MCQs Correlation and Regression Quiz 8

The post is about MCQS Correlation and Regression Quiz. There are 20 multiple-choice questions about correlation and regression analysis covering MCQs about correlation analysis, regression analysis, assumptions of correlation and regression analysis, coefficient of determination, predicted and predictor variables, etc. Let us start with the MCQS correlation and Regression Quiz.

Online Multiple Choice Questions about Correlation and Regression Analysis with Answers

1. The major difference between regression analysis and correlation analysis is that in regression analysis:


2. Whenever predictions are made from the estimated regression line, the relation between $X$ and $Y$ is assumed to be:


3. Two variables are said to be uncorrelated if


4. The distribution of sample correlation is


5. The term homoscedasticity refers to


6. The regression coefficients may have the wrong sign for the following reasons:


7. The sum of squares of which type of deviations is minimized by the least square regression:


8. The regression model can be used to


9. The output of a certain chemical-processing machine is linearly related to temperature. At $-10^\circ C$ the processor output is 200 KGs per hour at $40^\circ C$ the output is 220 KGs per hour. Calculate the linear equation for KGs per hour of output ($Y$) as a function of temperature in degrees Celsius ($X$):


10. The dependent variable is also known as


11. What information is given by a value of the coefficient of determination?


12. Which of the following is NOT an assumption underlying regression analysis?


13. Which of the following regression equations represents the strongest relationship between $X$ and $Y$?


14. The coefficient of partial determination differs from the coefficient of multiple determinations in that


15. In regression equation $y=\alpha + \beta x + \varepsilon$, both $x$ and $y$ variables are


16. The estimated coefficient of determination is equal to all except which of the following?


17. If one wished to test the relationship between social and juvenile delinquency with the number of siblings held constant, the most appropriate technique would be


18. Given that $X=1.50 + 0.50Y$, what is the predicted value for a $Y$ value of 6?


19. A random sample of paired observations has been selected and the sample correlation coefficient is -1. From this result, we know that:


20. The coefficient of multiple determination is 0.81. Thus, the multiple correlation coefficient is


Online MCQs Correlation and Regression Quiz

  • The distribution of sample correlation is
  • The major difference between regression analysis and correlation analysis is that in regression analysis:
  • The term homoscedasticity refers to
  • The sum of squares of which type of deviations is minimized by the least square regression:
  • A random sample of paired observations has been selected and the sample correlation coefficient is -1. From this result, we know that:
  • The output of a certain chemical-processing machine is linearly related to temperature. At $-10^\circ C$ the processor output is 200 KGs per hour at $40^\circ C$ the output is 220 KGs per hour. Calculate the linear equation for KGs per hour of output ($Y$) as a function of temperature in degrees Celsius ($X$):
  • What information is given by a value of the coefficient of determination?
  • Whenever predictions are made from the estimated regression line, the relation between $X$ and $Y$ is assumed to be:
  • The estimated coefficient of determination is equal to all except which of the following?
  • The coefficient of partial determination differs from the coefficient of multiple determinations in that
  • The coefficient of multiple determination is 0.81. Thus, the multiple correlation coefficient is
  • In regression equation $y=\alpha + \beta x + \varepsilon$, both $x$ and $y$ variables are
  • The dependent variable is also known as
  • The regression coefficients may have the wrong sign for the following reasons:
  • The regression model can be used to
  • If one wished to test the relationship between social and juvenile delinquency with the number of siblings held constant, the most appropriate technique would be
  • Given that $X=1.50 + 0.50Y$, what is the predicted value for a $Y$ value of 6?
  • Which of the following regression equations represents the strongest relationship between $X$ and $Y$?
  • Which of the following is NOT an assumption underlying regression analysis?
  • Two variables are said to be uncorrelated if
mcqs correlation and regression quiz, Online Quiz Website

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