Demography Quiz 3

The post is about MCQs Demography Quiz with Answers. All these MCQs related to demography (population studies) will also help you understand the concepts related to people for the preparation of different examinations. Test your knowledge and learn something new about the fascinating world of demography! Let us start with the MCQs demography quiz now.

Online MCQs Demography Quiz with Answers

1. In developing countries, the population pyramid has a


2. The formula for the crude migration rate is equal to ————.


3. “A count of the population in a particular area” is also known as:


4. Which continent has the highest growth rate?


5. The World Population Day is celebrated every year on ——–.


6. A ————– is someone that LEAVES a country


7. A ————– is someone that COMES INTO a country


8. The current population of the earth is:


9. Reasons to LEAVE an area are known as:


10. Which of the following is the least densely populated place in the world?


11. Total number of people per unit area is known as ———–


12. The study of the human population is known as:


13. Which type of maps shows “The type of political system (Government) in each country of the world”?


14. Reasons to GO TO an area are known as:


15. Which continent has the largest population?


16. The “URBAN” population refers to the people living in a:


17. What type of geographic feature do humans generally settle next to?


18. When the analysis of population density is done by calculating it through net cultivated area, then the measure is termed as


19. The crude in-migration rate is expressed as:


20. Who coined the term demography?


Online MCQs Demography Quiz with Answers

  • The crude in-migration rate is expressed as:
  • The formula for the crude migration rate is equal to ————.
  • Who coined the term demography?
  • The World Population Day is celebrated every year on ——–.
  • The total number of people per unit area is known as ———–
  • Which type of map shows “The type of political system (Government) in each country of the world”?
  • A ————– is someone that LEAVES a country
  • A ————– is someone that COMES INTO a country
  • “A count of the population in a particular area” is also known as:
  • The current population of the earth is:
  • Which continent has the highest growth rate?
  • Which continent has the largest population?
  • What type of geographic feature do humans generally settle next to?
  • The “URBAN” population refers to the people living in a:
  • Reasons to LEAVE an area are known as:
  • Reasons to GO TO an area are known as:
  • The study of the human population is known as:
  • In developing countries, the population pyramid has a
  • Which of the following is the least densely populated place in the world?
  • When the analysis of population density is done by calculating it through net cultivated area, then the measure is termed as
MCQs Demography Quiz with Answers

Keywords: demography quiz, population quiz, demographics test, population studies, population growth, migration, age structure, fertility, mortality, population distribution, online quiz, learn demography

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Demography Quiz 2

The post is about MCQs Demography Quiz with Answers. All these MCQs related to demography (population studies) will also help you understand the concepts related to people for the preparation of different examinations. Test your knowledge and learn something new about the fascinating world of demography! Let us start with the MCQs demography quiz now.

Please go to Demography Quiz 2 to view the test

Online Demography Quiz with Answers

  • In ——– the gender of a new-born child is also taken into consideration to get a better view about the rate of population growth.
  • If the total fertility rate is 2500 per thousand and male:female ratio is 60:40, respectively, The GRR is?
  • ———— leads to a fallacious conclusion as it inflates the number of potential mothers.
  • ———- is a modified form of the total fertility rate.
  • If GRR < 1, then
  • Gross Reproduction rate is approximately ———- of Total Fertility Rate.
  • Gross Reproduction rate is approximately ———- of Total Fertility Rate.
  • Which among the following is the biggest limitation of GRR?
  • ———— measures the extent to which mothers produce female infants who survive to replace them.
  • If the mortality rate is 120, then the survival rate will be
  • ———- is broadly thought of as the movement by individuals, groups, or populations seeking to make relatively permanent changes in residence.
  • The natural population change is calculated by?
  • The net migration rate can be expressed as
  • To emigrate means to leave one’s ——– to live permanently elsewhere.
  • When the estimated mid-year population is large, we should expect the net migration rate to
  • Which rate will you find “By finding the number of births per 1,000 people per year”
  • Which rate will you find “By finding the number of deaths per 1,000 people per year”
  • Which rate will you find “By subtracting the number of emigrants from the number of immigrants per 1,000 people”
  • Where do mapmakers get the information to make distribution maps?
  • Which map shows “The location of speakers of various languages”?
Demography Quiz with Answers

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MCQs Demography Quiz 1

The post is about MCQs Demography Quiz with Answers. All these MCQs related to demography (population studies) will also help you understand the concepts related to people for the preparation of different examinations. Test your knowledge and learn something new about the fascinating world of demography! Let us start with the MCQs demography quiz now.

Please go to MCQs Demography Quiz 1 to view the test

Online MCQs Demography Quiz

  • The death rate is also called ———–
  • Which among the following is not a measure of mortality?
  • ——— is defined as the number of deaths per 1000 population in a specific community or region.
  • The formula for calculating the crude death rate is
  • Which of the following rates completely ignores the age and sex distribution of the population?
  • Female crude death rate generally ———– male crude death rate.
  • The death rate specific to age and sex overcomes the drawback of ———.
  • Death rate computed for a particular specified section of the population is termed as ———-.
  • ———– is calculated as a weighted average of the age-specific death rate of a given population.
  • If birth rate > death rate, then there is a/an ————- trend.
  • The ———— is defined as the chance of dying of a newly born infant within a year of its life, under the given mortality conditions.
  • What is the maternal mortality rate?
  • Given the zero growth of the life table, the population is also known as a ———– population.
  • In a pyramid representation, male bars are usually on the ————.
  • Which of the following is a mortality indicator?
  • A mortality indicator among the following is
  • Which of the following can be used to access the health status of a country?
  • The most universally accepted indicator of health status is?
  • Which country has the maximum life expectancy?
  • Which of the following cannot be drawn from the population pyramid of a country?
MCQs Demography quiz with Answers

Keywords: demography quiz, population quiz, demographics test, population studies, population growth, migration, age structure, fertility, mortality, population distribution, online quiz, learn demography

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