Best Hypothesis Testing Statistics Quiz 4

The post is about the MCQs Hypothesis Testing Statistics Quiz. There are 20 multiple-choice questions covering topics related to parametric and non-parametric tests, significance level, hypothesis testing procedure, statement of the hypothesis, test statistics, and critical region. Let us start with the Hypothesis Testing Statistics Quiz.

Online multiple choice questions about hypothesis testing with answers

1. The power of the test is related to:


2. Homogeneity of several variances can be tested by:


3. Which of the following is an example of statistical inference


4. ________ variable causes a change in ________ variable and it is not possible that ________ variable could cause a change in ________ variable.


5. The F-ratio is typically used to test differences between


6. To test the randomness of a sample, the appropriate test is:


7. Our best description of the situation in the US regarding undergraduate drinking is that we are 95% certain that between 31% and 38% of undergrads are allowed to drink legally.


8. We use unplanned comparisons to determine


9. The set of equations obtained in the process of least square estimation is called:


10. The equality of several normal population means can be tested by:


11. With a lower significance level, the probability of rejecting a null hypothesis that is actually true:


12. Parameters are those constants which occur in:


13. Suppose the critical region for a certain test of hypothesis is for the form $F>9.48773$ and the computed value of $F$ from the data is $0.86$ the


14. Statistics are described as methods for concluding ________ based on ________ computed from the _______.


15. When the null hypothesis is accepted, it is possible that:


16. The sign test assumes that:


17. 56% of undergraduate students in the US are allowed to drink legally.


18. For a particular hypothesis test, $\alpha=0.05$, and $\beta=0.10$. The power of this test is:


19. Most of the Non-Parametric methods utilize measurements on:


20. The null hypothesis in ANOVA asks whether


MCQs Hypothesis Testing Statistics with Answers

Hypothesis Testing Statistics Quiz with Answers
  • Parameters are those constants which occur in:
  • The power of the test is related to:
  • Homogeneity of several variances can be tested by:
  • The equality of several normal population means can be tested by:
  • The sign test assumes that:
  • The set of equations obtained in the process of least square estimation is called:
  • Most of the Non-Parametric methods utilize measurements on:
  • To test the randomness of a sample, the appropriate test is:
  • With a lower significance level, the probability of rejecting a null hypothesis that is actually true:
  • For a particular hypothesis test, $\alpha=0.05$, and $\beta=0.10$. The power of this test is:
  • When the null hypothesis is accepted, it is possible that:
  • Statistics are described as methods for concluding ———- based on ——— computed from the ———.
  • ———- variable causes a change in ———– variable and it is not possible that ——– variable could cause a change in ———- variable.
  • Our best description of the situation in the US regarding undergraduate drinking is that we are 95% certain that between 31% and 38% of undergrads are allowed to drink legally.
  • 56% of undergraduate students in the US are allowed to drink legally.
  • Which of the following is an example of statistical inference
  • Suppose the critical region for a certain test of hypothesis is for the form $F>9.48773$ and the computed value of $F$ from the data is $0.86$ the
  • We use unplanned comparisons to determine
  • The F-ratio is typically used to test differences between
  • The null hypothesis in ANOVA asks whether
Statistics help, hypothesis testing statistics quiz

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