Important MCQs Index Numbers 1

The post is about MCQs index numbers. There are 20 multiple-choice questions related to the basics of index numbers, price relative, fixed base method, chain base methods, weighted index numbers, Paasche’s index numbers, Laspeyrs index numbers, and Fisher Idea index numbers. Let us start with the MCQs Index Numbers Quiz.

Online MCQs Index Numbers

1. Long-term variations are regarded as


2. _______ method uses quantities consumed in the base period when computing a weighted index


3. The index give by $\frac{\sum p_n q_n}{\sum p_0 q_0}\times 100$


4. Paasche’s price index number is also called


5. The most suitable average for index numbers is


6. The commodities subject to considerable price variations can be best measured by


7. The __________ index number has a wide scope


8. The index for the base period is always taken as


9. If Laspeyre’s index number is 200, and Paasche’s index number is 200 then the Fisher index number will be


10. In the chain base method, the base period is


11. Increased demand for coolers in summer and heaters in winter is an example of


12. The index number that can be used for multi-purpose is:


13. An index number computed for a single commodity is called


14. The price relative formula is $\frac{?}{P0}\times 100$


15. Index numbers are free from a unit of measurement because the index number shows


16. The index number having an upward bias is


17. Price relatives computed for the chain base method are called


18. The price used in the construction of consumer price index numbers is


19. The chaining process used to make a comparison of the index number is


20. In the fixed base method, the base period should be


MCQs Index Numbers

MCQs Index Numbers
  • The index number that can be used for multi-purpose is:
  • An index number computed for a single commodity is called
  • The ———- index number has a wide scope
  • The price relative formula is $\frac{?}{P0}\times 100$
  • The index for the base period is always taken as
  • In the fixed base method, the base period should be
  • The commodities subject to considerable price variations can be best measured by
  • In the chain base method, the base period is
  • The chaining process used to make a comparison of the index number is
  • Price relatives computed for the chain base method are called
  • The most suitable average for index numbers is
  • Index numbers are free from a unit of measurement because the index number shows
  • Long-term variations are regarded as
  • Paasche’s price index number is also called
  • The index number having an upward bias is
  • The index give by $\frac{\sum p_n q_n}{\sum p_0 q_0}\times 100$
  • If Laspeyre’s index number is 200, and Paasche’s index number is 200 then the Fisher index number will be
  • Increased demand for coolers in summer and heaters in winter is an example of
  • The price used in the construction of consumer price index numbers is
  • ——— method uses quantities consumed in the base period when computing a weighted index
MCQs Index Numbers

Important MCQ Random Variables 1

 The post is about MCQ Random Variables. There are 20 multiple-choice questions related to random experiments, random variables and types of random variables, expectations, discrete random variables, and continuous random variables. Let us start with the MCQ Random Variables Quiz.

Please go to Important MCQ Random Variables 1 to view the test

MCQ Random Variables Quiz

MCQ Random Variables Quiz
  •  If $X$ is a continuous random variable, then function $f(X)$ is
  • A variable (Random Variable) assuming an infinite number of values is called
  • A variable whose value is determined by the outcome of a random experiment is called
  • If $X$ and $Y$ are random variable then $E(X + Y)$ is equal to
  • If $X$ is a discrete random variable, the function $f(X)$ is
  • When four coins are tossed, the value of a random variable (Numbers of head) is
  • A variable (Random Variable) assuming a finite number of values is called
  • If $X$ and $Y$ are independent random variables then $E(XY)$ is equal to
  • Two random variables $X$ and $Y$ are said to be independent if:
  • If $X$ and $Y$ are two independent variables, then
  • A continuous random variable is a random variable that can
  • If $X$ is a random variable that can take only non-negative values, then
  • For a random variable $X$, $E(X)$ is
  • If $C$ is a non-random variable, the $E(C)$ is
  • A continuous variable is a variable that can assume
  • A ———– random variable has a countable number of possible values.
  • Which of the following statements accurately describes a key difference between discrete and continuous random variables?
  • Which of the following are examples of discrete random variables?
  • Which of the following statements describes continuous random variables?
  • If $X$ is a random variable and $a$ and $b$ are constants then $Var(aX+ b)$ is equal to
MCQ Random Variables

Online Quiz Website

Important MCQs Probability Distributions 4

The post is about MCQs Probability Distributions. There are 20 multiple-choice questions covering the topics related to Chi-Square distribution, F-distribution, Binomial distribution, Student’s t distribution, and properties of distributions. Let us start with MCQs Probability Distributions.

Please go to Important MCQs Probability Distributions 4 to view the test

MCQs Probability Distributions Quiz

MCQs Probability Distributions with Answers
  • A family of parametric distribution in which mean always greater than its variance is:
  • The family of parametric distributions which has a mean always less than variance is:
  • The family of parametric distributions for which moment generating function does not exist is:
  • The distribution for which the mode does not exist is:
  • The relation between the mean and variance of $\chi^2$ with $n$ degrees of freedom is
  • The $F$-distribution curve in respect of tails is:
  • If $X$ has a binomial distribution with parameter $p$ and $n$ then $\frac{X}{n}$ has the variance:
  • The binomial distribution is symmetrical if $p=p=?$
  • The shape of geometric distribution is
  • If $X\sim N(\mu, \sigma^2)$ and $a$ and $b$ are real numbers, then mean of $(aX+b)$ is
  • The distribution of sample correlation is
  • Events having an equal chance of occurrence are called
  • Student’s $t$-distribution curve is symmetrical about mean, it means that
  • The distribution possessing the memoryless property is
  • The chi-square distribution is used for the test of
  • The probability of failure in binomial distribution is denoted by
  • In binomial distribution, the formula for calculating the mean is  
  • In binomial probability distribution, dependents of standard deviations must include
  • The formula to calculate standardized normal random variables is
  • The mean of a binomial probability distribution is 857.6 and the probability is 64% then the number of values of binomial distribution
Statistics MCQS Probability Distributions Quiz