Shape of Data Distributions

In this post, I will discuss some common shape of data distributions. Data distributions can take on a variety of shapes, which can provide insights into the underlying characteristics of the data. By examining the shape of data distributions, professionals can gain insights that guide decision-making, improve processes, and enhance predictive accuracy in various fields.

Normal Distribution

A normal distribution of data possesses the following characteristics:

  • Symmetrical and bell-shaped.
  • Mean, median, and mode are all equal in a symmetric/normal distribution.
  • Approximately 68% of the data falls within one standard deviation from the mean.

Symmetric – The data distribution is approximately the same shape on either side of a central dividing line.

Shape of Data Distributions

Examples of normal distributions are: Men’s Heights and SAT Math scores.

Skewed Distribution

  • Right (Positive) Skew: The tail on the right side is longer or fatter. Mean > median. In other words, a few data values are much higher than the majority of values in the set.  (Tail extends to the right). In right-skewed distributions, generally, Generally, the mean is greater than the median (and mode) in a right-skewed distribution. Personal Income in Pakistan and Men’s weight are examples of right positive skewed distribution.
  • Left (Negative) Skew: The tail on the left side is longer or fatter. Mean < median. In other words, A few data values are much lower than the majority of values in the set.  (Tail extends to the left). In left-skewed distributions, generally, the mean is less than the median (and mode) in a left-skewed distribution.

Uniform Distribution

In the uniform distribution, all data values are equally represented. In uniform distribution, every outcome is equally likely and the shape of uniform distribution is of Rectangular shape.

Bimodal Distribution

A bimodal distribution has two distinct peaks or modes. It indicates the presence of two different sub-populations within the data.

Multimodal Distribution

Multimodal distributions are similar to bimodal but with more than two peaks. This distribution suggests even more complex underlying groupings.

Exponential Distribution

Exponential distributions often represent the time until an event occurs (e.g., waiting times) and are characterized by a rapid decline in probability.

Binomial Distribution

The binomial distribution represents the number of successes in a fixed number of trials. It is a discrete distribution with only two mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive outcomes (success/failure).

Poisson Distribution

The Poisson distribution represents the number of events occurring within a fixed interval of time or space. It is useful for counting occurrences of rare events.

Note that Each shape has its implications for statistical analysis and helps in selecting appropriate techniques for data analysis. Understanding these distributions is crucial for interpreting data accurately.

Key Applications of Shape of Data Distributions

Some of the key applications of Shape of Data Distributions are:

  1. Statistical Analysis
    • The shape of Data Distributions helps in selecting appropriate statistical tests (parametric vs. non-parametric) based on the normality of data.
    • Normal distributions allow for the use of techniques like t-tests, z-tests, and ANOVA.
  2. Risk Management
    • In finance, the return distributions of assets are analyzed to assess risks and make informed investment decisions.
    • Non-normal distributions can indicate higher risks, impacting portfolio management.
  3. Quality Control
    • In manufacturing, control charts are used to monitor processes; the distribution shape indicates whether a process is stable or in control.
    • Detects defects and variations in production processes.
  4. Epidemiology
    • Distribution shapes can model the spread of diseases, helping to predict outbreaks and understand transmission patterns.
    • Bimodal or multimodal distributions can indicate multiple populations affected differently.
  5. Machine Learning
    • Many algorithms assume a certain distribution of the data (e.g., Gaussian distribution).
    • Understanding the distribution shape can help in feature selection and engineering.
  6. Psychometrics and Social Sciences
    • Assessing test scores or survey responses can reveal insights into populations (e.g., identifying bias).
    • Skewed distributions can indicate social inequality or access issues.
  7. Environmental Studies
    • Used to assess environmental data, like rainfall patterns or pollution levels, which often do not follow a normal distribution.
    • Helps in formulating regulations and responses based on the observed distribution.
  8. Marketing and Customer Behavior
    • Analyzing purchase distributions to understand customer preferences and segmentation.
    • Helps in tailoring marketing strategies based on consumer behavior patterns.

Online Quiz Website with Answers

MS Excel Tables Pivot Table Quiz 5

The post is about MS Excel Tables Pivot Table Quiz Questions. It contains 20 multiple-choice questions covering the basics of MS Excel Tables, filtering and sorting, and Pivot Tables. Let us start with the MS Excel Tables Pivot Table Quiz Questions now.

MS Excel Tables Pivot Table Quiz with Answers

Online MS Excel Pivot Table Quiz with Answers

1. What should you remove before making a Pivot Table?


2. Before creating a pivot table, how should you format your data?


3. If you want to create a Table, you need to click somewhere in the data before creating it.


4. When naming a Table, the same restrictions apply just as when naming a Named Range.


5. What must you do first before adding another slicer to a pivot table?


6. What do Timelines provide in pivot tables?


7. The values in the Total Row apply to the whole Table, once the data is filtered, the Total Row will not adjust.


8. When we add an extra row/column to a Table, it automatically extends.


9. Which of the following does a Table automatically update when creating a new record?


10. What would be the fastest way to observe only the invoices which were over $10,000?


11. Suppose that Zara wanted to change the name of a Table, what could she do?


12. What is automatically added after formatting data as a table?


13. What is one way to remove a slicer or timeline?


14. After creating a pivot table and selecting it, what pane appears to the right of the pivot table?


15. Removing a Table by clicking on Convert to a Range is not recommended because this will impact all the formulas negatively.


16. A Slicer is essentially a Filter, but is more intuitive and makes interacting with the data simpler.


17. When we add an extra row or column to a Named Range, and the Named Range is not part of a Table, it automatically extends.


18. How can you add more filters to the pivot table?


19. What are slicers?


20. Which of the following features in Excel provides suggested combinations of data for creating Pivot Tables based on the selected data?


MS Excel Tables Pivot Table Quiz

  • What must you do first before adding another slicer to a pivot table?
  • What are slicers?
  • Which of the following features in Excel provides suggested combinations of data for creating Pivot Tables based on the selected data?
  • What should you remove before making a Pivot Table?
  • What is automatically added after formatting data as a table?
  • After creating a pivot table and selecting it, what pane appears to the right of the pivot table?
  • What do Timelines provide in pivot tables?
  • What is one way to remove a slicer or timeline?
  • Before creating a pivot table, how should you format your data?
  • How can you add more filters to the pivot table?
  • If you want to create a Table, you need to click somewhere in the data before creating it.
  • When naming a Table, the same restrictions apply just as when naming a Named Range.
  • Suppose that Zara wanted to change the name of a Table, what could she do?
  • When we add an extra row or column to a Named Range, and the Named Range is not part of a Table, it automatically extends.
  • When we add an extra row/column to a Table, it automatically extends.
  • Which of the following does a Table automatically update when creating a new record?
  • A Slicer is essentially a Filter, but is more intuitive and makes interacting with the data simpler.
  • What would be the fastest way to observe only the invoices that were over $10,000?
  • Removing a Table by clicking on Convert to a Range is not recommended because this will impact all the formulas negatively.
  • The values in the Total Row apply to the whole Table, once the data is filtered, the Total Row will not adjust.

R Language and Data Analysis

Latin Square Designs

The Latin Square Designs is an effective tool that can simultaneously handle two sources of variation among the treatments, which are treated as two independent blocking criteria. These blocks are known as row-block and column-block, also called double-block. Both sources of variations (blocks) are perpendicular to each other. Latin Square Designs are used to simultaneously eliminate (or control) the two sources of nuisance variability (Rows and Columns).


In a Latin square, treatments are arranged in a square matrix such that each treatment appears exactly once in each row and once in each column. This structure helps mitigate the influence of extraneous variables, allowing researchers to focus on the effects of the treatments themselves.

Latin square designs are widely used in agriculture (field experiments), psychology, and many fields where controlled experiments are necessary. The Latin Square Designs are applied in field trials, where

  • the experimental area has two fertility gradients running perpendicular to each other
  • in the greenhouse experiments in which the experimental pots are arranged in straight lines perpendicular to the sheets or walls of the greenhouse such that the difference between rows and the distance from the wall is expected to be two major extraneous sources of variation,
  • in laboratory experiments where the trials are replicated over time such that the difference between the experimental units conducted at the same time and those conducted over different time period constitute the two known sources of variations
 Rows of Tree
Water ChannelABC

Key Features of Latin Square Designs

The Latin square designs have the following key features:

  • Control for Two Variables: The design simultaneously accounts for variability in two factors (e.g., time and location).
  • Efficient Use of Resources: These designs allow for the evaluation of multiple treatments without requiring a full factorial design, which can be resource-intensive.
  • Simple Analysis: The data collected can be analyzed using standard statistical techniques such as ANOVA.

Randomization and Layout Plan for Latin Square Designs

Suppose, there are five treatments (A, B, C, D, E) for this we need $5 \times 5$ LS-Designs, which means we should layout the experiment with five rows and five columns:


First of all, randomize the row arrangement by using random numbers then randomize the column arrangement by using random numbers. One can generate five random numbers on your calculator or computer. For example,

Random NumbersSequenceRank

The first rank is 3, treatment c is allocated to cell-1 in column-1, then treatment D is allocated to cell-2 of column-1, and so on.


Now, generate random numbers for the columns

Random NumbersSequenceRank

For the layout of LS-Designs, the 4th column from the first random generation is used as the 1st column of LS-Designs, then the 1st column as the 2nd of LS-Design, and so on. The complete Design is:

Latin Square Designs

ANOVA Table for Latin Square Designs

For a statistical analysis, the ANOVA table for LS-Designs is used given as follows:

SOVdfSSMSFcalF tab/P-value
Rows$r-1 = 4$    
Columns$c-1 = 4$    
Treatments$t-1 = 4$    
Total$rc-1 = 24$    

Example: An experiment was conducted with three maize varieties and a check variety, the experiment was laid out under Latin Square Designs, Analyse the data given below




The following formulas may be used for the computation of Latin Square Design’s ANOVA Table.

CF &= \frac{GT^2}{N}\\
SS_{Total} &= \sum\limits_{j=1}^t \sum\limits_{i=1}^r y_{ij}^2 -CF\\
SS_{Treat} &= \frac{\sum\limits_{j=1}}{r} r_j^2 – CF\\
SS_{Rows} &= \frac{\sum\limits_{r=1}^r R_i^2}{t} – CF\\
SS_{Col} &= \frac{\sum\limits_{r=1}^b c_j^2}{t} – CF\\
SS_{Error} &=SS_{Total} – SS_{Treat} – SS_{Rows} – SS_{Col}

SOVdfSSMSFcalF tab (5%)F tab (1%)

In summary, the Latin square design is an effective tool for researchers looking to control for variability and conduct efficient, straightforward analyses in their experiments.

Learn about the Introduction of Design of Experiments

MCQs General Knowledge