Homoscedasticity: Constant Variance of a Random Variable (2020)

The term “Homoscedasticity” is the assumption about the random variable $u$ (error term) that its probability distribution remains the same for all observations of $X$ and in particular that the variance of each $u$ is the same for all values of the explanatory variables, i.e the variance of errors is the same across all levels of the independent variables (Homoscedasticity: assumption about the constant variance of a random variable). Symbolically it can be represented as

$$Var(u) = E\{u_i – E(u)\}^2 = E(u_i)^2 = \sigma_u^2 = \mbox(Constant)$$

This assumption is known as the assumption of homoscedasticity or the assumption of constant variance of the error term $u$’s. It means that the variation of each $u_i$ around its zero means does not depend on the values of $X$ (independent) because the error term expresses the influence on the dependent variables due to

  • Errors in measurement
    The errors of measurement tend to be cumulative over time. It is also difficult to collect the data and check its consistency and reliability. So the variance of $u_i$ increases with increasing the values of $X$.
  • Omitted variables
    Omitted variables from the function (regression model) tend to change in the same direction as $X$, causing an increase in the variance of the observation from the regression line.

The variance of each $u_i$ remains the same irrespective of small or large values of the explanatory variable i.e. $\sigma_u^2$ is not a function of $X_i$ i.e $\sigma_{u_i^2} \ne f(X_i)$.


Consequences if Homoscedasticity is not meet

If the assumption of homoscedastic disturbance (Constant Variance) is not fulfilled, the following are the Heteroscedasticity consequences:

  1. We cannot apply the formula of the variance of the coefficient to conduct tests of significance and construct confidence intervals. The tests are inapplicable $Var(\hat{\beta}_0)=\sigma_u^2 \{\frac{\sum X^2}{n \sum X^2}\}$ and $Var(\hat{\beta}_1) = \sigma_u^2 \{\frac{1}{\sum X^2}\}$
  2. If $u$ (error term) is heteroscedastic the OLS (Ordinary Least Square) estimates do not have minimum variance property in the class of Unbiased Estimators i.e. they are inefficient in small samples. Furthermore, they are inefficient in large samples (that is, asymptotically inefficient).
  3. The coefficient estimates would still be statistically unbiased even if the $u$’s are heteroscedastic. The $\hat{\beta}$’s will have no statistical bias i.e. $E(\beta_i)=\beta_i$ (coefficient’s expected values will be equal to the true parameter value).
  4. The prediction would be inefficient because the variance of prediction includes the variance of $u$ and of the parameter estimates which are not minimal due to the incidence of heteroscedasticity i.e. The prediction of $Y$ for a given value of $X$ based on the estimates $\hat{\beta}$’s from the original data, would have a high variance.

Tests for Homoscedasticity

Some tests commonly used for testing the assumption of homoscedasticity are:

A. Koutsoyiannis (1972). “Theory of Econometrics”. 2nd Ed.

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Conducting Statistical Models in R Language

Hierarchical Multiple Regression SPSS

In this tutorial, we will learn how to perform hierarchical multiple regression analysis SPSS, which is a variant of the basic multiple regression analysis that allows specifying a fixed order of entry for variables (regressors) to control for the effects of covariates or to test the effects of certain predictors independent of the influence of other.

Step By Step Procedure of Hierarchical Multiple Regression SPSS

The basic command for hierarchical multiple regression analysis SPSS is “regression -> linear”:

Hierarchical Multiple Regression SPSS

In the main dialog box of linear regression (as given below), input the dependent variable. For example “income” variable from the sample file of customer_dbase.sav available in the SPSS installation directory.

Next, enter a set of predictor variables into an independent(s) pan. These variables that you want SPSS to put into the regression model first (that you want to control for when testing the variables). For example, in this analysis, we want to find out whether the “Number of people in the house” predicts the “Household income in thousands”.

We are also concerned that other variables like age, education, gender, union member, or retirement might be associated with both the “number of people in the house” and “household income in thousands”. To make sure that these variables (age, education, gender, union member, and retired) do not explain away the entire association between the “number of people in the house” and “Household income in thousands”, let’s put them into the model first.

This ensures that they will get credit for any shared variability that they may have with the predictor that we are interested in, “Number of people in the house”. any observed effect of “Number of people in the house” can then be said to be “independent of the effects of these variables that already have been controlled for. See the figure below

Linear Regression Variable

In the next step put the variable that we are interested in, which is the “number of people in the house”. To include it in the model click the “NEXT” button. You will see all of the predictors (that were entered previously) disappear. Note that they are still in the model, just not on the current screen (block). You will also see Block 2 of 2 above the “independent(s)” pan.

Hierarchical Regression

Now click the “OK” button to run the analysis.

Note you can also hit the “NEXT” button again if you are interested in entering a third or fourth (and so on) block of variables.

Often researchers enter variables as related sets. For example demographic variables in the first step, all potentially confounding variables in the second step, and then the variables that you are most interested in in the third step. However, it is not necessary to follow. One can also enter each variable as a separate step if that seems more logical based on the design of your experiment.

Output Hierarchical Multiple Regression Analysis

Using just the default “Enter” method, with all the variables in Block 1 (demographics) entered together, followed by “number of people in the house” as a predictor in Block 2, we get the following output:

Output Hierarchical Regression

The first table of output windows confirms that variables are entered in each step.

The summary table shows the percentage of explained variation in the dependent variable that can be accounted for by all the predictors together. The change in $R^2$ (R-squared) is a way to evaluate how much predictive power was added to the model by the addition of another variable in STEP 2. In our example, predictive power does not improve with the addition of another predictor in STEP 2.

Hierarchical Regression Output

The overall significance of the model can be checked from this ANOVA table. In this case, both models are statistically significant.

Hierarchical Regression Output

The coefficient table is used to check the individual significance of predictors. For model 2, the Number of people in the household is statistically non-significant, therefore excluded from the model.

Learn about Multiple Regression Analysis

R Language Frequently Asked Questions

Model Selection Criteria (2019)

All models are wrong, but some are useful. Model selection criteria are rules used to select a (statistical) model among competing models, based on given data.

Several model selection criteria are used to choose among a set of candidate models, and/ or compare models for forecasting purposes.

All model selection criteria aim at minimizing the residual sum of squares (or increasing the coefficient of determination value). The criterion Adj-$R^2$, Akaike Information, Bayesian Information Criterion, Schwarz Information Criterion, and Mallow’s $C_p$ impose a penalty for including an increasingly large number of regressors. Therefore, there is a trade-off between the goodness of fit of the model and its complexity. The complexity refers to the number of parameters in the model.

Model Selection Criteria

Model Selection Criteria: Coefficient of Determination ($R^2$)

$$R^2=\frac{\text{Explained Sum of Square}}{\text{Total Sum of Squares}}=1-\frac{\text{Residuals Sum of Squares}}{\text{Total Sum of Squares}}$$

Adding more variables to the model may increase $R^2$ but it may also increase the variance of forecast error.
There are some problems with $R^2$

  • It measures in-sample goodness of fit (how close an estimated $Y$ value is to its actual values) in the given sample. There is no guarantee that $R^2$ will forecast well out-of-sample observations.
  • In comparing two or more $R^2$’s, the dependent variable must be the same.
  • $R^2$ cannot fall when more variables are added to the model.

Model Selection Criteria: Adjusted Coefficient of Determination ($R^2$)


$\overline{R}^2 \ge R^2$ shows that the adjusted $R^2$ penalizes for adding more regressors (explanatory variables). Unlike $R^2$, the adjusted $R^2$ will increase only if the absolute $t$-value of the added variable is greater than 1. For comparative purposes, $\overline{R}^2$ is a better measure than $R^2$. The regressand (dependent variable) must be the same for the comparison of models to be valid.

Model Selection Criteria: Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC)

$$AIC=e^{\frac{2K}{n}}\frac{\sum \hat{u}^2_i}{n}=e^{\frac{2k}{n}}\frac{RSS}{n}$$
where $k$ is the number of regressors including the intercept. The formula of AIC is

$$\ln AIC = \left(\frac{2k}{n}\right) + \ln \left(\frac{RSS}{n}\right)$$
where $\ln AIC$ is natural log of AIC and $\frac{2k}{n}$ is penalty factor.

AIC imposes a harsher penalty than the adjusted coefficient of determination for adding more regressors. In comparing two or more models, the model with the lowest value of AIC is preferred. AIC is useful for both in-sample and out-of-sample forecasting performance of a regression model. AIC is used to determine the lag length in an AR(p) model also.

Model Selection Criteria: Schwarz’s Information Criterion (SIC)

SIC &=n^{\frac{k}{n}}\frac{\sum \hat{u}_i^2}{n}=n^{\frac{k}{n}}\frac{RSS}{n}\\
\ln SIC &= \frac{k}{n} \ln n + \ln \left(\frac{RSS}{n}\right)
where $\frac{k}{n}\ln\,n$ is the penalty factor. SIC imposes a harsher penalty than AIC.

Like AIC, SIC is used to compare the in-sample or out-of-sample forecasting performance of a model. The lower the values of SIC, the better the model.

Model Selection Criteria: Mallow’s $C_p$ Criterion

For Model selection the Mallow criteria is
where $RSS_p$ is the residual sum of the square using the $p$ regression in the model.
E(C_p)&\approx \frac{(n-p)\sigma^2}{\sigma^2}-(n-2p)\approx p
A model that has a low $C_p$ value, about equal to $p$ is preferable.

Model Selection Criteria: Bayesian Information Criteria (BIC)

The Bayesian information Criteria is based on the likelihood function and it is closely related to the AIC. The penalty term in BIC is larger than in AIC.
where $\hat{L}$ is the maximized value of the likelihood function of the regression model.


Cross-validation is a technique where the data is split into training and testing sets. The model is trained on the training data and then evaluated on the unseen testing data. This helps assess how well the model generalizes to unseen data and avoids overfitting.

Note that no one of these criteria is necessarily superior to the others.

Read more about Correlation and Regression Analysis

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