Pseudo Random Numbers (2014)

A sequence of Pseudo Random Numbers is generated by a deterministic algorithm and should simulate a sequence of independent and uniformly distributed random variables on the interval [0, 1]. Every random experiment results in two or more outcomes. A variable whose values depend upon the …

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What is Pseudo Random Process (2012)

Pseudo Random Process A pseudo random refers to a process that generates a sequence of numbers or events that appears random but actually, is not and is determined by a fixed set of rules. Pseudorandom sequences typically exhibit statistical randomness while being generated by an …

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Linear Congruential Generator (LCG)

A linear congruential generator (LCG) is an old algorithm that results in a sequence of pseudo-randomized numbers. Though, the algorithm of linear congruential generator is the oldest but best-known pseudorandom number generator method. The building block of a simulation study is the ability to generate …

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Statistical Simulation: Introduction and Issues (2012)

In this article, we will learn about statistical simulation introduction, use in various fields, and issues. Simulation is used before an existing system is altered or a new system is built, to reduce the chances of failure to meet specifications, eliminate unforeseen bottlenecks, prevent under …

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