MS Excel Visualization Quiz 10

Explore your MS Excel skills with our MS Excel Visualization Quiz! Test your knowledge of creating, customizing, and interpreting graphs and charts in Excel. Perfect for beginners and advanced users alike, these 20 quizzes will help you master data visualization techniques. Boost your Excel expertise and enhance your data presentation skills today! Let us start with the MS Excel Visualization Quiz now.

MS Excel Visualization Quiz with Answers

Online MS Excel Visualization Quiz with Answers

1. What is the difference between a column chart and a bar chart?


2. For a pie chart to be an effective visualization, the number of categories should be:


3. Both area charts and line charts are mainly useful for time series data.


4. To fix the problem that we noted “Year be added as an axis label” and add Year as a label to each cluster, what is the best option to choose from the Select Data Source dialog box?

MS Excel Quiz


5. What does the R-Square value represent?

MS Excel Quiz R Squared


6. The key advantage that a doughnut chart has over a pie chart is that:


7. Which chart from the following list would be useful to visualize both the individual contribution as well as the total contribution to the trend in a time series data set of several categories?


8. When Excel refers to a clustered column chart, what is the cluster referring to?


9. How can we modify the line chart below to adjust the vertical axis to better display the range of the data?

MS Excel Line Chart Quiz


10. When applying a theme, the default setting in Excel is to apply the theme to only the active sheet, and not the entire workbook


11. Which Excel functionality would allow you to quickly recolor your chart according to a set of preset options?


12. A pie chart is useful when we want to show:


13. There is a problem with the chart that has been generated below. What is the problem?

MS Excel Visualization Quiz 10


14. If you apply a theme after you have individually customized one or two series colors, these series will not be reset to fit the theme.


15. A scatter chart is essentially an x-variable versus y-variable plot just like in standard mathematics.


16. To fix the problem that we noted “Year be added as an axis label” and remove Year as a series, what is the best option to choose from the Select Data Source dialog box?

MS Excel Quiz


17. A chart can only be drawn if we select the labels as well as the data.


18. What will choosing a Polynomial trendline likely do to the R-squared value below?MS Excel Quiz R Squared


19. How can we forecast forward into the future using the chart below?MS Excel Quiz R Squared

Click on the trendline and drag this forward.


20. If we choose Display Equation on Chart, why is this equation useful?


Online MS Excel Visualization Quiz with Answers

  • A chart can only be drawn if we select the labels as well as the data.
  • What is the difference between a column chart and a bar chart?
  • When Excel refers to a clustered column chart, what is the cluster referring to?
  • There is a problem with the chart that has been generated below. What is the problem?
  • To fix the problem that we noted “Year be added as an axis label” and remove Year as a series, what is the best option to choose from the Select Data Source dialog box?
  • To fix the problem that we noted “Year be added as an axis label” and add Year as a label to each cluster, what is the best option to choose from the Select Data Source dialog box?
  • A pie chart is useful when we want to show:
  • For a pie chart to be an effective visualization, the number of categories should be:
  • The key advantage that a doughnut chart has over a pie chart is that:
  • How can we modify the line chart below to adjust the vertical axis to better display the range of the data?
  • What does the R-Square value represent?
  • What will choosing a Polynomial trendline likely do to the R-squared value below?
  • How can we forecast forward into the future using the chart below? Click on the trendline and drag this forward.
  • If we choose Display Equation on Chart, why is this equation useful?
  • Both area charts and line charts are mainly useful for time series data.
  • Which chart from the following list would be useful to visualize both the individual contribution as well as the total contribution to the trend in a time series data set of several categories?
  • Which Excel functionality would allow you to quickly recolor your chart according to a set of preset options?
  • If you apply a theme after you have individually customized one or two series colors, these series will not be reset to fit the theme.
  • When applying a theme, the default setting in Excel is to apply the theme to only the active sheet, and not the entire workbook
  • A scatter chart is essentially an x-variable versus y-variable plot just like in standard mathematics.

Deep Learning Quiz

Microsoft Excel Quiz Questions 9

Are you ready to test your knowledge of Microsoft Excel Quiz Questions and master essential text functions? This post features 20 multiple-choice Microsoft Excel Quiz Questions and Answers designed to help you sharpen your skills in handling text data, reference, range, conditional formatting, and dashboards in Excel. Whether you are a beginner or looking to refresh your knowledge, this quiz covers the basics of MS Excel text functions like UPPER(), LOWER(), and PROPER(), COUNT(), COUNTA(). Let us start with Microsoft Excel Quiz Questions now.

Please go to Microsoft Excel Quiz Questions 9 to view the test

Microsoft Excel Quiz Questions and Answers

  • What is one of the functions you can use to change the text case in your data?
  • What does the Flash Fill feature have in common with the UPPER, LOWER, and PROPER functions?
  • Which of the following tasks can Flash Fill do?
  • Why do you need to use the Paste Values option when you paste contents from a helper row to the original row?
  • Which of the following are valid sorting orders you can choose when adding sorting levels to your data?
  • Which one of the following statements best describes the main purpose of a digital dashboard?
  • According to the ‘Creating a Simple Dashboard using Excel’ video, what did subject matter experts advise when building dashboards?
  • Which feature in Excel enables you to precisely control what information is displayed in a visualization such as a chart?
  • Which of the following tasks should you perform before creating a dashboard?
  • After importing a text file into Excel, some columns aren’t showing all the data. How can you fix all column widths at the same time?
  • Which Excel feature helps divide a column that contains into two columns: ?
  • Which of the following file types are not native Excel files but can be easily imported?
  • Column B contains the named range, sales_price. Column C contains the named range, shipping_cost. What would be an appropriate formula to obtain the total of columns B and C in a single cell?
  • Column C contains the named range, shipping_cost. Column D contains the named range, and location. What would be an appropriate formula to calculate the total shipping cost for all orders originating from the location of Sydney, given that location is the named range for column D?
  • To quickly create a named range: highlight the data, including the heading, and press:
  • Applying named ranges automatically embeds conditional formatting into your spreadsheet.
  • What is the difference between the functions COUNT and COUNTA?
  • Which of the following file types support macros?
  • When using a formula to apply conditional formatting to a whole row, how should we refer to cell B34 in our formula?
  • Which of the following are mixed cell references in Excel?
Microsoft Excel Quiz Questions Answers

R Frequently Asked Questions with Answers

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MS Excel Cell Reference Range Quiz 8

This test will check your understanding of MS Excel Cell Reference Ranges, which are used to select and work with multiple cells in a spreadsheet. You will encounter questions related to MS Excel on how to define, use, and apply ranges in formulas, functions, and data operations. Whether you are a beginner or looking to refresh your skills, this quiz “MS Excel Cell Reference Range” will help you master the concept of cell reference ranges in Excel! Let us start with the MS Excel Cell Reference Range Quiz now.

Online MS Excel Cell Reference Range Quiz Questions
Please go to MS Excel Cell Reference Range Quiz 8 to view the test

Online MS Excel Cell Reference Range Quiz

  • Cell F2 contains the following formula: =B2+C2+D2. If we drag the fill handle down, what would be the resulting formula in cell F3?
  • The tax rate, 15%, is in cell G2. Which cell references will allow us to use this value in a formula that appears down an entire column?
  • Instead of using absolute cell referencing, another way to refer to a tax rate of 15% which is cell G2, would be to:
  • Sara wants to create a name for the range for the tax rate of 15%. She types in Tax15, what is the problem?
  • Which of the following are valid characteristics of names for a named range?
  • When using Create from Selection you should select both data and labels.
  • When using Define Name you should select both data and labels.
  • We want to name each of the cells in column B using the labels in column A, which would be the fastest option?
  • Which shortcut will select a range of cells from the first selected cell to the end of a column (i.e., the first empty cell in that column)?
  • On which Tab of the ribbon are the Name tools located?
  • A named range, arrivals, has been created for cells N2 to N82. No other named ranges have been created. What will the Name Box display when clicking on cell N3?
  • A named range, arrivals, has been created for cells N2 to N82. What does Scope mean?
  • Which of the following does the name manager not allow us to do?
  • It is possible for the same range to have multiple names.
  • What is the quickest way to obtain a list of all the named ranges and the cells they refer to, for documentation purposes, in Excel or a word processing document?
  • Sara accidentally deleted a named range. What will happen?
  • When sharing files with colleagues, the named ranges will revert to relevant cell references.
  • What can you do if you forget the Named Ranges that apply to your spreadsheet?
  • Named ranges are more efficient than using cell references when performing calculations because of the following reasons:
  • Column B contains the named range, sales_price Column C contains the named range, shipping_cost. The formula: =SUM(sales_price)+SUM(shipping_cost) is typed into cell D2. What will be the result?

General Knowledge Quiz with Answers

summer() function in R Language