The Correlogram

A correlogram is a graph used to interpret a set of autocorrelation coefficients in which $r_k$ is plotted against the $log k$. A correlogram is often very helpful for visual inspection.

Some general advice to interpret the correlogram are:

  • A Random Series: If a time series is completely random, then for large $N$, $r_k \cong 0$ for all non-zero values of $k$. A random time series $r_k$ is approximately $N\left(0, \frac{1}{N}\right)$. If a time series is random, 19 out of 20 of the values of $r_k$ can be expected to lie between $\pm \frac{2}{\sqrt{N}}$. However, plotting the first 20 values of $r_k$, one can expect to find one significant value on average even when the time series is random.
  • Short-term Correlation: Stationary series often exhibit short-term correlation characterized by a fairly large value of $r_1$ followed by 2 or 3 more coefficients (significantly greater than zero) tend to get successively smaller values of $r_k$ for larger lags tend to get be approximately zero. A time series that gives rise to such a correlogram is one for which an observation above the mean tends to be followed by one or more further observations above the mean and similarly for observation below the mean. A model called an autoregressive model may be appropriate for a series of this type.
  • Alternating Series: If a time series tends to alternate with successive observations on different sides of the overall mean, then the correlogram also tends to alternate. The value of $r_1$ will be negative, however, the value of $r_2$ will be positive as observation at lag 2 will tend to be on the same side of the mean.
  • Non-Stationary Series: If a time series contains a trend, then the value of $r_k$ will not come down to zero except for very large values of the lags. This is because of a large number of further observations on the same side of the mean because of the trend. The sample autocorrelation function $\{ r_k \}$ should only be calculated for stationary time series and no trend should be removed before calculating $\{ r_k\}$.
  • Seasonal Fluctuations: If a time series contains a seasonal fluctuation then the correlogram will also exhibit an oscillation at the same frequency. If $x_t$ follows a sinusoidal pattern then so does $r_k$.
    $x_t=a\, cos\, t\, w, $ where $a$ is constant, $w$ is frequency such that $0 < w < \pi$. Therefore $r_k \cong cos\, k\, w$ for large $N$.
    If the seasonal variation is removed from seasonal data then the correlogram may provide useful information.
  • Outliers: If a time series contains one or more outliers the correlogram may be seriously affected. If there is one outlier in the time series and it is not adjusted, then the plot of $x_y$ vs $x_{t+k}$ will contain two extreme points, which will tend to depress the sample correlation coefficients towards zero. If there are two outliers, this effect is more noticeable.
  • General Remarks: Experience is required to interpret autocorrelation coefficients. We need to study the probability theory of stationary series and the classes of the model too. We also need to know the sampling properties of $x_t$.

There are two main types of correlograms depending on the type of correlation being analyzed:

  • Pearson Correlation: This is the most common type and measures linear correlations between continuous variables.
  • Spearman Rank Correlation: This is a non-parametric measure suitable for ordinal or continuous data and assesses monotonic relationships (not necessarily linear).

In summary, a correlogram is a valuable tool for exploratory data analysis. It helps us:

  • Understand the relationships between multiple variables in your data.
  • Identify potential issues with multicollinearity before building statistical models.
  • Gain insights into the underlying structure of your data. correlogram

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Principal Component Regression (PCR)

Principal Component Regression (PCR) is a statistical technique that combines two powerful methods: Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and linear regression.

The transformation of the original data set into a new set of uncorrelated variables is called principal components. This kind of transformation ranks the new variables according to their importance (that is, variables are ranked according to the size of their variance and eliminate those of least importance). After transformation, a least square regression on this reduced set of principal components is performed, called principal component regression.

Principal Component Regression (PCR)

Principal Component Regression (PCR) is not scale invariant, therefore, one should scale and center data first. Therefore, given a p-dimensional random vector $x=(x_1, x_2, …, x_p)^t$ with covariance matrix $\sum$ and assume that $\sum$ is positive definite. Let $V=(v_1,v_2, \cdots, v_p)$ be a $(p \times p)$-matrix with orthogonal column vectors that is $v_i^t\, v_i=1$, where $i=1,2, \cdots, p$ and $V^t =V^{-1}$. The linear transformation

z&=V^t x\\
z_i&=v_i^t x

The variance of the random variable $z_i$ is
Var(Z_i)&=E[v_i^t\, x\, x^t\,\, v_i]\\
&=v_i^t \sum v_i

Maximizing the variance $Var(Z_i)$ under the conditions $v_i^t v_i=1$ with Lagrange gives
\[\phi_i=v_i^t \sum v_i -a_i(v_i^t v_i-1)\]

Setting the partial derivation to zero, we get
\[\frac{\partial \phi_i}{\partial v_i} = 2 \sum v_i – 2a_i v_i=0\]

which is
\[(\sum – a_i I)v_i=0\]

In matrix form
\[\sum V= VA\]
\[\sum = VAV^t\]

where $A=diag(a_1, a_2, \cdots, a_p)$. This is known as the eigenvalue problem, $v_i$ are the eigenvectors of $\sum$ and $a_i$ the corresponding eigenvalues such that $a_1 \ge a_2 \cdots \ge a_p$. Since $\sum$ is positive definite, all eigenvalues are real and non-negative numbers.

$z_i$ is named the ith principal component of $x$ and we have
\[Cov(z)=V^t Cov(x) V=V^t \sum V=A\]

The variance of the ith principal component matches the eigenvalue $a_i$, while the variances are ranked in descending order. This means that the last principal component will have the smallest variance. The principal components are orthogonal to all the other principal components (they are even uncorrelated) since $A$ is a diagonal matrix.

In the following, for regression, we will use $q$, that is,($1\le q \le p$) principal components. The regression model for observed data $X$ and $y$ can then be expressed as

&= Z\theta+\varepsilon

with the $n\times q$ matrix of the empirical principal components $Z=XV$ and the new regression coefficients $\theta=V^t \beta$. The solution of the least squares estimation is

\hat{\theta}_k=(z_k^t z_k)^{-1}z_k^ty

and $\hat{\theta}=(\theta_1, \cdots, \theta_q)^t$

Since the $z_k$ are orthogonal, the regression is a sum of univariate regressions, that is
\[\hat{y}_{PCR}=\sum_{k=1}^q \hat{\theta}_k z_k\]

Since $z_k$ are linear combinations of the original $x_j$, the solution in terms of coefficients of the $x_j$ can be expressed as
\[\hat{\beta}_{PCR} (q)=\sum_{k=1}^q \hat{\theta}_k v_k=V \hat{\theta}\]

Principal Component Regression PCR

Note that if $q=p$, we would get back the usual least squares estimates for the full model. For $q<p$, we get a “reduced” regression.

Why use Principal Component Regression?

  • Reduces Dimensionality: When dealing with a large number of predictors, PCR can help reduce the complexity of the model.
  • Handles multicollinearity: If there is a high correlation among predictors (multicollinearity), PCR can address this issue.
  • Improves interpretability: In some cases, the principal components can be easier to interpret than the original variables.

Important Points to Remember

  • PCR is an unsupervised technique for dimensionality reduction.
  • The number of principal components used in the regression model is a crucial parameter.
  • PCR can be compared to Partial Least Squares Regression (PLS), another dimensionality reduction technique that considers the relationship between predictors and the response variable.

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Canonical Correlation Analysis (2016)

The bivariate correlation analysis measures the strength of the relationship between two variables. One may be required to find the strength of the relationship between two sets of variables. In this case, canonical correlation is an appropriate technique for measuring the strength of the relationship between two sets of variables. Canonical correlation is appropriate in the same situations where multiple regression would be, but where there are multiple inter-correlated outcome variables. Canonical correlation analysis determines a set of canonical variates, orthogonal linear combinations of the variables within each set that best explain the variability both within and between sets.

Examples: Canonical Correlation Analysis

  • In medicine, individuals’ lifestyles and eating habits may affect their different health measures determined by several health-related variables such as hypertension, weight, anxiety, and tension level.
  • In business, the marketing manager of a consumer goods firm may be interested in finding the relationship between the types of products purchased and consumers’ lifestyles and personalities.

From the above two examples, one set of variables is the predictor or independent while the other set of variables is the criterion or dependent set. The objective of canonical correlation is to determine if the predictor set of variables affects the criterion set of variables.

Note that it is unnecessary to designate the two sets of variables as dependent and independent. In this case, the objective of canonical correlation is to ascertain the relationship between the two sets of variables.

Canonical Correlation Analysis

The objective of canonical correlation is similar to conducting a principal components analysis on each set of variables. In principal components analysis, the first new axis results in a new variable that accounts for the maximum variance in the data. In contrast, in canonical correlation analysis, a new axis is identified for each set of variables such that the correlation between the two resulting new variables is maximum.

Canonical correlation analysis can also be considered a data reduction technique as only a few canonical variables may be needed to adequately represent the association between the two sets of variables. Therefore, an additional objective of canonical correlation is to determine the minimum number of canonical correlations needed to adequately represent the association between two sets of variables.

Canonical Correlation Analysis (2016)

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