Best MCQs on Index Numbers Quiz 2

The post is about McQs on Index Numbers Quiz with Answers. There are 20 multiple-choice questions covering index numbers, price index numbers, weighted index numbers, and chain-based methods. Let us start with MCQs on the Index Numbers Quiz.

MCQs about Index Numbers

1. In Laspeyre’s Price Index, the quantities use weight related to


2. The index numbers used to measure the changes in the price of commodities is called


3. Commodities subject to considerable price variations can best be measured by a


4. For calculating weighted index numbers, which of the following methods are useful quantities consumed in the base period as weight:


5. $P_{on} = \frac{\Sigma p_n q_n}{\Sigma p_0 q_n}\times 100$ is the formula of:


6. A relative obtained by dividing the price in a given year by the price in the proceeding year and expressed as a percentage is called:


7. The weights used in a quantity index are:


8. The variation in two or more variables studied by the index is called:


9. The index number for the base year is


10. The time reversal test is satisfied by


11. The Basic types of index numbers are:


12. Consumer’s price index numbers are calculated by:


13. Theoretically best average used in the construction of a composite index is


14. The weights used in a quantity index are


15. An index number that can serve many purposes is called


16. In simple price index numbers, the base period is


17. All values of equal importance are used in calculating an index, the index is called:


18. A relative obtained by dividing the price in a given year price in the base year and expressed as a percentage is called:


19. In chain base methods the base period is:


20. Which of the following price indices are prepared by the Federal Bureau of Statistics?


MCQs on Index Numbers Quiz

MCQs on Index Numbers Quiz

  • All values of equal importance are used in calculating an index, the index is called:
  • The Basic types of index numbers are:
  • The weights used in a quantity index are:
  • A relative obtained by dividing the price in a given year price in the base year and expressed as a percentage is called:
  • A relative obtained by dividing the price in a given year by the price in the proceeding year and expressed as a percentage is called:
  • In simple price index numbers, the base period is
  • In chain base methods the base period is:
  • For calculating weighted index numbers, which of the following methods are useful quantities consumed in the base period as weight:
  • $P_{on} = \frac{\Sigma p_n q_n}{\Sigma p_0 q_n}\times 100$ is the formula of:
  • The time reversal test is satisfied by
  • The index number for the base year is
  • An index number that can serve many purposes is called
  • The index numbers used to measure the changes in the price of commodities is called
  • Consumer’s price index numbers are calculated by:
  • The variation in two or more variables studied by the index is called:
  • In Laspeyre’s Price Index, the quantities use weight related to
  • Commodities subject to considerable price variations can best be measured by a
  • The weights used in a quantity index are
  • Theoretically best average used in the construction of a composite index is
  • Which of the following price indices are prepared by the Federal Bureau of Statistics?
MCQs On Index Numbers Quiz Statistics MCQs with Answers,

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