MCQs for Statistics with Answers

This quiz post contains Online MCQs for Statistics with answers covering variables and their types, Measures of central tendencies such as mean, median, mode, Weighted mean, data and their types, sources of data, Measures of Dispersion/ Variation, Standard Deviation, Variance, Range, etc.

Online MCQs for Statistics with Answers

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Basic statistics deals with the measure of central tendency (such as mean, median, mode, weighted mean, geometric mean, and Harmonic mean) and measures of dispersion (such as range, standard deviation, and variances).

Basic statistical methods include planning and designing the study, collecting data, arranging it, and numerically and graphically summarizing the collected data.

Basic statistics are also used to perform statistical analysis to draw meaningful inferences. Basic statistics are used to extract useful information from the data. The extracted information may be useful for decision-making purposes.

MCQs for Statistics with Answers

A basic visual inspection of data using some graphical and numerical statistics may give some useful hidden information already available in the data. The graphical representation includes a bar chart, pie chart, dot chart, box plot, histogram, frequency polygon, scatter diagram, stem and leaf plot, cumulative frequency curve, and Pareto Chart, etc.

Companies related to finance, communication, manufacturing, charity organizations, government institutes, simple to large businesses, etc. are all examples that have a massive interest in collecting data and measuring different sorts of statistical findings. This helps them to learn from the past, notice the trends, and plan for the future.

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Important MCQs on Sampling Distribution Quiz – 8

The MCQs on sampling Distribution Quiz is about the Basics of Sampling and Sampling Distributions. It will help you understand the basic concepts of sampling methods and distributions. These MCQs on sampling distribution tests will also help you prepare for different exams related to education or jobs. Most of the MCQs on Sampling Distribution, cover the topics of Probability Sampling and Non-Probability Sampling, Mean and Standard Deviation of Sample, Sample size, Sampling error, Sample bias, Sample Selection, etc.

The post is for online multiple-choice questions about Sampling and Sampling Distribution with answers for preparing PPSC, FPSC, and school, College, University, Statistics, and Statistics job-related MCQS questions.

1. If a researcher randomly samples 100 observations in each population category then his ______ sample will be _________.


2. The weight of the stratum is equal to the proportion of:


3. The standard deviation of a sampling distribution is called:


4. Procedure in which a number of elements is not proportional to a number of elements in the population is classified as:


5. Which of the elements are taken from a larger population according to certain rules?


6. In sampling with replacement, a sampling unit can be selected:


7. Sampling technique in which a sampling unit can be repeated (selected) more than once is called


8. Convenience sampling is also called:


9. Interviewing all members of a given population is called


10. Which one of the following is the main problem with using non-probability sampling techniques?


11. Stratification is to produce estimators with small:


12. For sampling, which one of the following should be up-to-date, complete, and affordable?


13. When the number of observations drawn from a stratum is small relative to the overall size of the stratum then the _______ will also be small:


14. If we have a population of 5, 4, 6, 8, 9, and $n=2$, how many possible samples will be selected from sampling without replacement?


15. Which one of these sampling methods is a probability method?


16. Who proposed the variance of the sample mean in stratified sampling using proportional allocation?


17. The margin of error is the level of _______ you require:


18. Which one of the following is the benefit of using simple random sampling?


19. When sampling is done with or without replacement, $E(\overline{y})$ is equal to


20. The method of sampling in which the population is divided into mutually exclusive groups that have useful context in statistical research is classified as:


Online MCQs on Sampling Distribution

  • Convenience sampling is also called:
  • If we have a population of 5, 4, 6, 8, 9, and $n=2$, how many possible samples will be selected from sampling without replacement?
  • In sampling with replacement, a sampling unit can be selected:
  • Sampling technique in which a sampling unit can be repeated (selected) more than once is called
  • Which one of these sampling methods is a probability method?
  • Which one of the following is the main problem with using non-probability sampling techniques?
  • For sampling, which one of the following should be up-to-date, complete, and affordable?
  • Interviewing all members of a given population is called
  • Which one of the following is the benefit of using simple random sampling?
  • The standard deviation of a sampling distribution is called:
  • When sampling is done with or without replacement, $E(\overline{y})$ is equal to
  • Which of the elements are taken from a larger population according to certain rules?
  • The method of sampling in which the population is divided into mutually exclusive groups that have useful context in statistical research is classified as:
  • Procedure in which a number of elements is not proportional to a number of elements in the population is classified as:
  • The margin of error is the level of ______ you require:
  • If a researcher randomly samples 100 observations in each population category then his _________ sample will be _______.
  • The weight of the stratum is equal to the proportion of:
  • When the number of observations drawn from a stratum is small relative to the overall size of the stratum then the _________ will also be small:
  • Who proposed the variance of the sample mean in stratified sampling using proportional allocation?
  • Stratification is to produce estimators with small:
MCQs on Sampling Distribution

MCQs on sampling distribution for the preparation of exams and different statistical job tests in Government/ Semi-Government or Private Organization sectors. These tests are also helpful in getting admission to different colleges and Universities.

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Online MCQs about Intermediate Mathematics Part II

Important MCQs on Chi-Square Test Quiz – 3

The post is about Online MCQs on Chi-Square Test Quiz with Answers. The Quiz MCQs on Chi-Square Test cover the topics of attributes, Chi-Square Distribution, Coefficient of Association, Contingency Table, and Hypothesis Testing on Association between attributes, etc. Let us start with MCQs on Chi-Square Test Quiz.

Please go to Important MCQs on Chi-Square Test Quiz – 3 to view the test

The relationship/ dependency between the attributes is called association and the measure of degrees of relationship between the attributes is called the coefficient of association. The Chi-Square Statistic is used to test the association between the attributes. The Chi-Square Association is defined as

$$\chi^2 = \sum \frac{(of_i – ef_i)^2}{ef_i}\sim \chi^2_{v},$$

where $v$ denotes the degrees of freedom

MCQs on Chi-Square Test quiz

A population can be divided into two or more mutually exclusive and exhaustive classes according to their characteristics. It is called dichotomy or twofold division if, it is divided into two mutually exclusive classes. A contingency table is a two-way table in which the data is classified according to two attributes, each having two or more levels. A measure of the degree of association between attributes expressed in a contingency table is known as the coefficient of contingency. Pearson’s mean square coefficient of contingency is


MCQs on Chi-Square Test Quiz with Answers

  • A characteristic which varies in quality from one individual to another is called
  • The eye colour of 100 men is
  • Association measures the strength of the relationship between
  • The presence of an attribute is denoted by
  • The process of dividing the objects into two mutually exclusive classes is called
  • There are ———– parameters of Chi-Square distribution.
  • The parameter of the Chi-Square distribution is ———–.
  • The value of $\chi^2$ cannot be ———.
  • The range of $\chi^2$ is
  • Two attributes $A$ and $B$ are said to be independent if
  • Two attributes $A$ and $B$ are said to be positively associated if
  • If $(AB) > \frac{(A)(B)}{n}$ then association is
  • If $(AB) < \frac{(A)(B)}{n}$ then association between two attributes $A$ and $B$ is
  • The coefficient of association $Q$ lies between
  • If $\chi^2_c=5.8$ and $df=1$, we make the following decision ———-.
  • A contingency table with $r$ rows and $c$ columns is called
  • A $4 \times 5$ contingency table consists of ———.
  • If for a contingency table, $df=12$ and the number of rows is 4 then the number of columns will be
  • For $r\times c$ contingency table, the Chi-Square test has $df=$ ———-.
  • For the $3\times 3$ contingency table, the degrees of freedom is

Attributes are said to be independent if there is no association between them. Independence means the presence or absence of one attribute does not affect the other. The association is positive if the observed frequency of attributes is greater than the expected frequency and negative association or disassociation (negative association) is if the observed frequency is less than the expected frequency.

Important MCQs on Chi-Square Test Quiz - 3

Non-Parametric Tests Quiz: MCQs Non-Parametric

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Statistics and Data Analysis