Design of Experiments Quiz 8

Online Quiz about Design of Experiments Quiz Questions with Answers. There are 20 MCQs in this DOE Quiz cover the basics of the design of experiments, hypothesis testing, basic principles, and single-factor experiments, fixed effect models, random effect models. Let us start with “Design of Experiments MCQs with Answer”. Let us start with the Design of Experiments Quiz Questions with Answers now.

Design of Experiments Quiz with Answers

Online design of experiments quiz with Answers

1. If the treatments in a particular experiment are a random sample from a large population of similar treatments. we choose:


2. In a random effects model ————- are randomly chosen from a large population.


3. A researcher is interested in measuring the rate of production of five particular machines. The model will be a:


4. For ANOVA we assume that treatments are applied to the experimental units:


5. One factor ANOVA means, there is only:


6. If an interaction effect in a factorial design is significant the main effects of the factors involved in that interaction may be difficult to interpret.


7. A factorial experiment can be run as an RCBD by assigning the runs from each replicate to separate blocks.


8. Single-factor ANOVA is also called:


9. For one factor ANOVA, the model contains:


10. If the experiment were to be repeated and the same set of treatments would be included, we choose:


11. Factorial experiments cannot be used to detect the presence of interaction.


12. In a random effect model:


13. In a fixed effect model:


14. An interaction term in a factorial model with quantitative factors introduces curvature in the response surface representation of the results.


15. One of the ANOVA assumptions is that treatments have:


16. If the experimenter is interested in the variation among treatment means not the treatment means themselves. The model used is called:


17. The treatment effect is associated with:


18. The experimenter is interested in treatment means only. The model used is called:


19. To compare the IQ level of five students a series of tests is planned and IQ is computed based on their results. The model will be:


20. A fixed effect model is used when the effect of —————– is assumed to be fixed during the experiment.


Design of Experiments Quiz with Answers

  • If an interaction effect in a factorial design is significant the main effects of the factors involved in that interaction may be difficult to interpret.
  • Factorial experiments cannot be used to detect the presence of interaction.
  • An interaction term in a factorial model with quantitative factors introduces curvature in the response surface representation of the results.
  • A factorial experiment can be run as an RCBD by assigning the runs from each replicate to separate blocks.
  • One of the ANOVA assumptions is that treatments have:
  • For ANOVA we assume that treatments are applied to the experimental units:
  • One factor ANOVA means, there is only:
  • For one factor ANOVA, the model contains:
  • Single-factor ANOVA is also called:
  • In a fixed effect model:
  • In a random effect model:
  • The treatment effect is associated with:
  • If the experiment were to be repeated and the same set of treatments would be included, we choose:
  • The experimenter is interested in treatment means only. The model used is called:
  • A fixed effect model is used when the effect of —————– is assumed to be fixed during the experiment.
  • A researcher is interested in measuring the rate of production of five particular machines. The model will be a:
  • To compare the IQ level of five students a series of tests is planned and IQ is computed based on their results. The model will be:
  • If the treatments in a particular experiment are a random sample from a large population of similar treatments. we choose:
  • If the experimenter is interested in the variation among treatment means not the treatment means themselves. The model used is called:
  • In a random effects model ————- are randomly chosen from a large population.

MCQs General Knowledge

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