Best MCQs Graphs and Charts 1

These MCQs Graphs and Charts contain questions from different topics related to the graphical Presentation of data in statistics MCQs which include, Histogram, Frequency distribution (Relative frequency distribution, Cumulative Frequency distribution),  Bar chart, Pie chart, Line graph, Pareto Chart, scatter diagram, and stemp-and-leaf display etc.

Let’s start checking your knowledge about MCQs Graphs and Charts quiz.

1. A Histogram is a set of adjacent


2. Total Relative Frequency is always


3. Which of the following is NOT appropriate for studying the relationship between two quantitative variables?


4. Cumulative Frequency Curve is also called


5. While constructing Frequency Distribution, the number of classes used depends upon


6. By dividing the upper and lower limits of a particular class we get


7. Graph of time series data is called


8. _______________________ use the division of a circle into different sectors


9. The budgets of the two families can be compared by __________.


10. An ogive is a


11. The process of systematic arrangement of data in rows and columns is called


12. The graph of the normal distribution depends on


13. The graph below represents the relationship that is

Positive correlation


14. The graph of a frequency distribution is called


15. The total angles in the Pie chart are


16. In constructing a histogram, if the class interval size of one class is double that of others, then the width of that bar should be


17. Cumulative Frequency is ___________________ frequency


18. The average value of the lower and upper limit of a class is called


19. The graph showing the paired points ($X_i, Y_i$) is called a


20. The graph of cumulative frequency is called


Graphs and charts are common methods to get a visual inspection of data. Graphs and charts are the graphical summaries of the data. Graphs represent diagrams of a mathematical or statistical function, while a chart is a graphical representation of the data. In the charts, the data is represented by symbols.

The most commonly used graphs and charts are bar charts, histograms, pie charts, and line graphs. Graphs are used to get quick ideas and decisions about phenomena under study. Generally, graphs and charts are used to get the distribution of data. However, different graphs and charts are used to get quite different information.

For example, line graphs are used to get ideas about changes over short/long periods of time. Bar graphs and their further types (cluster bar graph, stacked bar graph) are used to compare the differences among the groups. Pie charts are used to get the proportional contribution of each group about the whole.

MCQs Graphs and Charts

The important features of graphs and charts are (1) Title: the title of charts and graphs tells us what the subject of the chart or graph is, (2) Vertical Axis: the vertical axis tells us what is being measured in the chart and a graph, and (3) Horizontal Axis: the horizontal axis tells us the units of measurement represented.

There are various mathematical and statistical software that can be used to draw graphs and charts. For example, MS-Excel, Minitab, SPSS, SAS, STATA, Graph Maker, Matlab, Mathematica, R, Exlstat, Python, Maple, etc.

MCQs Graphs and Charts

  • Graph of time series data is called
  • The process of systematic arrangement of data in rows and columns is called
  • While constructing Frequency Distribution, the number of classes used depends upon
  • Cumulative Frequency is _______ frequency
  • The graph of cumulative frequency is called
  • The average value of the lower and upper limit of a class is called
  • Total Relative Frequency is always
  • The total angles in the Pie chart are
  • ___________ use the division of a circle into different sectors
  • A Histogram is a set of adjacent
  • Cumulative Frequency Curve is also called
  • In constructing a histogram, if the class interval size of one class is double that of others, then the width of that bar should be
  • The graph of the normal distribution depends on
  • The graph of a frequency distribution is called
  • By dividing the upper and lower limits of a particular class we get
  • An ogive is a
  • The budgets of the two families can be compared by __________.
  • The graph showing the paired points ($X_i, Y_i$) is called a
  • The graph below represents the relationship that is
MCQs Charts and Graphs

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