MCQs Introductory Statistics 3

This quiz contains MCQs Introductory Statistics with answers covering variable and type of variable, Measures of central tendency such as mean, median, mode, Weighted mean, data and type of data, sources of data, Measures of Dispersion/ Variation, Standard Deviation, Variance, Range, etc. and Measures of Position. Let us start the MCQs Introductory Statistics with answers Quiz.

1. The lowest value of variance can be


2. The mean deviation of the values, 18, 12, and 15 is


3. If $a$ and $b$ are two constants, then $Var(a + bX)\,$ is


4. The sum of squared deviations of a set of $n$ values from their mean is


5. The measure of Dispersion can never be


6. The percentage of values lies between $\overline{X}\pm 2 SD\,$ is


7. If the standard deviation of the values 2, 4, 6, and 8 is 2.58, then the standard deviation of the values 4, 6, 8, and 10 is


8. The variance of a constant is


9. The sum of squares of deviation is least if measured from


10. If all values are the same then the measure of dispersion will be


11. $Var(2X+3)\,$ is


12. The standard deviation is always _________ than the mean deviation


13. Standard deviation is calculated from the Harmonic Mean (HM)


14. For the symmetrical distribution, approximately 68% of the cases are included between


15. Suppose for 40 observations, the variance is 50. If all the observations are increased by 20, the variance of these increased observations will be


16. Which of these is a relative measure of dispersion


17. The variance of 5 numbers is 10. If each number is divided by 2, then the variance of new numbers is


18. Variance is always calculated from


19. Variance remains unchanged by the change of


20. If $X$ and $Y$ are independent then $SD(X-Y)$ is


21. The range of the values -5, -8, -10, 0, 6, 10 is


22. If $Y=-8X-5$ and SD of $X$ is 3, then SD of $Y$ is


23. The measure of dispersion is changed by a change of


24. Mean Deviation, Variance, and Standard Deviation of the values 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 is


25. A measure of dispersion is always


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Basic statistics deals with the measure of central tendencies (such as mean, median, mode, weighted mean, geometric mean, and Harmonic mean) and measures of dispersion (such as range, standard deviation, and variances).

Basic statistical methods include planning and designing the study, collecting data, arranging, and numerical and graphically summarizing the collected data.

MCQs Introductory Statistics 3

Basic statistics are also used to perform statistical analysis to draw meaningful inferences.

A basic visual inspection of data using some graphical and numerical statistics may give some useful hidden information already available in the data. The graphical representation includes a bar chart, pie chart, dot chart, box plot, etc.

Companies related to finance, communication, manufacturing, charity organizations, government institutes, simple to large businesses, etc. are all examples that have a massive interest in collecting data and measuring different sorts of statistical findings. This helps them to learn from the past, noticing the trends, and planning for the future.

MCQs Introductory Statistics Measure of Central Tendency

MCQs Introductory Statistics

  • A measure of dispersion is always
  • Which of these is a relative measure of dispersion
  • The measure of dispersion is changed by a change of
  • Mean Deviation, Variance, and Standard Deviation of the values 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 is
  • The mean deviation of the values, 18, 12, and 15 is
  • The sum of squares of deviation is least if measured from
  • The sum of squared deviations of a set of $n$ values from their mean is
  • Variance is always calculated from
  • The lowest value of variance can be
  • The variance of a constant is
  • Variance remains unchanged by the change of
  • $Var(2X+3)\,$ is
  • If $a$ and $b$ are two constants, then $Var(a + bX)\,$ is
  • Suppose for 40 observations, the variance is 50. If all the observations are increased by 20, the variance of these increased observations will be
  • Standard deviation is calculated from the Harmonic Mean (HM)
  • The variance of 5 numbers is 10. If each number is divided by 2, then the variance of new numbers is
  • If $X$ and $Y$ are independent then $SD(X-Y)$ is
  • If $Y=-8X-5$ and SD of $X$ is 3, then SD of $Y$ is
  • The standard deviation is always _________ than the mean deviation
  • If the standard deviation of the values 2, 4, 6, and 8 is 2.58, then the standard deviation of the values 4, 6, 8, and 10 is
  • For the symmetrical distribution, approximately 68% of the cases are included between
  • The percentage of values lies between $\overline{X}\pm 2 SD\,$ is
  • The measure of Dispersion can never be
  • If all values are the same then the measure of dispersion will be
  • The range of the values -5, -8, -10, 0, 6, 10 is

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11 thoughts on “MCQs Introductory Statistics 3”

    • Please mention the statement of the question. Questions appear randomly for each test. However, I checked the options that have 0 and 1. There are two questions, one is related to mean deviation and the other is related to the variance for constant values. For mean deviation, you need to find the average of absolute values. A hint is also provided in the quiz and it will appear when you will submit the quiz.

      Thanks for your comment. Keep visiting the site and help me in improving and correcting the content of the site.


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