Binomial Probability Distribution (2012)

We first need to understand the Bernoulli Trials to learn about Binomial Probability Distribution. Bernoulli Trials Many experiments consist of repeated independent trials and each trial has only two possible outcomes such as head or tail, right or wrong, alive or dead, defective or non-defective, …

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Coefficient of Determination: Model Selection (2012)

$R^2$ pronounced R-squared (Coefficient of determination) is a useful statistic to check the regression fit value. $R^2$ measures the proportion of total variation about the mean $\bar{Y}$ explained by the regression. R is the correlation between $Y$ and $\hat{Y}$ and is usually the multiple correlation …

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What is Pseudo Random Process (2012)

Pseudo Random Process A pseudo random refers to a process that generates a sequence of numbers or events that appears random but actually, is not and is determined by a fixed set of rules. Pseudorandom sequences typically exhibit statistical randomness while being generated by an …

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Linear Congruential Generator (LCG)

A linear congruential generator (LCG) is an old algorithm that results in a sequence of pseudo-randomized numbers. Though, the algorithm of linear congruential generator is the oldest but best-known pseudorandom number generator method. The building block of a simulation study is the ability to generate …

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