Important MCQs Testing Hypothesis 2

The post is about the MCQs Testing Hypothesis. There are 20 multiple-choice questions covering topics related to non-parametric tests and assumptions, null and alternative hypotheses, level of significance, and test statistics. Let us start with MCQs Testing Hypothesis.

Online MCQs about Hypothesis Testing with Answers

1. Which of the following tests must be two-sided?


2. Which of the following tests is most likely assessing this null hypothesis: The number of violations per apartment in the population of all city apartments is binomially distributed with a probability of success in any one trial of $P=0.3$


3. Wilcoxon Rank-Sum test can be of


4. The Runs test results in rejecting the null hypothesis of randomness when


5. To perform a Runs test for randomness the data must be


6. The Wilcoxon Rank-Sum test used to compare


7. When testing for randomness, we can use


8. The non-parametric equivalent of an unpaired samples t-test is


9. The Mann-Whitney U test is preferred to a t-test when


10. The sign test assumes that the


11. In testing for the difference between two populations, it is possible to use


12. Which of the following tests uses Rank Sums


13. In a Wilcoxon Rank-Sum test


14. The Wilcoxon Signed Rank test is used


15. Comparing the times-to-failure of radar transponders made by firms A, B, and C based on an airline’s sample experience with the three types of instruments one may use


16. Three brands of coffee are rated for taste on a scale of 1 to 10. Six persons are asked to rate each brand so that there is a total of 18 observations. The appropriate test to determine if three brands taste equally good is


17. The sign test is


18. A data professional on a marketing team conducts a hypothesis test to compare the mean time customers spend on two different versions of a company’s website. To start, they state the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis. What should they do next?


19. The Spearman Rank-Correlation test requires that the


20. When using the sign test, if two scores are tied, then


MCQs Testing Hypothesis with Answers

MCQs Testing Hypothesis quiz with answers
  • The sign test is
  • The non-parametric equivalent of an unpaired samples t-test is
  • The Mann-Whitney U test is preferred to a t-test when
  • When using the sign test, if two scores are tied, then
  • The sign test assumes that the
  • When testing for randomness, we can use
  • The Runs test results in rejecting the null hypothesis of randomness when
  • Wilcoxon Rank-Sum test can be of
  • The Wilcoxon Rank-Sum test used to compare
  • The Wilcoxon Signed Rank test is used
  • Which of the following tests uses Rank Sums
  • Which of the following tests must be two-sided?
  • In testing for the difference between two populations, it is possible to use
  • In a Wilcoxon Rank-Sum test
  • The Spearman Rank-Correlation test requires that the
  • To perform a Runs test for randomness the data must be
  • Three brands of coffee are rated for taste on a scale of 1 to 10. Six persons are asked to rate each brand so that there is a total of 18 observations. The appropriate test to determine if three brands taste equally good is
  • Comparing the times-to-failure of radar transponders made by firms A, B, and C based on an airline’s sample experience with the three types of instruments one may use
  • Which of the following tests is most likely assessing this null hypothesis: The number of violations per apartment in the population of all city apartments is binomially distributed with a probability of success in any one trial of $P=0.3$
  • A data professional on a marketing team conducts a hypothesis test to compare the mean time customers spend on two different versions of a company’s website. To start, they state the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis. What should they do next?
Statistics MCQS Testing Hypothesis

Important MCQs Hypothesis Testing 1

The post is about MCQs Hypothesis Testing. There are 20 multiple-choice questions covering topics related to the basics of hypothesis testing, assumptions about one sample, two samples, and more than two sample mean comparison tests, significance level, null and alternative hypothesis, test statistics, sample size, critical region, and decision. Let us start with MCQs Hypothesis Testing Quiz.

Please go to Important MCQs Hypothesis Testing 1 to view the test

MCQs Hypothesis Testing with Answers

MCQs Hypothesis Testing Quiz with Answers
  • $1 – \alpha$ is the probability of
  • A parameter is a ———- quantity
  • If we reject the null hypothesis, we might be making
  • Herbicide A has been used for years in order to kill a particular type of weed. An experiment is to be conducted in order to see whether a new herbicide, Herbicide B, is more effective than Herbicide A. Herbicide A  will continue to be used unless there is sufficient evidence that Herbicide B is more effective. The alternative hypothesis in this problem is
  • Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is a test for equality of
  • Which of the following is an assumption underlying the use of the t-distributions?
  • For t distribution, increasing the sample size, the effect will be on
  • The t distributions are
  • Condition for applying the Central Limit Theorem (CLT) which approximates the sampling distribution of the mean with a normal distribution is?
  • Which of the following is a true statement, for comparing the t distributions with standard normal,
  • What is the probability of a type II error when $\alpha=0.05$?
  • The critical value of a test statistic is determined from
  • The null hypothesis is a statement that is assumed to be true unless there is convincing evidence to the contrary. The null hypothesis typically assumes that observed data occurs by chance.
  • The ——– typically assumes that observed data does not occur by chance.
  • Which of the following statements describes the significance level?
  • What is the first step when conducting a hypothesis test?
  • A data professional conducts a hypothesis test. They discover that their p-value is less than the significance level. What conclusion should they draw?
  • What does a two-sample hypothesis test determine?
  • What is the null hypothesis of a two-sample t-test?
  • To conclude the null hypothesis, what two concepts are compared?
MCQs Statistics Hypothesis Testing Quiz

Important MCQs Correlation Regression 5

The post is about MCQs correlation and regression. There are 20 multiple-choice questions covering topics related to the basics of correlation and regression analysis, best-fitting trend, least square regression line, interpretation of correlation and regression coefficients, and regression plot. Let us start with the MCQs Correlation Regression Quiz.

Please go to Important MCQs Correlation Regression 5 to view the test

MCQs Correlation Regression Analysis

MCQs Correlation Regression Analysis
  • In Regression Analysis $\sum\hat{Y}$ is equal to
  • In the Least Square Regression Line, $\sum(Y-\hat{Y})^2$ is always
  • Which one is equal to explained variation divided by total variation?
  • The best-fitting trend is one for which the sum of squares of error is
  • If a straight line is fitted to data, then
  • In Regression Analysis, the regression line ($Y=\alpha+\beta X$) always intersect at the point
  • In the Least Square Regression line, the quantity $\sum(Y-\hat{Y})$ is always
  • If all the values fall on the same straight line and the line has a positive slope then what will be the value of the Correlation coefficient $r$:
  • For the Least Square trend $\hat{Y}=\alpha+\beta X$
  • The regression line always passes through
  • The process by which we estimate the value of dependent variable on the basis of one or more independent variables is called
  • The method of least squares directs that select a regression line where the sum of the squares of the deviations of the points from the regression line is
  • A relationship where the flow of the data points is best represented by a curve is called
  • All the data points falling along a straight line is called
  • The predicted rate of response of the dependent variable to changes in the independent variable is called
  • The independent variable is also called
  • In the regression equation $Y=a+bX$, the $Y$ is called
  • In the regression equation $Y=a+bX$, the $X$ is called
  • The dependent variable in a regression line is
  • The correlation coefficient is the ———– of two regression coefficients.

Statistics help: MCQs Correlation Regression Analysis

Best Correlation Regression Analysis MCQs 4

The post is about Correlation Regression Analysis MCQs. There are 20 multiple-choice questions. The quiz covers topics related to the coefficient of correlation, regression analysis, simple linear regression equations, interpretation of correlation, and regression coefficients. Let us start with the Correlation Regression Analysis MCQs Quiz.

Please go to Best Correlation Regression Analysis MCQs 4 to view the test

Online Correlation Regression Analysis MCQs with Answers

Online Correlation Regression Analysis MCQs
  • The value of the coefficient of correlation lies between
  • If the scatter diagram is drawn the scatter points lie on a straight line, then it indicates
  • In the model $Y= mX+ a\,\,\,$, $Y$ is also known as the:
  • The regression equation is the line with a slope passing through
  • If the regression equation is equal to $Y=23.6 – 54.2X$, then $23.6$ is the ———- while $-54.2$ is the ———- of the regression line.
  • The sample coefficient of correlation
  • If the equation of the regression line is $y = 5$, then what result will you take out from it?
  • Which of the following relationships holds
  • In regression equation $y=\alpha + \beta X + e$, both $X$ and $y$ variables are
  • If $R^2$ is zero, that is no collinearity/ Multicollinearity, the variance inflation factor (VIF) will be
  • The method of least squares finds the best fit line that ———- the error between observed & estimated points on the line
  • The predicted rate of response of the dependent variable to changes in the independent variable is called
  • The slope of the regression line of $Y$ on $X$ is also called
  • In a simple regression, the number of unknown constants are
  • In a simple regression equation, the number of variables are
  • If $Y=2+0.6x$ then the value of the slope will be
  • Which of the following can never be taken as the coefficient of correlation?
  • When $\beta_{yx}$ is positive, then $\beta_{xy}$ will be
  • If $Y=2+0.6X$ then the value of $Y$-intercept will be
  • If $r=0.6$ and $\beta_{yx}=1.8$ then $\beta_{xy} = ?$
Statistics MCQs Correlation Regression Analysis MCQs