MCQs Charts and Graphs Quiz 6

The post is about Online MCQs Charts and Graphs Quiz with Answers. There are 20 multiple-choice questions from Charts and Graphs (Data Visualizations, such as histogram, frequency curve, cumulative frequency polygon, bar chart, pie chart, heatmap, exploratory data analysis, etc.) Let us start with the Online MCQs Charts and Graphs Quiz Questions with Answers now.

Online MCQs Charts in MS Excel Questions With Answers

1. What kind of data works best with filled map charts?


2. In which situation is a bar graph preferred over a pie chart?


3. Which plot type is specifically employed to visualize the median and distribution within and across categories?


4. Suppose you want to visualize the results of a study. When assessing only one ordinal or nominal variable it is sufficient to use a (1) ———— When looking at the relationship between two of these ordinal or nominal variables you’d better use a (2) ———— When you’re assessing the correlation between two continuous variables it’s best to use a (3) ————- Fill in the right words on the dots.


5. Which chart uses nested rectangles?


6. What are sparklines typically used for?


7. What spreadsheet software is preferred when multiple users need to collaborate?


8. Which of the following is true of scatter charts?


9. Which of the following is true about filled map charts?


10. What do treemaps use to represent hierarchical data categories?


11. What is the capability of line charts?


12. What is the difference between Bar and Column charts?


13. What is the main difference between Area and Column charts?


14. When you add a filter to a pivot chart, how do you update the data in the source pivot table?


15. Which of the following is true about an area chart?


16. To visualize its distribution, binned data is often plotted in which of the following types of chart?


17. Which chart is a type of correlation chart?


18. How does a pivot chart differ from a standard chart in Excel?


19. Which two charts typically have categories arranged on the horizontal axis and values on the vertical axis?


20. Histograms can look like a bar chart, what’s the key difference?


Online MCQs Charts and Graphs Quiz Questions

  • What spreadsheet software is preferred when multiple users need to collaborate?
  • Which of the following is true about filled map charts?
  • What is the difference between Bar and Column charts?
  • Which chart uses nested rectangles?
  • Which two charts typically have categories arranged on the horizontal axis and values on the vertical axis?
  • When you add a filter to a pivot chart, how do you update the data in the source pivot table?
  • What is the capability of line charts?
  • How does a pivot chart differ from a standard chart in Excel?
  • What is the main difference between Area and Column charts?
  • What do treemaps use to represent hierarchical data categories?
  • Histograms can look like a bar chart, what’s the key difference?
  • What kind of data works best with filled map charts?
  • What are sparklines typically used for?
  • Which of the following is true about an area chart?
  • Which of the following is true of scatter charts?
  • In which situation is a bar graph preferred over a pie chart?
  • Suppose you want to visualize the results of a study. When assessing only one ordinal or nominal variable it is sufficient to use a (1) ———— When looking at the relationship between two of these ordinal or nominal variables you’d better use a (2) ———— When you’re assessing the correlation between two continuous variables it’s best to use a (3) ————- Fill in the right words on the dots.
  • Which chart is a type of correlation chart?
  • Which plot type is specifically employed to visualize the median and distribution within and across categories?
  • To visualize its distribution, binned data is often plotted in which of the following types of chart?
MCQs Charts and Graphs Quiz with Answers

Computer MCQs, R Language Frequently Asked Questions

Data Visualization Questions 5

The post is about Online Data Visualization Questions with Answers. There are 20 multiple-choice questions from data visualizations (charts and graphs, such as histogram, frequency curve, cumulative frequency polygon, bar chart, pie chart, exploratory data analysis, etc.) Let us start with the Online Data visualization Questions with Answers now.

Please go to Data Visualization Questions 5 to view the test

Data Visualization Questions with Answrs

Data Visualization Questions with Answers

  • Which plot type helps you validate normality assumptions?
  • Which plot types help you validate assumptions about linearity?
  • When conducting exploratory data analysis, which visualizations are particularly useful for examining the distribution of numerical data and skewness through displaying the data quartiles (or percentiles) and averages?
  • When conducting exploratory data analysis (EDA), visualizations are particularly useful for plotting the target variable over multiple variables to get visual clues of the relationship between these variables and the target.
  • Which of the following is NOT true of a scatter plot?
  • In a box plot, the interquartile range (IQR) contains
  • Which chart type shows the inner subdivision of a value among different categories or groups?
  • Which chart is a type of trend chart?
  • What type of chart is a scatter plot?
  • Which chart is a type of comparison chart?
  • What are trend charts used for?
  • Which of the following is NOT the purpose of data visualization?
  • Which graph type helps you visualize the count of categorical or grouped data?
  • What is the difference between a histogram and a bar chart?
  • Data visualizations such as graphs and charts are a great way to bring data to life.
  • In a box plot, in which quartile does 75% of the sorted data fall below?
  • Which statement is true regarding box plots?
  • Which statement is true about the interquartile range of a data set?
  • What is the goal of Data Visualization?
  • What is the discipline of communicating information through the use of visual elements?

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Charts and Graphs MCQs 4

The post is about Online Charts and Graphs MCQs with Answers. There are 20 multiple-choice questions from data visualizations (charts and graphs, such as histogram, frequency curve, cumulative frequency polygon, bar chart, pie chart, etc.) Let us start with the Online Charts and Graphs MCQs Test now.

Please go to Charts and Graphs MCQs 4 to view the test

Online Charts and Graphs MCQs with Answers

  • Which of the following is the suitable way to display the average income earned by men and women in a city?
  • What is a suitable way to display the relationship between two continuous variables?
  • When the sum of two or more categories equals 100, what chart type is ideally suited for displaying data?
  • Numerical methods and graphical methods are specialized procedures used in
  • The type of rating scale that represents the response of respondents by marking at appropriate points is classified as
  • A histogram for an equal class interval is constructed by taking ————- on the x-axis and ————– on the y-axis.
  • A frequency curve with a right tail smaller than the left tail is called ————.
  • If 25% of observations in a data set are outside the interval ($Mean + 2SD$) then it indicates that data is
  • If 84% of observations in a data set are less than $mean + SD$ then it indicates that data is
  • The following boxplots represent the entry test marks obtained by boys and girls. The lowest marks obtained by one of the
  • The following boxplots represent the entry test marks obtained by boys and girls. Data for marks of boys is ————– as compared to data for marks of girls.  
  • The following boxplots represent the entry test marks obtained by boys and girls. The boys’ marks are on the average ————- girls’ marks.
  • The following boxplots represent the entry test marks obtained by boys and girls. What percent of the values are below than upper edge of the box?  
  • The following boxplots represent the entry test marks obtained by boys and girls. What percent of the values are above than lower edge of the box?
  • The following boxplots represent the entry test marks obtained by boys and girls. What percent of the values are within the box?  
  • The following boxplots represent the entry test marks obtained by boys and girls. The length of the box represents ———-.
  • The following boxplots represent the entry test marks obtained by boys and girls. The length of the graph represents —————–.  
  • The following boxplots represent the entry test marks obtained by boys and girls. The position of the line within the box indicates —————-.
  • Which of the graphs is useful to estimate the median and quantile of the data?
  • Which of the graphs is useful to identify the shape of the data?

Graphs and charts are common methods to get a visual inspection of data. Graphs and charts are the graphical summaries of the data. Graphs represent diagrams of a mathematical or statistical function, while a chart is a graphical representation of the data. In the charts, the data is represented by symbols.

The important features of graphs and charts are (1) Title: the title of charts and graphs tells us what the subject of the chart or graph is, (2) Vertical Axis: the vertical axis tells us what is being measured in the chart and a graph, and (3) Horizontal Axis: the horizontal axis tells us the units of measurement represented.

There are various mathematical and statistical software that can be used to draw charts and graphs. For example, MS-Excel, Minitab, SPSS, SAS, STATA, Graph Maker, Matlab, Mathematica, R, Exlstat, Python, Maple, etc.

Note that

  • All graphs are charts, but not all charts are graphs.
  • Charts present information in a general way.
  • Graphs show the connections between pieces of data.
Online Charts and Graphs MCQs with Answers

R Frequently Asked Questions and Data Analysis