The post is about MCQs Multivariate Statistics with Answers. It covers topics of Eigen values, Eigen Vectors, Moderation, and Mediation, etc.
Multiple Choice Questions about Multivariate Analysis with Answers.
Online MCQs Multivariate Statistics
- The word “Eigen” originates from ——-.
- Eigenvectors are by definition ———.
- Eigenvalues may be equal to ———.
- Eigenvectors with distinct Eigenvalues are ———.
- Singular Matrices have Eigenvalues
- If the Eigenvalues are negative the direction is ——–.
- If one of the Eigenvalues of $[A]_{n\times n}$ is zero, it implies ——-.
- The word Eigen means ——–‘
- Which of the following is an orthogonal rotation in factor analysis ———.
- If a researcher wants to determine the amount of variance in the original variables that is associated with a factor, they would use?
- Which of the following are violations of as assumption underlying regression analysis ——–.
- The percentage of variance criteria specifies that the number of factors to be extracted is determined by the cumulative percentage of variance extracted reaching a satisfactory level. This level should be at least ———.
- A moderator effect is where the size of the relationship between one variable and another variable is:
- Moderation effect is also known as ——–.
- The combined effect of two variables on one another is known conceptually as ———–, and in statistical terms as ———–.
- Imagine we wanted to at the relationship between the number of hours spent practicing the guitar per week and skill level. If we had reason to believe that the strength or direction of the relationship between these variables would be affected by the level of enjoyment, what type of analysis should be conducted on these data?
- ———– analysis tests a hypothetical causal chain where one variable $X$ affects a second variable $M$ and, in turn, the variable affects a third variable $Y$:
- A ——– mediates the relationship between the independent and dependent variables explaining the reason for such a relationship to exist:
- ———— is a way to check whether that third variable influences the strength or direction of the relationship between an independent and dependent variable:
- Why is it a good idea to center your variable when conducting a moderation analysis?