Important MCQs Sampling Quiz 1

The post is about the MCQs Sampling Quiz with Answers. There are 2o multiple-choice questions covering topics related to probability and non-probability sampling, statistic and parameter, sampling and non-sampling error, sampling techniques, Sampling unit and sampling frame, proportional allocation of sampling units, etc. Let us start with the MCQs Sampling Quiz.

Online MCQs about Sample and Sampling Distribution for preparation of PPSC FPSC Lecturer posts.

1. Consider a population of size 700 consisting of three strata such that $N_1=100, N_2=250$, and $N_3=350$. The required sample size is 18. What will be the sample size for stratum-III according to proportional allocation?


2. The sample size of $h$th stratum by proportion allocation is


3. Any numerical value computed from the population is called


4. Regardless of the difference in the distribution of the sample and population, the mean of sampling distribution must be equal to the:


5. The difference between statistic and parameter is called


6. Non Probability form of sampling is


7. Consider a population of size 700 consisting of three strata such that $N_1=100, N_2=250$, and $N_3=350$. The required sample size is 18. What will be the sample size for stratum-I according to proportional allocation?


8. Sample allocation plan that provides the most precision, given a fixed sample size is


9. In random sampling, the probability of selecting an item from the population is


10. Sampling in which a sampling unit can be repeated more than once is called


11. The standard deviation of the sampling distribution of any statistic is called


12. The list of all units in a population is called


13. Consider a population of size 700 consisting of three strata such that $N_1=100, N_2=250$, and $N_3=350$. The required sample size is 18. What will be the sample size for stratum-II according to proportional allocation?


14. The procedure in which a number of elements in a stratum is proportional to a number of elements in the population is classified as:


15. Non-Sampling error is reduced by


16. Selection of the sample size $n$ to be the same for all the strata is known as:


17. The sample is a subset of


18. In sampling with replacement, a sampling unit can be selected


19. Any numerical value calculated from sample data is called


20. The number of strata should preferably be less than or equal to what value?


Online MCQs Sampling Quiz with Answers

MCQs Sampling Quiz with answers
  • Non-Sampling error is reduced by
  • Any numerical value calculated from sample data is called
  • The sample is a subset of
  • Non Probability form of sampling is
  • In sampling with replacement, a sampling unit can be selected
  • Sampling in which a sampling unit can be repeated more than once is called
  • The standard deviation of the sampling distribution of any statistic is called
  • Any numerical value computed from the population is called
  • The list of all units in a population is called
  • The difference between statistic and parameter is called
  • In random sampling, the probability of selecting an item from the population is
  • Regardless of the difference in the distribution of the sample and population, the mean of sampling distribution must be equal to the:
  • The number of strata should preferably be less than or equal to what value?
  • The sample size of $h$th stratum by proportion allocation is
  • The procedure in which a number of elements in a stratum is proportional to a number of elements in the population is classified as:
  • Selection of the sample size $n$ to be the same for all the strata is known as:
  • Consider a population of size 700 consisting of three strata such that $N_1=100, N_2=250$, and $N_3=350$. The required sample size is 18. What will be the sample size for stratum-I according to proportional allocation?
  • Consider a population of size 700 consisting of three strata such that $N_1=100, N_2=250$, and $N_3=350$. The required sample size is 18. What will be the sample size for stratum-II according to proportional allocation?
  • Consider a population of size 700 consisting of three strata such that $N_1=100, N_2=250$, and $N_3=350$. The required sample size is 18. What will be the sample size for stratum-III according to proportional allocation?
  • Sample allocation plan that provides the most precision, given a fixed sample size is
MCQs Sampling Quiz with Answer Statistics help

Important MCQs Sampling Techniques Quiz 2

The post is about MCQs Sampling Techniques Quiz with Answers. There are 20 Multiple-Choice Questions from topics related to sampling and sampling distribution, probability and non-probability sampling distribution, examples related to sampling methods, sampling error, and standard error of sampling distribution. Let us start with the MCQs Sampling Techniques Quiz.

Please go to Important MCQs Sampling Techniques Quiz 2 to view the test

MCQS Sampling Techniques Quiz

MCQs Sampling Techniques Quiz with Answers
  • The sampling Error is
  • The height distribution of a few students in a school is an example of
  • The unbiased point estimator of the population mean is
  • Bias is
  • The sampling technique in which every element of the population has an equal, non-zero probability of being selected in a sample is called
  • If the mean of the sampling distribution is equal to the parameters then estimators will be
  • Probability distribution of $\overline{X}$ is called its
  • The probability distribution of a statistic is called
  • A magazine conducts a survey and asks its readers to cut the questionnaire from the magazine, fill it and send it via mail. It is a type of
  • The standard error of mean is the standard deviation of the
  • What best describes a sample size?
  • In the data analysis process, how does a sample relate to a population?
  • When working with sample data, what is the first step in the sampling process?
  • Probability sampling uses ———— selection to generate a sample.
  • A data professional is conducting an election poll. As a first step in the sampling process, they identify the target population. What is the second step in the sampling process?
  • In a ———– sample, every member of a population is selected randomly and has an equal chance of being chosen.
  • Non-probability sampling includes which of the following sampling methods?
  • What term describes a probability distribution of a sample statistic?
  • A data professional is conducting an employee satisfaction survey. First, they list all the employees alphabetically by first name. Then, they randomly choose a starting point on the list and pick every third name to be in the sample. What sampling method are they using?
  • A restaurant wants to gather data about a new dish by giving out free samples and asking for feedback. Who should the restaurant give samples to?
statistics help: mcqs sampling techniques quiz with answers

Top Online Sampling MCQs 3

The post is about Online Sampling MCQs. There are 20 multiple-choice questions each with four possible options. The quiz covers the topics related to sample and sampling techniques, Types of Sampling Techniques, Sampling Frame and Sampling unit, and Sampling Error. Let us start with the Sampling MCQs Quiz.

Please go to Top Online Sampling MCQs 3 to view the test

Online Sampling MCQs with Answers

Online Sampling MCQs with Answers
  • Probability sampling is the procedure that gives all units
  • Which of the following is not an example of a non-sampling risk?
  • The advantage of using statistical sampling techniques is that such techniques
  • Which of the following is an example of using statistical sampling?
  • Which of the following is NOT one of the principles of sampling listed in the text?
  • How is stratified sampling carried out?
  • The sampling procedure that includes all units of the population in the study is called
  • Why do sampling errors occur?
  • If all other factors specified in an attribute sampling plan remain constant, changing the specified tolerable deviation rate from 6% to 10%, and changing the specified risk from 97% to 93%, would cause the required sample size to
  • The sampling procedure in which an interviewer is asked to interview 25 teachers, 50 public servants, and 25 farmers are called
  • A large retail store needs to conduct a survey to learn why their consumers purchase the store’s products. How should the retail store survey their customers?
  • Data and business objectives might not align for a number of reasons. Which of the following issues can prevent alignment?
  • A car manufacturer wants to learn more about the brand preferences of electric car owners. There are millions of electric car owners in the world. Who should the company survey?
  • A restaurant gathers data about a new dish by providing free samples to parties of six or more diners. What does this scenario describe?
  • Which of the following statements accurately describes a representative sample?
  • What stage of the sampling process refers to creating a list of all the items in the target population?
  • The instructor of a fitness class asks their regular students to take an online survey about the quality of the class. What sampling method does this scenario refer to?
  • Which of the following activities are stages in the typical sampling process?
  • In statistics, ———- refers to the number of individuals or items chosen for a study or experiment.
  • The standard error measures the ———- of a sampling distribution.
Sampling Quiz MCQs with Answers