EigenValues and EigenVectors (2020)

Introduction to Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors

Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices are needed for some of the methods such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Principal Component Regression (PCR), and assessment of the input of collinearity.

Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

For a real, symmetric matrix $A_{ntimes n}$ there exists a set of $n$ scalars $lambda_i$, and $n$ non-zero vectors $Z_i,,(i=1,2,cdots,n)$ such that

AZ_i &=lambda_i,Z_i\
AZ_i – lambda_i, Z_i &=0\
Rightarrow (A-lambda_i ,I)Z_i &=0

The $lambda_i$ are the $n$ eigenvalues (characteristic roots or latent root) of the matrix $A$ and the $Z_i$ are the corresponding (column) eigenvectors (characteristic vectors or latent vectors).

There are non-zero solutions to $(A-lambda_i,I)=0$ only if the matrix ($A-lambda_i,I$) is less than full rank (only if the determinant of $(A-lambda_i,I)$ is zero). $lambda_i$ are obtained by solving the general determinantal equation $|A-lambda,I|=0$.

The determinant of $(A-lambda,I)$ is an $n$th degree polynomial in $lambda$. Solving this equation gives the $n$ values of $lambda$, which are not necessarily distinct. Each value of $lambda$ is used in equation $(A-lambda_i,I)Z_i=0$ to find the companion eigenvectors $Z_i$.

When the eigenvalues are distinct, the vector solution to $(A-lambda_i,I)Z_i=0$ is unique except for an arbitrary scale factor and sign. By convention, each eigenvector is defined to be the solution vector scaled to have unit length; that is, $Z_i’Z_i=1$. Furthermore, the eigenvectors are mutually orthogonal; ($Z_i’Z_i=0$ when $ine j$).

When the eigenvalues are not distinct, there is an additional degree of arbitrariness in defining the subsets of vectors corresponding to each subset of non-distinct eigenvalues.

Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors Examples

Example: Let the matrix $A=begin{bmatrix}10&3\3 & 8end{bmatrix}$.

The eigenvalues of $A$ can be found by $|A-lambda,I|=0$. Therefore,

|A-lambda, I|&=Big|begin{matrix}10-lambda & 3\ 3& 8-lambdaend{matrix}Big|\
Rightarrow (10-lambda)(8-lambda)-9 &= lambda^2 -18lambda+71 =0

By Quadratic formula, $lambda_1 = 12.16228$ and $lambda_2=5.83772$, arbitrarily ordered from largest to smallest. Thus the matrix of eigenvalues of $A$ is

$$L=begin{bmatrix}12.16228 & 0 \ 0 & 5.83772end{bmatrix}$$

The eigenvectors corresponding to $lambda_1=12.16228$ are obtained by solving

$(A-lambda_2,I)Z_i=0$ for the element of $Z_i$;

(A-12.16228I)begin{bmatrix}Z_{11}\Z_{21}end{bmatrix} &=0\
begin{bmatrix}-2.162276 & 3\ 3 & -4.162276end{bmatrix}begin{bmatrix}Z_{11}\Z_{21}end{bmatrix}&=0

Arbitrary setting $Z_{11}=1$ and solving for $Z_{11}$, using first equation gives $Z_{21}=0.720759$. Thus the vector $Z_1’=begin{bmatrix}1 & 0.72759end{bmatrix}$ statisfy first equation.

$Length(Z_1)=sqrt{Z_1’Z_1}=sqrt{1.5194935}=1.232677$, where $Z’=0.999997$.

Z_1 &=begin{bmatrix} 0.81124&0.58471end{bmatrix}\
Z_2 &=begin{bmatrix}-0.58471&0.81124end{bmatrix}

The elements of $Z_2$ are found in the same manner. Thus the matrix of eigenvectors for $A$ is

$$Z=begin{bmatrix}0.81124 &-0.58471\0.8471&0.81124end{bmatrix}$$

Note that matrix $A$ is of rank two because both eigenvalues are non-zero. The decomposition of $A$ into two orthogonal matrices each of rank one.

A &=A_1+A_2\
A_1 &=lambda_1Z_1Z_1′ = 12.16228 begin{bmatrix}0.81124\0.58471end{bmatrix}begin{bmatrix}0.81124 & 0.58471end{bmatrix}\
&= begin{bmatrix}8.0042 & 5.7691\ 5.7691&4.1581end{bmatrix}\
A_2 &= lambda_2Z_2Z_2′ = begin{bmatrix}1.9958 & -2.7691\-2.7691&3.8419end{bmatrix}

EigenValues and EigenVectors (2020)

Thus the sum of eigenvalues $lambda_1+lambda_2=18$ is $trace(A)$. Thus the sum of the eigenvalues for any square symmetric matrix is equal to the trace of the matrix. The trace of each of the component rank $-1$ matrix is equal to its eigenvalue. $trace(A_1)=lambda_1$ and $trace(A_2)=lambda_2$.

In summary, understanding eigenvalues and eigenvectors is essential for various mathematical and scientific applications. They provide valuable tools for analyzing linear transformations, solving systems of equations, and understanding complex systems in various fields.


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Mathematical Expressions Used in Math Word Problems

Mathematical Expressions

To solve any mathematical problem, it is important to understand and know the mathematical meaning of the words used in the problem. Many mathematical expressions or even general expressions have the same meaning and may indicate a relationship between quantities or a mathematical operation (such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division).

Equality Expressions

All of the following expressions represent that two quantities are equal (=).

  • is equal to (or equals)
  • is the same as
  • the result is
  • yields
  • gives

For example, 2+5 is equal to 7.

Note: The word “is” is also used to mean “equals”. For example, 8 is 5 more than 3, or 8 equals 5 + 3.

Mathematical Expressions

Addition Expressions

Among mathematical expressions. all of the following expression shows that the numbers $X$ and $Y$ are added

Mathematical Expressions DescriptionExample
The sum of $X$ and $Y$The sum of 2 and 3
The total of $X$ and $Y$The total of 2 and 3
$X$ added to $Y$2 added to 3
$X$ increased by $Y$2 increased by 3
$X$ more than $Y$2 more than 3
$X$ greater than $Y$2 greater than 3

Subtraction Expressions

All of the following expressions show that the number $Y$ is to be subtracted from the number $X$

Mathematical Expressions DescriptionExample
$X$ minus $Y$7 minus 3
$X$ less $Y$7 less 3
The difference of $X$ and $Y$The difference between 7 and 3
from $X$ subtract $Y$from 7 subtract 3
$X$ take away $Y$7 take away 3
$X$ decreased by $Y$7 decreased by 3
$X$ diminished by $Y$7 diminished by 3
$Y$ is subtracted from $X$7 is subtracted from 3
$Y$ less than $X$3 less than 7

Multiplication Expressions

The following expression can be used if the numbers $X$ and $Y$ need to be multiplied.

Expression DescriptionExample
$X \times Y$$2\times 3$
$X$ multiplied by $Y$2 multiplied by 3
The product of $X$ and $Y$The product of 2 and 3
$X$ times $Y$2 times 3

For multiplication of two or more numbers symbol $\times$ or $\cdot$ is used. In algebra, a number before a variable is a coefficient, such as $4Y$ means 4 times $Y$, where 4 is the coefficient.

Division Expressions

All of the following expressions indicate the division of the numbers $X$ and $Y$ (in the order $X \div Y$.

Mathematical ExpressionsExample
$X \div Y$$10 \div 2$
$X$ divided by $Y$10 divided by 2
The quotient of $X$ and $Y$The quotient of 10 and 2

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Statistical Data: Introduction and Real Life Examples (2020)

By statistical Data we mean, the piece of information collected for descriptive or inferential statistical analysis of the data. Data is everywhere. Therefore, everything that has past and/ or features is called statistical data.

One can find the Statistical data

  • Any financial/ economics data
  • Transactional data (from stores, or banks)
  • The survey, or census (of unemployment, houses, population, roads, etc)
  • Medical history
  • Price of product
  • Production, and yields of a crop
  • My history, your history is also statistical data


Data is the plural of datum — it is a piece of information. The value of the variable (understudy) associated with one element of a population or sample is called a datum (or data in a singular sense or data point). For example, Mr. Asif entered college at the age of 18 years, his hair is black, has a height of 5 feet 7 inches, and he weighs about 140 pounds. The set of values collected for the variable from each of the elements belonging to the sample is called data (or data in a plural sense). For example, a set of 25 weights was collected from the 25 students.

Types of Data

The data can be classified into two general categories: quantitative data and qualitative data. The quantitative data can further be classified as numerical data that can be either discrete or continuous. The qualitative data can be further subdivided into nominal, ordinal, and binary data.

Qualitative data represent information that can be classified by some quality, characteristics, or criterion—for example, the color of a car, religion, blood type, and marital status.

When the characteristic being studied is non-numeric it is called a qualitative variable or an attribute. A qualitative variable is also known as a categorical variable. A categorical variable is not comparable to taking numerical measurements. Observations falling in each category (group, class) can only be counted for examples, gender (either male or female), general knowledge (poor, moderate, or good), religious affiliation, type of automobile owned, city of birth, eye color (red, green, blue, etc), etc. Qualitative variables are often summarized in charts graphs etc. Other examples are what percent of the total number of cars sold last month were Suzuki, what percent of the population has blue eyes?

Quantitative data result from a process that quantifies, such as how much or how many. These quantities are measured on a numerical scale. For example, weight, height, length, and volume.

When the variables studied can be reported numerically, the variable is called a quantitative variable. e.g. the age of the company president, the life of an automobile battery, the number of children in a family, etc. Quantitative variables are either discrete or continuous.

Statistical Data

Note that some data can be classified as either qualitative or quantitative, depending on how it is used. If a numerical is used as a label for identification, then it is qualitative; otherwise, it is quantitative. For example, if a serial number on a car is used to identify the number of cars manufactured up to that point then it is a quantitative measure. However, if this number is used only for identification purposes then it is qualitative data.

Binary Data

The binary data has only two possible values/states; such as, defected or non-defective, yes or no, and true or false, etc. If both of the values are equally important then it is binary symmetric data (for example, gender). However, if both of the values are not equally important then it can be called binary asymmetric data (for example, result: pass or fail, cancer detected: yes or no).

For quantitative data, a count will always give discrete data, for example, the number of leaves on a tree. On the other hand, a measure of a quantity will usually be continuous, for example, weigh 160 pounds, to the nearest pound. This weight could be any value in the interval say 159.5 to 160.5.

The following are some examples of Qualitative Data. Note that the outcomes of all examples of Qualitative Variables are non-numeric.

  • The type of payment (cheque, cash, or credit) used by customers in a store
  • The color of your new cell phone
  • Your eyes color
  • The make of the types on your car
  • The obtained exam grade

The following are some examples of Quantitative Data. Note that the outcomes of all examples of Quantitative Variables are numeric.

  • The age of the customer in a stock
  • The length of telephone calls recorded at a switchboard
  • The cost of your new refrigerator
  • The weight of your watch
  • The air pressure in a tire
  • the weight of a shipment of tomatoes
  • The duration of a flight from place A to B
  • The grade point average

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