Heteroscedasticity Consistent Standard Errors

The post is about “Heteroscedasticity Consistent Standard Errors and Variances. $\sigma_i^2$ are rarely known. However, there is a way of obtaining consistent estimates of variances and covariances of OLS estimators even if there is heteroscedasticity. White’s Heteroscedasticity Consistent Standard Errors and Variances White’s heteroscedasticity-corrected standard …

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Remedial Measures of Heteroscedasticity (2018)

The post is about Remedial Measures of Heteroscedasticity. Heteroscedasticity is a condition in which the variance of the residual term, or error term, in a regression model, varies widely. The heteroscedasticity does not destroy the unbiasedness and consistency properties of the OLS estimator (as OLS …

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Heteroscedasticity Tests and Remedies (2018)

The post is about Heteroscedasticity Tests and Remedies of Heteroscedasticity. There is a set of heteroscedasticity tests and remedies that require an assumption about the structure of the heteroscedasticity if it exists. That is, to use these tests you must choose a specific functional form …

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