Critical Values and Rejection Region

In statistical hypotheses testing procedure, an important step is to determine whether to reject the null hypothesis. The step is to compute/find the critical values and rejection region.

Rejection Region and Critical Values

A rejection region for a hypothesis test is the range of values for the standardized test statistic which would lead us to decide whether to reject the null hypothesis. The Critical values for a hypothesis test are the z-scores which separate the rejection region(s) from the non-rejection region (also called the acceptance region of $H_0$).  The critical values will be denoted by $Z_0$.

The rejection region for a test is determined by the type of test (left-tailed, right-tailed, or two-tailed) and the level of significance (denoted by $\alpha$) for the test. For a left-tailed test, the rejection region is a region in the left tail of the normal distribution, for a right-tailed test, it is in the right tail, and for a two-tailed test, there are two equal rejection regions in either tail.

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Once we establish the critical values and rejection region, if the standardized test statistics for a sample data set fall in the region of rejection, the null hypothesis is rejected.

Examples: Critical Values and Rejection Region

Example 1: A university claims that the average SAT score for its incoming freshmen is 1080. A sample of 56 freshmen at the university is drawn and the average SAT score is found to be $\overline{x}=1044$ with a sample standard deviation of $s=94.7$ points.

    In the above SAT example, the test is two-tailed, so the rejection region will be the two tails at either end of the normal distribution. If we again want $\alpha=0.05$, then the area under the curve in both rejection regions together should be 0.05. For this purpose, we will look up $\frac{\alpha}{2}=0.025$ in the standard normal table to get critical values of $Z_0 = \pm 1.96$. The rejection region thus consists of $Z \le 1.96$ and $Z\ge 1.96$. Since the standardized test statistic $Z=-2.85$ falls in the region, the university’s claim of $\mu = 1080$ would be rejected in this case.

    Example 2: Consider a left-tailed Z test. For a 0.05 level of significance, the rejection region would be the values in the lowest 5% of the standard normal distribution (5% lowest area under the normal curve). In this case, the critical value (the corresponding) Z-score will be $-1.645$. So the critical value $Z_0$ will be $-1.645$ and the rejection region will be $Z\le -1.645$.

    Note that for the case of right-tailed the rejection region would be the values in the highest 5% of the standard normal distribution table. The Z-score will be $1.645$ and the rejection region will be $Z\ge 1.645$.

    Hypothesis Test

    Exercise: Critical Values and Rejection Region

    1. Find the critical values and rejection regions(s) for the standardized Z-test of the following:
    • A right-tailed test with $\alpha = 0.05$
    • A left-tailed test with $\alpha = 0.01$
    • A two-tailed test with $\alpha = 0.10$
    • A right-tailed test with $\alpha = 0.02$
    1. Mercury levels in fish are considered dangerous to people if they exceed 0.5mg mercury per kilogram of meat. A sample of 50 tuna is collected, and the mean level of mercury in these 50 fishes is 0.6m/kg, with a standard deviation of 0.2mg/kg. A health warning will be issued if the claim that the mean exceeds 0.5mg/kg can be supported at the $\alpha=0.10$ level of significance. Determine the null and alternative hypotheses in this case, the type of the test, the critical value(s), and the rejection region. Find the standardized test statistics for the information given in the exercise. Should the health warning be issued?,

    Important MCQs Hypothesis Statistics Quiz 6

    The post is about the MCQs Hypothesis Statistics Quiz. There are 20 multiple-choice questions covering topics related to hypothesis testing, level of significance, test statistics, critical region, and one-tailed and two-tailed tests. Let us start with MCQs Hypothesis Statistics Quiz.

    MCQs Hypothesis Testing

    1. A .05 level of significance means that


    2. A ________ error is made if $H_1$ is true but $H_0$ is accepted


    3. The region of acceptance of $H_0$ is called


    4. The choice of a one-tailed test and a two-tailed test depends upon


    5. Type-I error will occur if an innocent person is


    6. Fisher exact test is used for:


    7. If population standard deviation is known and $n>30$ then appropriate test statistics mean comparison is


    8. The region of rejection of $H_0$ is called


    9. The level of significance is the risk of


    10. A deserving player is not selected for the national team, it is an example of


    11. Which of the following statistics can be used to determine whether or not there is a statistically significant relationship between two variables in a contingency table?


    12. The probability of rejecting a true hypothesis is called


    13. Which of the following is (are) considered to be inferential statistics?


    14. Which one is an example of a two-tailed test


    15. If $\alpha=0.05$%, the value of one-tailed $Z$ test will be


    16. In a Wilcoxon rank sum test


    17. A statistic on the basis of which a decision is made about the hypothesis of interest is called


    18. When a critical region is located on both sides of the curve, it is called


    19. In a Z-test, the number of degrees of freedom is


    20. The probability of rejecting a false $H_0$ is


    MCQs Hypothesis Statistics Quiz

    MCQs Hypothesis Statistics Quiz
    (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
    • Type-I error will occur if an innocent person is
    • A deserving player is not selected for the national team, it is an example of
    • A ———- error is made if $H_1$ is true but $H_0$ is accepted
    • A statistic on the basis of which a decision is made about the hypothesis of interest is called
    • The probability of rejecting a true hypothesis is called
    • The probability of rejecting a false $H_0$ is
    • The level of significance is the risk of
    • When a critical region is located on both sides of the curve, it is called
    • The choice of a one-tailed test and a two-tailed test depends upon
    • Which one is an example of a two-tailed test
    • The region of acceptance of $H_0$ is called
    • The region of rejection of $H_0$ is called
    • In a Z-test, the number of degrees of freedom is
    • If $\alpha=0.05$%, the value of one-tailed $Z$ test will be
    • If population standard deviation is known and $n>30$ then appropriate test statistics mean comparison is
    • In a Wilcoxon rank sum test
    • Fisher exact test is used for:
    • Which of the following statistics can be used to determine whether or not there is a statistically significant relationship between two variables in a contingency table?
    • Which of the following is (are) considered to be inferential statistics?
    • A .05 level of significance means that
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    Please go to Important MCQs Hypothesis and Hypothesis Testing Quiz 5 to view the test

    Hypothesis and Hypothesis Testing Quiz

    MCQs Hypothesis and Hypothesis Testing Quiz
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    • The first and starting point in hypothesis testing is
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    • Which of the following can be $H_1$
    • Which of the following can be an alternative hypothesis $H_1$
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    • Which one of the following cannot be a null hypothesis
    • The probability of type-I error is denoted by
    • The probability of rejecting $H_0$, when $H_0$ is true is called
    • Rejecting $H_0$ when $H_0$ is false is called
    • Rejecting $H_0$ when $H_0$ is true is called
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    Please go to Best Hypothesis Testing Statistics Quiz 4 to view the test

    MCQs Hypothesis Testing Statistics with Answers

    Hypothesis Testing Statistics Quiz with Answers
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    • When the null hypothesis is accepted, it is possible that:
    • Statistics are described as methods for concluding ———- based on ——— computed from the ———.
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    Statistics help, hypothesis testing statistics quiz