Important Multivariate Quiz 3

Multivariate Analysis term includes all statistics for more than two variables analyzed simultaneously. The post is about Multivariate Quiz. Let us start with the Online Multivariate Quiz with Answers.

The quiz contains Multivariate related multiple choice questions with answers.

1. Some steps for Conducting factor analysis are:


2. Principle component analysis is one of the methods of:


3. You cannot retain factors that have an eigenvalue value of less than 1 as only factors with an eigenvalue over 1 should be kept.


4. Rotation usually involves _____ high correlations and _____ low ones.


5. Assumptions to be fulfilled for running factor analysis:


6. If a researcher uses factor rotation in a factor analysis, what will be the likely outcome:


7. Look at the steps below. Is there anything else a researcher could d0?

The correlation matrix is produced → factors are then retained based on eigenvalues over 1 and theoretical considerations → then the rotated factor loadings (whatever their loading) are used to name factors.


8. In factor analysis ———— is the amount of variance explained by a factor.


9. ——— was known for his seminal work on testing and measuring “Human Intelligence” by using “Factor Analysis” during World War I.


10. To determine which variables relate to which factors, a researcher would use:


11. The most common method of rotation is called


12. Factor analysis is a:


13. Variables are not always measured in the same units so using the correlation matrix in factor analysis is equivalent to standardizing the data so that they are comparable.


14. If a researcher wanted to determine which variables were associated with which factors they would look at:


15. In factor analysis, there are two common rotation techniques:


16. It can be defined as the correlation coefficient between the variable and the factor.


17. Determination of a number of factors:


18. Identify the correct statement from the following


19. A technique for the study of interrelationships among variables, usually for data reduction and the discovery of underlying constructors or latent dimensions is known as:


20. An empirically based hypothetical variable consisting of items that are strongly associated with each other and upon which individuals differ is known as what?


An application of different statistical methods applied to the economic data used to find empirical relationships between economic data is called Econometrics. In other words, Econometrics is “the quantitative analysis of actual economic phenomena based on the concurrent development of theory and observation, related by appropriate methods of inference”.

Multivariate Quiz Questions

  • An empirically based hypothetical variable consisting of items that are strongly associated with each other and upon which individuals differ is known as what?
  • Identify the correct statement from the following
  • Look at the steps below. Is there anything else a researcher could do? The correlation matrix is produced → factors are then retained based on eigenvalues over 1 and theoretical considerations → then the rotated factor loadings (whatever their loading) are used to name factors.
  • Rotation usually involves __________ high correlations and _________ low ones.
  • The most common method of rotation is called
  • Variables are not always measured in the same units so using the correlation matrix in factor analysis is equivalent to standardizing the data so that they are comparable.
  • You cannot retain factors that have an eigenvalue value of less than 1 as only factors with an eigenvalue over 1 should be kept.
  • ——— was known for his seminal work on testing and measuring “Human Intelligence” by using “Factor Analysis” during World War I.
  • Factor analysis is a:
  • Assumptions to be fulfilled for running factor analysis:
  • Principle component analysis is one of the methods of:
  • Determination of a number of factors:
  • In factor analysis ———— is the amount of variance explained by a factor.
  • In factor analysis, there are two common rotation techniques:
  • It can be defined as the correlation coefficient between the variable and the factor.
  • Some steps for Conducting factor analysis are:
  • A technique for the study of interrelationships among variables, usually for data reduction and the discovery of underlying constructors or latent dimensions is known as:
  • To determine which variables relate to which factors, a researcher would use:
  • If a researcher wanted to determine which variables were associated with which factors they would look at:
  • If a researcher uses factor rotation in a factor analysis, what will be the likely outcome:
MCQs Multivariate Quiz
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  • Testing text and visual elements on a webpage together.
  • An example of multivariate data is Vital signs recorded for a newborn baby: This includes multiple variables such as heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, and temperature.

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