Best Correlation and Regression MCQs 1

The post is about Correlation and Regression MCQs. There are 20 multiple-choice questions. The quiz covers topics related to the basics of correlation Analysis and regression analysis, correlation and regression coefficients, graphical representation relationships between variables, simple linear regression models and multiple linear regression models, and assumptions related to correlation and regression models. Let us start with the Correlation and Regression MCQs Quiz.

Online MCQs about Correlation and Regression Analysis with Answers

1. If all the actual and estimated values of $Y$ are the same on the regression line, the sum of squares of errors will be


2. If the correlation coefficient between the variables $X$ and $Y$ is $\rho$, the correlation coefficient between $X^2$ and $Y^2$ is


3. The range of a partial correlation coefficient is:


4. If regression line $\hat{y}=5$ then value of regression coefficient of $y$ on $x$ is


5. If $\rho$ is the correlation coefficient, the quantity $\sqrt{1-\rho^2}$ is termed as


6. When two variables move in the same direction then the correlation between the variables is


7. In multiple linear regression analysis, the square root of Mean Squared Error (MSE) is called the:


8. The regression coefficient is independent of


9. The lines of regression intersect at the point


10. The geometric mean of the two regression coefficient $\beta_{YX}$ and $\beta_{XY}$ is equal to:


11. If $\beta_{XY}$ and $\beta_{YX}$ are two regression coefficients, they have


12. If each of $X$ variable is divided by 5 and $Y$ by 10 then $\beta_{YX}$ by coded value is:


13. If $\rho=0$, the lines of regression are:


14. Homogeneity of three or more population correlation coefficients can be tested by


15. The average of two regression coefficients is always greater than or equal to the correction coefficient is called:


16. If $X$ and $Y$ are two independent variates with variance $\sigma_X^2$ and $\sigma_Y^2$, respectively, the coefficient of correlation between $X$ and ($X-Y$) is equal to:


17. If $\beta_{YX}>1$, then $\beta_{XY}$ is:


18. An investigator reports that the arithmetic mean of two regression coefficients of a regression line is 0.7 and the correlation coefficient is 0.75. Are the results


19. The estimate of $\beta$ in the regression equation $Y=\alpha+\beta\,X + e$ by the method of least square is:


20. If the two lines of regression are perpendicular to each other, the correlation coefficient $r=$ is:


Online Correlation and Regression MCQs

Online Correlation and Regression MCQs with Answers
  • The estimate of $\beta$ in the regression equation $Y=\alpha+\beta\,X + e$ by the method of least square is:
  • If $\beta_{XY}$ and $\beta_{YX}$ are two regression coefficients, they have
  • The average of two regression coefficients is always greater than or equal to the correction coefficient is called:
  • If $\beta_{YX}>1$, then $\beta_{XY}$ is:
  • If the two lines of regression are perpendicular to each other, the correlation coefficient $r=$ is:
  • The regression coefficient is independent of
  • If each of $X$ variable is divided by 5 and $Y$ by 10 then $\beta_{YX}$ by coded value is:
  • The geometric mean of the two regression coefficient $\beta_{YX}$ and $\beta_{XY}$ is equal to:
  • If $X$ and $Y$ are two independent variates with variance $\sigma_X^2$ and $\sigma_Y^2$, respectively, the coefficient of correlation between $X$ and ($X-Y$) is equal to:
  • In multiple linear regression analysis, the square root of Mean Squared Error (MSE) is called the:
  • The range of a partial correlation coefficient is:
  • Homogeneity of three or more population correlation coefficients can be tested by
  • If $\rho$ is the correlation coefficient, the quantity $\sqrt{1-\rho^2}$ is termed as
  • If the correlation coefficient between the variables $X$ and $Y$ is $\rho$, the correlation coefficient between $X^2$ and $Y^2$ is
  • The lines of regression intersect at the point
  • If $\rho=0$, the lines of regression are:
  • An investigator reports that the arithmetic mean of two regression coefficients of a regression line is 0.7 and the correlation coefficient is 0.75. Are the results
  • If regression line $\hat{y}=5$ then value of regression coefficient of $y$ on $x$ is
  • When two variables move in the same direction then the correlation between the variables is
  • If all the actual and estimated values of $Y$ are the same on the regression line, the sum of squares of errors will be
Statistics Help Correlation and Regression MCQs

Important MCQs on Graphs and Charts 3

The post is about MCQs on Graphs and Charts. There are 20 multiple-choice questions about data visualization, graphical representations, bar charts, pie charts, histograms, frequency curves, component bar charts, pie charts, pictorial diagrams of frequency distribution, etc.

Please go to Important MCQs on Graphs and Charts 3 to view the test

MCQs on Graphs and Charts with Answers

MCQs on Graphs and Charts with Answers
  • A graphical device used for enumerating sample points in a multiple-step experiment is a
  • A graphical method of representing the sample points of a multiple-step experiment is
  • A(n) ———— is a graphical representation in which the sample space is represented by a rectangle and events are represented as circles
  • A Histogram containing a set of
  • Which of the following is an example of compressed data:
  • For geographically base data, the bars are used:
  • Decumulative frequency is presented by
  • The frequency polygon is a closed diagram of
  • A frequency curve touches x-axis
  • Frequency curve is
  • Component bar charts are used when data is divided into:
  • In a Pie chart, usually, the arrangement of the sectors is:
  • In a Pie chart, the angels for each sector are calculated by the formula
  • A circle in which sectors represent various quantities is called
  • If the frequency curve has a longer tail to the left, the distribution is
  • A histogram is
  • Low Birth Weight (LBW) data of a Hospital is best shown by
  • A pictorial diagram of frequency distribution is denoted
  • Which of the following types of diagrams can be used to find out the relationship between two variables?
  • The line chart of the medical/ health data shows
statistics help: MCQs on Graphs and Charts,

Important MCQs Charts and Graphs 2

The post is about MCQs Charts and Graphs. There are 20 multiple-choice questions covering topics related to data visualizations, pie charts, bar charts, cumulative frequency distribution, frequency polygon, histogram, time series plot, etc. Let us start with MCQs Charts and Graphs.

Please go to Important MCQs Charts and Graphs 2 to view the test

MCQs Charts and Graphs with Answers

MCQs Charts and Graph
  • In a Pie chart one can calculate the angles for each sector by the following formula
  • A circle in which sectors represent various quantities is called
  • A graph of a cumulative frequency distribution is called
  • In a histogram, the area of each rectangle is proportional to
  • A frequency polygon is constructed by plotting the frequency of the class interval and the
  • For yearly average temperature data, the most effective graphical display is
  • Suppose, you have data on house prices and the distance of each house from the city center. You are interested in finding the link between “house price” and “distance of each house from the city center”. Which is the most appropriate graphical display to assess the relationship between the variables?
  • A graphical representation of a cumulative relative frequency distribution is called
  • Which of the following statements is false?
  • What measure of central tendency is shown in a box plot diagram
  • The word ogive is also used for:
  • A pie diagram is represented by a
  • A curve that tails off to the right end is called:
  • If a curve has a longer tail to the right, it is called
  • A sector diagram is also called
  • A histogram is a graph of
  • A point representation of observed frequency is made in the
  • $\frac{\text{Individual value}}{\text{Total value}}\times 360^o$
  • In constructing ogive, what should be along the x-axis in the following?
  • Enrolment of Patients in OPD of Mayo Hospital is best shown by
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