Coefficient of Determination Formula: Quick Guide 2019

In this post, we will discuss not only the coefficient of determination formula but also the use and computation of the coefficient of determination. Coefficient of Determination as a Link between Regression and Correlation Analysis.

Coefficient of Determination $R^2$ in Statistics

The R squared ($r^2$; the square of the correlation coefficient) shows the percentage of the total variation of the dependent variable ($Y$) that can be explained by the independent (explanatory) variable ($X$). For this reason, $r^2$ (r-squared) is sometimes called the coefficient of determination.

The coefficient of Determination (R-squared is commonly used in various fields like Social Science, Finance, and Economics to evaluate the performance of the regression models. It helps the researchers to understand how well their models capture the relationship between the variables being studied.


\[r=\frac{\sum x_i y_y}{\sqrt{\sum x_i^2} \sqrt{\sum y_i^2}},\]

Coefficient of Determination Formula

r^2&=\frac{(\sum x_iy_i)^2}{(\sum x_i^2)(\sum y_i^2)}=\frac{\sum \hat{y}^2}{\sum y^2}\\
&=\frac{\text{Explained Variation}}{\text{Total Variation}}

where $r$ shows the degree of covariability of $X$ and $Y$. Note that the formula used here is in deviation form, that is, $x=X-\mu$ and $y=Y-\mu$.

The link of $r^2$ between regression and correlation analysis can be considered from these points.

Coefficient of Determination Formula
  • If all the observations lie on the regression line then there will be no scattered points. In other words, the total variation of variable $Y$ is explained completely by the estimated regression line, which shows that there would be no scatterness in the data points(or no unexplained variation). That is
    \[\frac{\sum e^2}{\sum y^2}=\frac{\text{Unexplained Variation}}{\text{Total Variation}}=0\]
    Hence, $r^2=r=1$.
  • If the regression line explains only part of the variation in variable $Y$ then there will be some explained variation, that is,
    \[\frac{\sum e^2}{\sum y^2}=\frac{\text{Unexplained Variation}}{\text{Total Variation}}>0\]
    then, $r^2$ will be smaller than 1.
  • If the regression line does not explain any part of the variation of variable $Y$, that is,
    \[\frac{\sum e^2}{\sum y^2}=\frac{\text{Unexplained Variation}}{\text{Total Variation}}=1\Rightarrow=\sum y^2 = \sum e^2\]
    then, $r^2=0$.

Because $r^2=1-\frac{\text{unexlained variation}}{\text{total variation}}$

Key Points about Coefficient of Determination

  • Overfitting: A model can achieve a high $R^2$ value by simply memorizing the training data, but the model might not perform well on unseen data.
  • Number of Predictors: Adding more independent variables to a model will tend to increase the $R^2$ value, but it does not necessarily mean the additional variables are statistically significant.
  • Alternative Metrics: To assess the nuance of the model fit, use other metrics like adjusted R-squared or residual analysis.

Keeping in mind the limitations of R-squared, the data analysts can use the coefficient of determination as a valuable tool to assess how well their models capture real-world relationships between variables.

Note that there are two main ways to calculate R-squared value:

  1. Squared Correlation Coefficient: R-squared is the square of the correlation coefficient ($r$) between the predicted values ($\hat{y}$) from the model and the actual values of the dependent variable ($y$).
  2. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA): R-squared can also be calculated using the ratio of the explained variance to the total variance (variance in the dependent variable).
Coefficient of determination formula

FAQs about Coefficient of Determination

  1. For a simple linear regression model, what is the link between the coefficient of correlation and the coefficient of determination?
  2. How Coefficient of Determination is interpreted?
  3. How Coefficient of determination can be obtained from the ANOVA table?
  4. How overfitting can be identified from the value of $R^2$?
  5. What are alternatives to $R^2$?
  6. What is the link between total variation, explained variation, and unexplained variation?
  7. What is the impact of adding extra/ more explanatory variables in the linear regression model?
  8. What is the link between explained and unexplained variation?
  9. Give real-life examples of coefficient of determination in which it is high enough.

Learn more about the Coefficient of Determination Formula and Definition in Statistics

Regression Model in R Programming Language

Checking Normality of Error Term (2019)

Normality of Error Term

In multiple linear regression models, the sum of squared residuals (SSR) is divided by $n-p$ (degrees of freedom, where $n$ is the total number of observations, and $p$ is the number of the parameter in the model) is a good estimate of the error variance. In the multiple linear regression model, the residual vector is

e &=(I-H)y\\

where $H$ is the hat matrix for the regression model.

Each component $e_i=\varepsilon – \sum\limits_{i=1}^n h_{ij} \varepsilon_i$. Therefore, In multiple linear regression models, the normality of the residual is not simply the normality of the error term.

Note that:

\[Cov(\mathbf{e})=(I-H)\sigma^2 (I-H)’ = (I-H)\sigma^2\]

We can write $Var(e_i)=(1-h_{ii})\sigma^2$.

If the sample size ($n$) is much larger than the number of the parameters ($p$) in the model (i.e. $n > > p$), in other words, if sample size ($n$) is large enough, $h_{ii}$ will be small as compared to 1, and $Var(e_i) \approx \sigma^2$.

In multiple regression models, a residual behaves like an error if the sample size is large. However, this is not true for a small sample size.

It is unreliable to check the normality of error term assumption using residuals from multiple linear regression models when the sample size is small.

Normality of the Error Term

Learn more about Hat matrix: Role of Hat matrix in Diagnostics of Regression Analysis. statistics help

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Chi Square Goodness of Fit Test (2019)

The post is about the Chi Square Goodness of Fit Test.

Application of $\chi^2$distribution is the test of goodness of fit. It is possible to test the hypothesis that a population has a specified theoretical distribution using the $\chi^2$ distribution. The theoretical distribution may be Normal, Binomial, Poisson, or any other distribution.

The Chi-Square Goodness of Fit Test enables us to check whether there is a significant difference between an observed frequency distribution and a theoretical frequency distribution (expected frequency distribution) based on some theoretical models, that is (how well it fits the distribution of data we have observed). A goodness of fit test between observed and expected frequencies is based upon

[\chi^2 = \sum\limits_{i=1}^k \left[ \frac{(OF_i – EF_i)^2}{EF_i} \right] ]

where $OF_i$ represents the observed and $EF_i$ the expected frequencies. for the $i$th class and $k$ is the number of possible outcomes or the number of different classes.

Degrees of Freedom (Chi Square Goodness of Fit Test)

It is important to note that

  • The computed $\chi^2$ value will be small if the observed frequencies are close to the corresponding expected frequencies indicating a good fit.
  • The computed $\chi^2$ value will be large, if observed and expected frequencies have a great deal of difference, indicating a poor fit.
  • A good fit leads to the acceptance of the null hypothesis that the sample distribution agrees with the hypothetical or theoretical distribution.
  • A bad fit leads to the rejection of the null hypothesis.

Critical Region (Chi Square Goodness of Fit Test)

The critical region under the $\chi^2$ curve will fall in the right tail of the distribution. We find the critical value of $\chi^2_{\alpha}$ from the table for a specified level of significance $\alpha$ and $v$ degrees of freedom.


If the computed $\chi^2$ value is greater than the critical $\chi^2_{\alpha}$ the null hypothesis will be rejected. Thus $\chi^2> \chi^2_{\alpha}$ constitutes the critical region.

Chi square goodness of fit test

Some Requirements

The Chi Square Goodness of fit test should not be applied unless each of the expected frequencies is at least equal to 5. When there are smaller expected frequencies in several, these should be combined (merged). The total number of frequencies should not be less than fifty.

Note that we must look with suspicion upon circumstances where $\chi^2$ is too close to zero since it is rare that observed frequencies agree well with expected frequencies. To examine such situations, we can determine whether the computed value of $\chi^2$ is less than $\chi^2_{0.95}$ to decide that the agreement is too good at the 0.05 level of significance.

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