MCQs MS Excel 2

The post is about MCQs MS Excel which serves as a valuable resource for enhancing skills and preparing for exams such as MS-CIT, entrance exams, and university assessments. This quiz encompasses both fundamental and advanced aspects of MS Excel to assist professionals and students alike. Let us start with MCQs MS Excel.

Online MCQs MS Excel with answers

1. If cells A1 and A2 are empty, what will be the value of the following Excel Formula? =A1 * A2


2. ____ type of chart is good for a single series of data.


3. What is an Excel feature that displays only the data in column (s) according to specified criteria?


4. ____ happens when you select a cell in MS Excel and type “=B25”


5. Which option allows you to display all numbers that are less than 0 (negative numbers) in red color in MS Excel?


6. The VALUE function converts a numeric value into a text string in a spreadsheet.


7. The interface provided by a matrix of rows and columns for manipulation with numeric data is called.


8. MS Excel function VLOOKUP can have problems when used on data values that have leading and trailing spaces. What function can be used to eliminate these spaces?


9. ____ is not a function in Excel.


10. When writing a function, a data analyst wraps a table array in dollar signs. This is an _____, which is used to lock the array so rows and columns don’t change if the function is copied.


11. A cell is defined as


12. A data analyst creates an absolute reference around a function array. What is the purpose of the absolute reference?


13. A function is created using data values from a specified array. It works correctly only some of the time. You verify that the function was used correctly and you ask a colleague for their input. They ask if you locked the data array. What does this mean?


14. A data analyst locks the rows and columns in their spreadsheet by wrapping their function’s data array in dollar signs ($). Why would they do this?


15. _________ is the correct syntax of the IF() Function.


16. A data analyst uses the SUM function to add together numbers from a spreadsheet. After getting a zero result, they realize the numbers are text. What function can they use to convert the text to a numeric value?


17. _____ Excel function returns TRUE or FALSE based on two or more conditions


18. Which symbol is used to specify the fixed columns or rows in the formula?


19. What happens when you click on CTRL + X after selecting some cells in Excel?


20. When using VLOOKUP, there are some common limitations that data analysts should be aware of. One of these limitations is that VLOOKUP can only return a value from the data to the left of the matched value.


Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet software that is an integral part of the MS Office software Package. A software that is capable of performing calculations from daily life to advanced level. One can perform calculations from basic mathematics to advanced including statistical and financial computations.

Online MCQs MS Excel

Schools, colleges, Universities, and Examination and Testing conducting authorities such as FPSC, NTS, KPPSC, PPSC SPSC, and others, are adding computer MCQs in their test patron to check CIT and computer-related knowledge of the applicants. MCQs MS Excel covers basic topics of Microsoft MS Excel, it especially focuses on MS Excel for statistical computations.

MCQs MS Excel

  • MS Excel function VLOOKUP can have problems when used on data values that have leading and trailing spaces. What function can be used to eliminate these spaces?
  • A function is created using data values from a specified array. It works correctly only some of the time. You verify that the function was used correctly and you ask a colleague for their input. They ask if you locked the data array. What does this mean?
  • A data analyst uses the SUM function to add together numbers from a spreadsheet. After getting a zero result, they realize the numbers are text. What function can they use to convert the text to a numeric value?
  • When using VLOOKUP, there are some common limitations that data analysts should be aware of. One of these limitations is that VLOOKUP can only return a value from the data to the left of the matched value.
  • A data analyst locks the rows and columns in their spreadsheet by wrapping their function’s data array in dollar signs ($). Why would they do this?
  • When writing a function, a data analyst wraps a table array in dollar signs. This is an __________, which is used to lock the array so rows and columns don’t change if the function is copied.
  • The VALUE function converts a numeric value into a text string in a spreadsheet.
  • A data analyst creates an absolute reference around a function array. What is the purpose of the absolute reference?
  • The interface provided by a matrix of rows and columns for manipulation with numeric data is called.
  • A cell is defined as
  • __________ is the correct syntax of the IF() Function.
  • __________ type of chart is good for a single series of data.
  • What is an Excel feature that displays only the data in column (s) according to specified criteria?
  • __________ is not a function in Excel.
  • Excel function returns TRUE or FALSE based on two or more conditions
  • What happens when you click on CTRL + X after selecting some cells in Excel?
  • __________ happens when you select a cell in MS Excel and type “=B25”
  • Which symbol is used to specify the fixed columns or rows in the formula?
  • Which option allows you to display all numbers that are less than 0 (negative numbers) in red color in MS Excel?
  • If cells A1 and A2 are empty, what will be the value of the following Excel Formula? =A1 * A2

Note that most of the questions in the quiz apply to almost all versions of MS Excel. The questions included in the MCQs MS Excel Quizzes are asked as part of the computer operation general knowledge section of the basic computer awareness test.

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Important MCQs Multivariate Statistics 4

The post is about MCQs Multivariate Statistics with Answers. It covers topics of Eigen values, Eigen Vectors, Moderation, and Mediation, etc.

Please go to Important MCQs Multivariate Statistics 4 to view the test

Online MCQs Multivariate Statistics

  • The word “Eigen” originates from  ——-.
  • Eigenvectors are by definition ———.
  • Eigenvalues may be equal to ———.
  • Eigenvectors with distinct Eigenvalues are ———.
  • Singular Matrices have Eigenvalues
  • If the Eigenvalues are negative the direction is ——–.
  • If one of the Eigenvalues of $[A]_{n\times n}$ is zero, it implies ——-.
  • The word Eigen means ——–‘
  • Which of the following is an orthogonal rotation in factor analysis ———.
  • If a researcher wants to determine the amount of variance in the original variables that is associated with a factor, they would use?
  • Which of the following are violations of as assumption underlying regression analysis ——–.
  • The percentage of variance criteria specifies that the number of factors to be extracted is determined by the cumulative percentage of variance extracted reaching a satisfactory level. This level should be at least ———.
  • A moderator effect is where the size of the relationship between one variable and another variable is:
  • Moderation effect is also known as ——–.
  • The combined effect of two variables on one another is known conceptually as ———–, and in statistical terms as ———–.
  • Imagine we wanted to at the relationship between the number of hours spent practicing the guitar per week and skill level. If we had reason to believe that the strength or direction of the relationship between these variables would be affected by the level of enjoyment, what type of analysis should be conducted on these data?
  • ———– analysis tests a hypothetical causal chain where one variable $X$ affects a second variable $M$ and, in turn, the variable affects a third variable $Y$:
  • A ——– mediates the relationship between the independent and dependent variables explaining the reason for such a relationship to exist:
  • ———— is a way to check whether that third variable influences the strength or direction of the relationship between an independent and dependent variable:
  • Why is it a good idea to center your variable when conducting a moderation analysis?
MCQs Multivariate Statistics

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Important Multivariate Quiz 3

Multivariate Analysis term includes all statistics for more than two variables analyzed simultaneously. The post is about Multivariate Quiz. Let us start with the Online Multivariate Quiz with Answers.

Please go to Important Multivariate Quiz 3 to view the test

An application of different statistical methods applied to the economic data used to find empirical relationships between economic data is called Econometrics. In other words, Econometrics is “the quantitative analysis of actual economic phenomena based on the concurrent development of theory and observation, related by appropriate methods of inference”.

Multivariate Quiz Questions

  • An empirically based hypothetical variable consisting of items that are strongly associated with each other and upon which individuals differ is known as what?
  • Identify the correct statement from the following
  • Look at the steps below. Is there anything else a researcher could do? The correlation matrix is produced → factors are then retained based on eigenvalues over 1 and theoretical considerations → then the rotated factor loadings (whatever their loading) are used to name factors.
  • Rotation usually involves __________ high correlations and _________ low ones.
  • The most common method of rotation is called
  • Variables are not always measured in the same units so using the correlation matrix in factor analysis is equivalent to standardizing the data so that they are comparable.
  • You cannot retain factors that have an eigenvalue value of less than 1 as only factors with an eigenvalue over 1 should be kept.
  • ——— was known for his seminal work on testing and measuring “Human Intelligence” by using “Factor Analysis” during World War I.
  • Factor analysis is a:
  • Assumptions to be fulfilled for running factor analysis:
  • Principle component analysis is one of the methods of:
  • Determination of a number of factors:
  • In factor analysis ———— is the amount of variance explained by a factor.
  • In factor analysis, there are two common rotation techniques:
  • It can be defined as the correlation coefficient between the variable and the factor.
  • Some steps for Conducting factor analysis are:
  • A technique for the study of interrelationships among variables, usually for data reduction and the discovery of underlying constructors or latent dimensions is known as:
  • To determine which variables relate to which factors, a researcher would use:
  • If a researcher wanted to determine which variables were associated with which factors they would look at:
  • If a researcher uses factor rotation in a factor analysis, what will be the likely outcome:
MCQs Multivariate Quiz
  • Partial Least Squares (PLS) Regression is an example of multivariate analysis (MVA).
  • Multivariate Multiple Regression is a method of modeling multiple dependent variables, with a single set of predictor variables.
  • Testing text and visual elements on a webpage together.
  • An example of multivariate data is Vital signs recorded for a newborn baby: This includes multiple variables such as heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, and temperature.

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