MCQs Basic Statistics with Answers 16

The post is about Online MCQs Basic Statistics with Answers. There are 20 multiple-choice questions about variables, data, data classification, data types, measurable and non-measurable characteristics, frequency distribution, tables, and attributes. Let us start with the MCQS Basic Statistics with Answers.

Online Multiple Choice Questions about Basic Statistics

1. The number of accidents recorded yesterday in Multan is a


2. Data classified by the time of their occurrence is called


3. Data used by an agency that was originally collected by them are


4. The process of arranging data into rows and columns is called


5. $\sum\limits_{i=1}^n X_i=?$


6. How many classes are generally used for arranging data


7. The amount of milk given by a cow is a


8. Data classified by geographical regions is called


9. Measurements usually provide


10. Counting or enumerations usually provide


11. Data arranged in ascending or descending order is called


12. Important and basic classification of data are


13. A single value which represents the whole set of data is


14. A Characteristic which cannot be measurable is called


15. Data classified by attributes are called


16. Data classified by two characteristics at a time are called


17. The number 115.9700 rounded off to the nearest tenth (one decimal place) is


18. The Colour of hair is a


19. Hourly temperature recorded by the Weather Bureau represents


20. Data in the population census reports are


Online MCQs Basic Statistics with Answers

MCQs Basic Statistics with Answers
  • A Characteristic which cannot be measurable is called
  • The number 115.9700 rounded off to the nearest tenth (one decimal place) is
  • $\sum\limits_{i=1}^n X_i=?$
  • A single value which represents the whole set of data is
  • Important and basic classification of data are
  • Data classified by geographical regions is called
  • Data classified by attributes are called
  • Data classified by the time of their occurrence is called
  • Data classified by two characteristics at a time are called
  • Data used by an agency that was originally collected by them are
  • Data in the population census reports are
  • Measurements usually provide
  • Counting or enumerations usually provide
  • Hourly temperature recorded by the Weather Bureau represents
  • The amount of milk given by a cow is a
  • The number of accidents recorded yesterday in Multan is a
  • The colour of hair is a
  • Data arranged in ascending or descending order is called
  • The process of arranging data into rows and columns is called
  • How many classes are generally used for arranging data

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