Important MCQs Hypothesis and Hypothesis Testing Quiz 5

The post is about the Hypothesis and Hypothesis Testing Quiz. There are 20 multiple-choice questions covering topics related to the statement of null and alternative hypothesis, level of significance, test statistics, critical region, and parametric and non-parametric tests. Let us start with the MQs Hypothesis and Hypothesis Testing Quiz.

MCQs about Hypothesis Testing

1. A misfit person is not selected for a job is


2. Rejecting $H_0$ when $H_0$ is true is called


3. The hypothesis, which is being tested is


4. Which one of the following cannot be a null hypothesis


5. Which of the following can be $H_1$


6. A good scheme related to education is rejected by the education department, it is an example of


7. The greater the value of the F-ratio


8. The probability of rejecting $H_0$, when $H_0$ is true is called


9. The probability of type-I error is denoted by


10. To test $H_0:\sigma^2 = \sigma_o^2$, we use:


11. A hypothesis in which all parameters are specified is called


12. Nonparametric tests are used when the level of measurement is


13. Rejecting $H_0$ when $H_0$ is false is called


14. A judge can release(acquit) a guilty person is an example of


15. The first and starting point in hypothesis testing is


16. The nonparametric equivalent of an unpaired samples t-test is the


17. Which of the following can be an alternative hypothesis $H_1$


18. A hypothesis which is to be tested for the possible nullification is called


19. If a hypothesis test were conducted using $\alpha=0.05$, for which of the following p-values, the null hypothesis be rejected:


20. If $H_0:\mu =10$ and $\sigma = 5$, then it is


Hypothesis and Hypothesis Testing Quiz

MCQs Hypothesis and Hypothesis Testing Quiz
  • The first and starting point in hypothesis testing is
  • A hypothesis which is to be tested for the possible nullification is called
  • The hypothesis, which is being tested is
  • Which of the following can be $H_1$
  • Which of the following can be an alternative hypothesis $H_1$
  • A hypothesis in which all parameters are specified is called
  • If $H_0:\mu =10$ and $\sigma = 5$, then it is
  • Which one of the following cannot be a null hypothesis
  • The probability of type-I error is denoted by
  • The probability of rejecting $H_0$, when $H_0$ is true is called
  • Rejecting $H_0$ when $H_0$ is false is called
  • Rejecting $H_0$ when $H_0$ is true is called
  • A judge can release(acquit) a guilty person is an example of
  • A misfit person is not selected for a job is
  • A good scheme related to education is rejected by the education department, it is an example of
  • The greater the value of the F-ratio
  • If a hypothesis test were conducted using $\alpha=0.05$, for which of the following p-values, the null hypothesis be rejected:
  • To test $H_0:\sigma^2 = \sigma_o^2$, we use:
  • Nonparametric tests are used when the level of measurement is
  • The nonparametric equivalent of an unpaired samples t-test is the
Hypothesis and hypothesis Testing Quiz

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