Basic Statistics MCQs with Answers 15

This post is about Basic Statistics MCQs with Answers. There are 20 multiple-choice questions from the construction of frequency distribution, cumulative frequency, class intervals, class boundaries, and class width. Let us start with Basic Statistics MCQs with Answers.

Multiple-Choice Questions about Frequency Distribution Table

1. Cumulative frequency distribution which is the ‘greater than’ type is correspondent to


2. The exclusive method and inclusive method are ways of classifying data on the basis of


3. A complex type of table in which variables to be studied are subdivided with interrelated characteristics is called as


4. Frequency distribution which is the result of cross-classification is called


5. Which one of the following is the class frequency?


6. Distribution which shows a cumulative figure of all observations placed below the upper limit of classes in distribution is considered as


7. A distribution which requires the inclusion of open-ended classes is considered as


8. The class interval classification method which ensures data continuity is classified as


9. Simple classification and manifold classification are types of


10. The type of classification in which a class is subdivided into subclasses and one attribute is assigned for statistical study is considered as


11. The classification method in which the upper and lower limits of the interval are also in the class interval itself is called


12. The type of table in which study variables provide a large number of information with interrelated characteristics is classified as


13. Table in which data represented is extracted from some other data table is classified as


14. The ‘less than type distribution’ and ‘more than type distribution’ are types of


15. A term used to describe frequency curve is


16. Frequencies of all specific values of x and y variables with total calculated frequencies are classified as


17. The type of classification in which a class is subdivided into subclasses and subclasses are divided into more classes is considered as


18. The type of cumulative frequency distribution in which class intervals are added in bottom-to-top order is classified as


19. ‘less than type’ cumulative frequency distribution is considered as correspondence to


20. General tables of data used to show data in an orderly manner are called as


Basic Statistics MCQs with Answers

Online Basic Statistics MCQs with Answers
  • The classification method in which the upper and lower limits of the interval are also in the class interval itself is called
  • General tables of data used to show data in an orderly manner are called as
  • Frequencies of all specific values of x and y variables with total calculated frequencies are classified as
  • A term used to describe frequency curve is
  • Distribution which shows a cumulative figure of all observations placed below the upper limit of classes in distribution is considered as
  • A distribution which requires the inclusion of open-ended classes is considered as
  • The type of cumulative frequency distribution in which class intervals are added in bottom-to-top order is classified as
  • The ‘less than type distribution’ and ‘more than type distribution’ are types of
  • The exclusive method and inclusive method are ways of classifying data on the basis of
  • The type of classification in which a class is subdivided into subclasses and subclasses are divided into more classes is considered as
  • Frequency distribution which is the result of cross-classification is called
  • The type of table in which study variables provide a large number of information with interrelated characteristics is classified as
  • Table in which data represented is extracted from some other data table is classified as
  • The class interval classification method which ensures data continuity is classified as
  • Which one of the following is the class frequency?
  • A complex type of table in which variables to be studied are subdivided with interrelated characteristics is called as
  • ‘less than type’ cumulative frequency distribution is considered as correspondence to
  • The type of classification in which a class is subdivided into subclasses and one attribute is assigned for statistical study is considered as
  • Cumulative frequency distribution which is the ‘greater than’ type is correspondent to
  • Simple classification and manifold classification are types of
Basic Statistics MCQs with Answers 15,

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