Important Design of Experiments Quiz 2

The post contains MCQs on the Design of Experiments Quiz (DOE). Most of the MCQs on the Design of Experiments Quiz are from factorial Experiments. Let us start with Online MCQs on the Design of Experiments Quiz.

Multiple Choice Questions about the Design of Experiments for preparation of examinations related to PPSC, FPSC, NTS, and Statistics job- and education-related examinations

1. An experiment was designed to investigate the effect of the amount of water and seed variety on the subsequent growth of plants. Each plant was potted in a clay plot, and a measured amount of water was given weekly. The height of the plant at the end of the experiment was measured. Which of the following is not correct?


2. An important relationship between the coefficient of determination $R^2$ and the F-ratio used in ANOVA is


3. An experiment was conducted where you analyzed the results of the plant growth experiment after you manipulated the amount of water and seed variety. Which of the following is correct?


4. When all pairs of treatments are compared with approximately the same precision, even though the differences among blocks may be large, called


5. In a randomized complete block design, the block should be constructed so that


6. In $3^k$ factorial design with $n$ replicates in the experiment, the $df$ of error are


7. The parameter $\lambda$ for a balanced incomplete block design with $a=4, b=4, k=3, r=3$ as usual notation is


8. The designs in which the number of treatments must be an exact square, the size of a block is the square root of this form separate replications are called


9. A design with $v$ treatment labels, each occurring $r$ times, and with $bk$ experimental units grouped into $b=v$ blocks of size $k<v$ in such a way that the units within a block are alike and units in different blocks are substantially different is


10. For a two-factor factorial design, if there are ‘$a$’ levels of Factor-A and ‘$b$’ levels of Factor-B, then $df$ of interaction are:


11. When a number of confounded arrangements for factorial designs are made in Latin Squares, the designs are called


12. In a $2^3$ factorial experiment with partial confounding in three replications of 6 blocks, the error degrees of freedom would be


13. When a factorial experiment is performed in fractional replication, the two factorial effects that are represented by the same comparisons are called


14. The models in which the levels of treatment factors are specifically chosen are known as


15. The number of aliases of two-factor interactions in a $2^6$-factorial experiment (1/4 replicate) would be


16. Which of the following is NOT CORRECT about a randomized complete block experiment?


17. For a Latin Square design


18. Let ADE and BCE be two effects confounded in blocks. Then generalized interaction is


19. In a factorial experiment, if $r$ is the number of replicates then each factorial effect has the same variance, that is


20. If ABC is confounded in replicate I,
AB is confounded in replicated II,
BC is confounded in replicate III,
then the design technique is called


Design of experiments (DOE) is a systematic method used to plan, conduct, analyze, and interpret controlled tests to study the relationship between factors and outcomes. Design of Experiment is a powerful tool used in various fields, including science, engineering, and business, to gain insights and optimize processes.

Design of Experiments Quiz

Design of Experiments Quiz

  • The parameter $\lambda$ for a balanced incomplete block design with $a=4, b=4, k=3, r=3$ as usual notation is
  • For a two-factor factorial design, if there are ‘$a$’ levels of Factor-A and ‘$b$’ levels of Factor-B, then $df$ of interaction are:
  • In $3^k$ factorial design with $n$ replicates in the experiment, the $df$ of error are
  • Let ADE and BCE be two effects confounded in blocks. Then generalized interaction is
  • If ABC is confounded in replicate I, AB is confounded in replicated II, BC is confounded in replicate III, then the design technique is called
  • An important relationship between the coefficient of determination $R^2$ and the F-ratio used in ANOVA is
  • In a randomized complete block design, the block should be constructed so that
  • For a Latin Square design
  • In a factorial experiment, if $r$ is the number of replicates then each factorial effect has the same variance, that is
  • When all pairs of treatments are compared with approximately the same precision, even though the differences among blocks may be large, called
  • In a $2^3$ factorial experiment with partial confounding in three replications of 6 blocks, the error degrees of freedom would be
  • When a factorial experiment is performed in fractional replication, the two factorial effects that are represented by the same comparisons are called
  • When a number of confounded arrangements for factorial designs are made in Latin Squares, the designs are called
  • The number of aliases of two-factor interactions in a $2^6$-factorial experiment (1/4 replicate) would be
  • The designs in which the number of treatments must be an exact square, the size of a block is the square root of this form, and separate replications are called
  • A design with $v$ treatment labels, each occurring $r$ times, and with $bk$ experimental units grouped into $b=v$ blocks of size $k<v$ in such a way that the units within a block are alike and units in different blocks are substantially different is
  • An experiment was designed to investigate the effect of the amount of water and seed variety on the subsequent growth of plants. Each plant was potted in a clay plot, and a measured amount of water was given weekly. The height of the plant at the end of the experiment was measured. Which of the following is not correct?
  • The models in which the levels of treatment factors are specifically chosen are known as
  • Which of the following is NOT CORRECT about a randomized complete block experiment?
  • An experiment was conducted where you analyzed the results of the plant growth experiment after you manipulated the amount of water and seed variety. Which of the following is correct?

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