Stem and Leaf Plot: Exploratory Data Analysis

Before performing any statistical calculation (even the simplest one), data should be tabulated or plotted especially if they are quantitative and are few (few observations) to visualize the shape of the distribution. A stem and leaf plot is a way of summarizing the set of data measured on an interval …

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Histogram: Useful Graphical Representation of Data

A histogram is very similar to the bar chart for a frequency distribution based on quantitative data showing the distribution of qualitative data. It is a useful graphical representation of data that helps to visualize the distribution of data. The histogram is constructed from the grouped data by taking the …

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Pareto Chart Use and Example (2012)

A Pareto chart named after Vilfredo Pareto (an Italian Economist) is a bar chart in which all bars are ordered from largest to the smallest along with a line showing the cumulative percentage and count of the bars. The left vertical axis has the frequency of occurrence (number of occurrences), or …

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