

List the Types of OLAP Server

There are four types of OLAP servers, namely Relational OLAP, Multidimensional OLAP, Hybrid OLAP, and Specialized SQL Servers.

What is a Machine Learning-Based Approach to Data Mining?

Machine learning is mainly used in data mining because it covers automatic computing procedures, and is based on logical or binary operations. Machine learning generally follows the principle that allows us to deal with more general types of data including cases with varying numbers of attributes. Machine learning is one of the popular techniques used for data mining and artificial intelligence too. One may also focus on decision-tree approaches and the results are mainly evolved from the logical sequence of steps.

What is Data Warehousing?

A data warehouse is the repository of data and it is used for management decision support systems. A data warehouse consists of a wide variety of data that has a high level of business conditions a a single point in time. A data warehouse is a repository of integrated information that can be available for queries and analysis.

What is a Statistical Procedure Based Approach?

The statistical procedures are characterized by having a precise fundamental probability model and providing a probability of being in each class instead of a classification. One can assume the techniques that assume variable selection, transformation, and overall structuring of the problem.

A statistical procedure-based approach involves using mathematical models and techniques to analyze data, draw inferences, and make predictions. It relies on the principles of probability and statistics to quantify uncertainty and identify patterns within data. Key aspects of the statistical approach include:

  • Data Collection and Preparation: Careful collection and cleaning of data ensure its quality and relevance.
  • Model Selection: Selecting an appropriate statistical model that aligns with the data and research objectives.
  • Parameter Estimation: Estimating the parameters of the chosen model using statistical methods.
  • Hypothesis Testing: Evaluating the validity of hypotheses based on the data and the model.
  • Inference and Prediction: Drawing conclusions and making predictions based on the statistical analysis.
  • Quantifying uncertainty: using probabilities to understand the certainty of results.

Note that Statistical procedures can range from simple descriptive statistics to complex machine learning algorithms, and they are used in a wide variety of fields to gain insights from data.

Online Quiz Website

Define Medata Data

Metadata is a data about data. One can say that metadata is the summarized data that leads to detailed data.

What is the Difference between Data Mining and Data Warehousing?

Data mining processes explore the data using queries and performing statistical analysis, machine learning algorithms, and pattern recognition. Data Mining helps in reporting, strategy planning, and visualizing meaningful data sets. Data warehousing is a process where the data is extracted from various resources and after that, it is verified and stored in a central repository. Data warehouses are designed for analytical purposes, enabling users to perform complex queries and generate reports for decision-making. It is important to note that data warehousing creates the data repository that data mining uses.

Estimating the Mean

The mean is the first statistic we learn, the cornerstone of many analyses. But the question is how well do we understand its estimation? For statisticians, estimating the mean is more than just summing and dividing. It involves navigating assumptions, choosing appropriate methods, and understanding the implications of our choices. Let us delve deeper into the art and science of estimating the mean.

The Simple Sample Mean: A Foundation

The Formula of sample mean $\overline{x}= \frac{\sum\limits_{i=1}^n x_i}{n}$​​. The sample mean is the unbiased estimator of population mean ($\mu$) under ideal conditions (simple random sampling, independent and identically distributed data). Violating the assumption can lead to biased estimates. For large samples, the distribution of the sample mean approximates a normal distribution, regardless of the population distribution due to the Central Limit Theorem (CLT).

Weighted Means

Beyond Simple Random Sampling, For weighted means, observations have varying importance (e.g., survey data with different sampling weights). The formula of weighted mean is $ \overline{x}_w = \frac{\sum\limits_{i=1}^n w_ix_i}{\sum\limits_{i=1}^n w_i}$. Weighted means are used in Survey sampling, and dealing with non-response. In Stratified Sampling, estimate the mean when the population is divided into strata for getting reduced variance, and improved precision. In cluster sampling have unique challenges of estimating the mean with cluster sampling, where observations are grouped.

Robust Estimation

Robust Estimation is required when the sample mean is vulnerable to extreme values. The alternative of the sample mean is the median which emphasizes its robustness to outliers. The trimmed mean is also used to balance out the robustness and efficiency.

Confidence Intervals for Estimating the Mean

Confidence Intervals make use of standard error to estimate the mean to reflect the precision of the estimate. For small samples, t-distribution while for large samples, z-distribution is used for the construction of confidence intervals. Bootstrapping (a non-parametric method) can also be used for constructing confidence intervals, especially, useful when assumptions are violated.

Point Estimate: To estimate the population mean $\mu$ for a random variable $x$ using a sample of values, the best possible point estimate is the sample mean $\overline{x}$.

Interval Estimate: An interval estimate for mean $\mu$ is constructed by starting with sample mean $\overline{x}$ and adding a margin of error (S.E.) above and below the mean $\overline{x}$. The interval is of the form $(\overline{x} – SE, \overline{x} + SE)$.

Example: Suppose that the mean height of Pakistani men is between 67.5 and 70.5 inches with a level of confidence of $c = 0.90$. To estimate the men’s height, the sample mean $\overline{x}$ is 69 inches with a margin of error = 1.5 inches. That is, $(\overline{x} – SE, \overline{x}+SE) = (69 – 1.5, 69+1.5) = (67.5, 70.5)$.

Note that the margin of error used for constructing an interval estimate depends on the level of confidence interval. A larger level of confidence will result in a larger margin of error and hence a wider interval.

Estimating the Mean boxplot with mean

Calculating Margin of Error for a Large Sample Data

If a random variable $x$ is normally distributed (with a known population standard deviation $\sigma$) or if the sample size $n$ is at least 30 (we will apply Central Limit Theorem, which will guarantee that),

  • $\overline{x}$ is approximately normally distributed
  • $\mu_{\overline{x}} = \mu$
  • $\sigma_{\overline{x}}=\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}$

The mean value of $\overline{x}$ equals the estimated population mean $\mu$. Given the desired level of confidence $c$, it is try to find the amount of error $E$ necessary to ensure that the probability of $\overline{x}$ being within $E$ of the mean is $c$.

There are always two critical $Z$-scores ($\pm z_c$ which give the appropriate probability for the standard normal distribution), and the corresponding probability for the distribution of $\overline{x}$ is $z_c \times \sigma_{\overline{x}}$ or

$$E=z_c \frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}$$

Usually, $\sigma$ is unknown, but if $n\ge 30$ then the sample standard deviation $s$ is generally a reasonable estimate.

Estimating the Mean Histogram

Dealing with Missing Data

When dealing with missing data, one can impute mean. Imputing the mean is simple but it can underestimate variance. One can also perform multiple imputations to account for the uncertainty.

Bayesian Estimation

In Bayesian estimation, the prior and posterior distributions are used for estimating the mean by incorporating prior information, updated beliefs about the mean, and handling uncertainty.


Estimating the mean is a fundamental statistical task, but it requires careful consideration of assumptions, data characteristics, and the goals of the analysis. By understanding the nuances of different estimation methods, statisticians can provide more accurate and reliable insights.

Exploratory Data Analysis in R Language