Median Definition, Formula, and Example

Median Definition Median (a measure of central tendency) is the middle-most value in the data set when all of the values (observations) in a data set are arranged either in ascending or descending order of their magnitude. The median is also considered as a measure of central tendency which divides …

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A measure of Central Tendency (2012)

The Measure of central tendency is a statistic that summarizes the entire quantitative or qualitative set of data in a single value (a representative value of the data set) tending to concentrate somewhere in the center of the data. The tendency of the observations to cluster in the central part …

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Measures of Central Tendency

Question: What is a measure of central tendency and what are the common measures of central tendency? Also, when is the median preferred over the mean? A measure of central tendency is the single numerical value considered most typical of the values of a quantitative variable. The most common measure …

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