Operator order of precedence and Creating Formula in Excel

Creating Formula in Excel

Creating customized (user-defined) formulas in Microsoft Excel is not too difficult. For creating formulas just combine the references of your data with the correct mathematical operator (such as -, +, /, *, and ^).

Operator Order of Precedence

The order of mathematical operations determines in which order the mathematical operations are carried out. If more than mathematical operators are used in the formula, there is a specific order (sequence) that Microsoft Excel will follow to perform (compute) these mathematical operations. However, to change the order of operations, brackets (parenthesis) are used in the Excel formula. The easy way to remember the order of operations (precedence) is to remember the acronym: BEDMAS (PEDMAS), that i.e.,

The Operator order of precedence (operations) is:

Bracket or Parenthesis
Exponents (^)
Division (/)
Multiplication (*)
Addition (+)
Subtraction (-)

Suppose, the following is the screenshot of an Excel sheet. The formula is also shown in the formula bar. As an example, addition (+), division (/), and multiplication (*) operators are used.

Operator order of precedence

The formula in the screenshot performs the computation in the following order,

  • $E1/F1$ will be computed (the answer is 1.5),
  • the answer of $E1/F1$ will be multiplied by value of $G1$ (answer is $1.5*2 = 3$)
  • the answer of $E1/F1 * G1$ will be added to $D1$ (answer is 7)

Any operation(s) enclosed in brackets (parenthesis) will be carried out first followed by any exponents. After that, Excel will consider division or multiplication operations to be of equal importance. The operations are performed in the order they occur left to right in the formula. A similar sequence is also performed for addition and subtraction. Both (addition and subtraction) are considered equal in the order of operations. The operator that appears first will be computed first.

order of precedence bracket

For example, see the screenshot The sequence of operations is

  • The first bracket will be computed, that is, multiplication will be performed $(2 *2 = 4)$
  • E1 will be divided by the answer from the multiplication of $F1$ and $G1 (3/4 = 0.75)$
  • Lastly, $D1$ will be added to the answer $0.75 (4 + 0.75 = 4.75)$

Now check the sequence in the following screenshot

order of precedence bracket

For Creating formula in Excel, see the link Creating Excel Formula

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Convert PDF to Editable File Formats in 3 Easy Steps

The post is about different ways to convert PDF to editable file formats.

Since the introduction of computers into our lives, we’ve been able to do things that we couldn’t do before. Slowly but surely, our PC skills have improved and today we are using new technologies that are enabling us to be better and more productive in almost every aspect of our lives.

One huge part of modern technology is digital documents which are a legacy of the digital revolution. Paper documents have been replaced by digital files at one point since they are easier to use, edit, and share between colleagues and friends.

One of the most used and known digital file formats is Portable Document Format, better known as PDF. Developed and published in the nineties, the PDF is still a number one format for managers, students, accountants, writers, and many others. For more than 20 years it has been building up supporters, who use it for 3 main reasons:

  1. It’s universal — it can be opened on any device (including mobile devices).
  2. It’s shareable — documents are easily shared across all platforms.
  3. It’s standardized — the files always maintain original formatting.

Aside from attractive features that make this file format popular, there is one major downside to using PDF — the format is not so easy to edit.

If you want to make changes to your financial or project reports saved in PDF, the best thing to do is to edit your documents using software that’s designed for that purpose. One such tool is Able2Extract Professional 11, known for its powerful and modern PDF editing features.

With Able2Extract’s integrated PDF editor you can:

  • Resize and scale more pages at once
  • Add 10 different annotations
  • Customize any individual page
  • Add and delete your PDF content
  • Extract and combine multiple PDFs
  • Redact any sensitive content
  • Convert PDF to Editable File Formats

Convert PDF to Editable File Format

The software is used to convert PDF to Editable File Format over 10 different file formats (MS Office, AutoCAD, Image, HTML, CSV) and it’s available for all three desktop platforms.

It’s so easy to use that all you need to do is follow this three-step conversion process:

  1. Click Open and select the PDF document that you want to convert.convert pdf
  2. Select either the entire document or just a part, using the Selection panel. After making the selection, click on the desired output format.
    Convert PDF
  3. Choose where you want your document to be saved, and the conversion will begin.
Convert PDF to Editable File Formats in 3 Easy Steps

Besides editing and conversion, the developers of Able2Extract decided to provide complete document encryption and decryption upon your PDF creation.

Now you can set up file owners, configure passwords, and share your documents freely. By clicking on the “Create” button in Able2Extract, the software will automatically make a PDF document from your file.

Able2Extract Convert PDF to Editable File Format

To conclude this quick guide: the process of converting PDF to Editable File Format is precise, quick, and most importantly — it can boost your office productivity. On the downside, the tool is aimed at experienced business professionals, with the full, lifetime license costing around $150.

To see if Able2Extract is a tool that can help you with your everyday document struggles, you can download the free trial version. It lasts for 7 days, which is more than enough to make the right call.

See the video for further information and working of Able2Extact software

R Frequently Asked Questions

Random Walk Model (2016)

The random walk model is widely used in the area of finance. The stock prices or exchange rates (Asset prices) follow a random walk. A common and serious departure from random behavior is called a random walk (non-stationary) since today’s stock price is equal to yesterday’s stock price plus a random shock.

Types of Random Walk Model

There are two types of random walks

  1. Random walk without drift (no constant or intercept)
  2. Random walk with drift (with a constant term)


A time series is said to follow a random walk if the first differences (difference from one observation to the next observation) are random.

Note that in a random walk model, the time series itself is not random, however, the first differences in time series are random (the differences change from one period to the next).

A random walk model for a time series $X_t$ can be written as

[X_t=X_{t-1}+e_t, , ,]

where $X_t$ is the value in time period $t$, $X_{t-1}$ is the value in time period $t-1$ plus a random shock $e_t$ (value of error term in time period $t$).

Since the random walk is defined in terms of first differences, therefore, it is easier to see the model as

[X_t-X_{t-1}=e_t, , ,]

where the original time series is changed to a first difference time series, that is the time series is transformed.

The transformed time series:

  • Forecast the future trends to aid in decision-making
  • If the time series follows a random walk, the original series offers little or no insights
  • May need to analyze the first differenced time series

Real World Example

Consider a real-world example of the daily US-dollar-to-Euro exchange rate. A plot of the entire history (of daily US-dollar-to-Euro exchange rate) from January 1, 1999, to December 5, 2014, looks like

Random Walk model

The historical pattern from the above plot looks quite interesting, with many peaks and valleys. The plot of the daily changes (first difference) would look like

Random Walk Model first difference

The volatility (variance) has not been constant over time, but the day-to-day changes are almost completely random.

Key Characteristics of a Random Walk

  • No Pattern: The path taken by a random walk is unpredictable.
  • Independence: Each step is independent of the previous one.
  • Probability distribution: The size and direction of each step can be defined by a probability distribution.

Applications of Random Walk Models

Beyond finance, random walk models have applications in:

  • Physics: Brownian motion and diffusion processes
  • Biology: Population dynamics and genetic drift
  • Computer science: Algorithms and simulations

Remember that, random walk patterns are also widely found elsewhere in nature, for example, in the phenomenon of Brownian Motion that was first explained by Einstein.

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