Design of Experiments Quiz 8

Online Quiz about Design of Experiments Quiz Questions with Answers. There are 20 MCQs in this DOE Quiz cover the basics of the design of experiments, hypothesis testing, basic principles, and single-factor experiments, fixed effect models, random effect models. Let us start with “Design of Experiments MCQs with Answer”. Let us start with the Design of Experiments Quiz Questions with Answers now.

Design of Experiments Quiz with Answers

Online design of experiments quiz with Answers

1. Factorial experiments cannot be used to detect the presence of interaction.


2. One factor ANOVA means, there is only:


3. The experimenter is interested in treatment means only. The model used is called:


4. To compare the IQ level of five students a series of tests is planned and IQ is computed based on their results. The model will be:


5. If an interaction effect in a factorial design is significant the main effects of the factors involved in that interaction may be difficult to interpret.


6. A researcher is interested in measuring the rate of production of five particular machines. The model will be a:


7. For one factor ANOVA, the model contains:


8. If the experimenter is interested in the variation among treatment means not the treatment means themselves. The model used is called:


9. For ANOVA we assume that treatments are applied to the experimental units:


10. One of the ANOVA assumptions is that treatments have:


11. If the experiment were to be repeated and the same set of treatments would be included, we choose:


12. In a fixed effect model:


13. The treatment effect is associated with:


14. If the treatments in a particular experiment are a random sample from a large population of similar treatments. we choose:


15. Single-factor ANOVA is also called:


16. In a random effects model ————- are randomly chosen from a large population.


17. A factorial experiment can be run as an RCBD by assigning the runs from each replicate to separate blocks.


18. An interaction term in a factorial model with quantitative factors introduces curvature in the response surface representation of the results.


19. A fixed effect model is used when the effect of —————– is assumed to be fixed during the experiment.


20. In a random effect model:


Design of Experiments Quiz with Answers

  • If an interaction effect in a factorial design is significant the main effects of the factors involved in that interaction may be difficult to interpret.
  • Factorial experiments cannot be used to detect the presence of interaction.
  • An interaction term in a factorial model with quantitative factors introduces curvature in the response surface representation of the results.
  • A factorial experiment can be run as an RCBD by assigning the runs from each replicate to separate blocks.
  • One of the ANOVA assumptions is that treatments have:
  • For ANOVA we assume that treatments are applied to the experimental units:
  • One factor ANOVA means, there is only:
  • For one factor ANOVA, the model contains:
  • Single-factor ANOVA is also called:
  • In a fixed effect model:
  • In a random effect model:
  • The treatment effect is associated with:
  • If the experiment were to be repeated and the same set of treatments would be included, we choose:
  • The experimenter is interested in treatment means only. The model used is called:
  • A fixed effect model is used when the effect of —————– is assumed to be fixed during the experiment.
  • A researcher is interested in measuring the rate of production of five particular machines. The model will be a:
  • To compare the IQ level of five students a series of tests is planned and IQ is computed based on their results. The model will be:
  • If the treatments in a particular experiment are a random sample from a large population of similar treatments. we choose:
  • If the experimenter is interested in the variation among treatment means not the treatment means themselves. The model used is called:
  • In a random effects model ————- are randomly chosen from a large population.

MCQs General Knowledge

Design of Experiments Quiz Questions 7

Online Quiz about Design of Experiments Quiz Questions with Answers. There are 20 MCQs in this DOE Quiz covers the basics of the design of experiments, hypothesis testing, basic principles, and single-factor experiments. Let us start with “Design of Experiments MCQs with Answer”. Let us start with the Design of Experiments Quiz Questions with Answers now.

Please go to Design of Experiments Quiz Questions 7 to view the test

Design of Experiments Quiz Questions with Answers

Design of Experiments Quiz Questions with Answers

  • Why is randomization an important aspect of conducting a designed experiment?
  • Why would an agricultural field trial require a different experimental strategy than a typical industrial experiment?
  • Sir Ronald A. Fisher is regarded as the modern pioneer of designed experiments because
  • The analysis of variance treats the factor as if it were qualitative even if it is a continuous variable such as temperature.
  • The Fisher LSD procedure used to compare pairs of treatment means following an ANOVA is extremely conservative.
  • If a single-factor experiment has a continuous factor with $a$ levels and a polynomial of degree $a – 1$ is fit to the data the error sum of squares for the polynomial model will be identical to the error sum of squares that resulted from the standard ANOVA.
  • In a single-factor random effects experiment we assume that the levels of the factor are selected at random from an infinitely large population of possible levels.
  • When comparing more than two population means at the same time we should not use:
  • In an independent samples t-test two samples:
  • When population variance is unknown and sample sizes are small we can estimate the variance by
  • To apply the t-test, two samples must be:
  • The t-test is used when:
  • Paired samples are:
  • A paired samples t-test is also called:
  • Paired samples t-test utilizes degree of freedom:
  • In case of pairing, samples are usually taken from:
  • Basic ANOVA measures ————— source/s of variation
  • ANOVA is suitable to compare —————- means
  • In ANOVA we use
  • For the validity of different inferential tools we assume that errors have:

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Design of Experiments MCQs 6

The post is about the Design of Experiments MCQs with Answers. There are 20 multiple-choice questions. The quiz is related to the Basics of the Design of Experiments, Analysis of variation, assumptions of ANOVA, and Principles of DOE. Let us start with the Design of Experiments Design MCQs.

Please go to Design of Experiments MCQs 6 to view the test

Online Design of Experiments MCQs with Answers

  • Repeating the same experiment more than once is called
  • Pure error is estimated through
  • To check the reliability of results under the same environment we do
  • The arrangement of experimental units in groups that are homogeneous internally and different externally is called
  • To control the variation of extraneous sources of variation we do
  • Blocking reduces
  • What is the first step of designing an experiment?
  • Analysis of the experimental data is usually performed using
  • What should be the final step of the design of an experiment?
  • When fractionalizing, which resolution should be preferred?
  • How power of a design can be improved?
  • Measuring a quantitative response will improve the power of your experiment with
  • What is the first step in testing of hypothesis?
  • The hypothesis is constructed about?
  • What is the last step of testing of hypothesis?
  • Tests of population mean(s) include.
  • The sampling distribution of the sample from the population approaches normal distribution if the sample size is large enough.
  • What is the test for testing population mean(s) when the sample size is small?
  • Name the test(s) of equality of two population means.
  • When population variance is unknown but the sample size is large, for testing population mean we use:
Design of Experiments MCQs Quiz

General Knowledge Quiz