Importance of Dispersion in Statistics

The importance of dispersion in statistics cannot be ignored. The term dispersion (or spread, or variability) is used to express the variability in the data set. The measure of dispersion is very important in statistics as it gives an average measure of how much data points differ from the average or another measure. The measure of variability tells about the consistency in the data sets.

The dispersion is a quantity that is far away from its center point (such as average). The data with minimum variation/variability with respect to its center point (average) is said to be more consistent. The lesser the variability in the data the more consistent the data.

Example of Measure of Dispersion

Suppose the score of three batsmen in three cricket matches:

PlayerMatch 1Match 2Match 3Average Score

The question is which player is more consistent with his performance.

In the above data set the player whose deviation from average is minimum will be the most consistent player. So, the player B is more consistent than others. He shows less variation.

There are two types of measures of dispersion:

Absolute Measure of Dispersion

In absolute measure of dispersion, the measure is expressed in the original units in which the data is collected. For example, if data is collected in grams, the measure of dispersion will also be expressed in grams. The absolute measure of dispersion has the following types:

  • Range
  • Quartile Deviation
  • Average Deviation
  • Standard Deviation
  • Variance

Relative Measures of Dispersion

In the relative measures of dispersion, the measure is expressed in terms of coefficients, percentages, ratios, etc. It has the following types:

  • Coefficient of range
  • Coefficient of Quartile Deviation
  • Coefficient of Average Deviation
  • Coefficient of Variation (CV)

See more about Measures of Dispersion

Range and Coefficient of Range

Range is defined as the difference between the maximum value and minimum value of the data, statistically, it is $R=x_{max} – x_{min}$.

The Coefficient of Range is $=\frac{x_{max} – x_{min} }{x_{max} – x_{min} }$. Multiplying it by 100 will express it in percentages.

Consider the ungrouped data $x = 32, 36, 36, 37, 39, 41, 45, 46, 48$

The range will be $x_{max} – x_{min} = 48 – 32 = 16$.

The coefficient of Range will be $=\frac{x_{max} – x_{min} }{x_{max} – x_{min} }$

Coef\,\, of\,\, Range =\frac{x_{max} – x_{min} }{x_{max} – x_{min} } \\
&= \frac{48-32}{48+32} = \frac{16}{80} = 0.2\\
&= 0.2 \times 100 = 20\%

For the following grouped data, the range and coefficient of the range will be

ClassesFreqClass Boundaries
65 – 84964.5 – 84.5
85 – 1041084.5 – 104.5
105 – 12417104.5 – 124.5
125 – 14410124.5 – 144.5
145 – 1645144.5 – 164.5
165 – 1844164.5 – 184.5
185 – 2045184.5 – 204.5

The upper class bound of the highest class will be $x_{min}$ and the lower class boundary of the lowest class will be $x_{min}$. Therefore, $x_{max}=204.5$ and $x_{min} = 64.5$. Therefore,

$$Range = x_{max} – x_{min} = 204.5 – 64.5 = 140$$

The Coefficient of Range will be

Coef\,\, of\,\, Range &=\frac{x_{max} – x_{min} }{x_{max} – x_{min} } \\
&= \frac{204.5-64.5}{204.5+64.5} = \frac{140}{269} = 0.5204\\
&= 0.5204 \times 100 = 52.04\%

Average Deviation and Coefficient of Average Deviation

The average deviation is an absolute measure of dispersion. The mean/average of absolute deviation either taken from mean, median, or mode is called average deviation. Statistically, it is

$$Mean\,\, Deviation_{\overline{X}} = \frac{\sum\limits_{i=1}^n|x_i-\overline{x}|}{n}$$

32$32-40 = -8$8$32-39=-7$7$32-36=-4$4

Mean &= \overline{x} = \frac{\sum\limits_{i=1}^n x_i}{n} = \frac{360}{9} = 40\\
Mode &= 36\\
Median &= 39\\
MD_{\overline{x}} &= \frac{\sum\limits_{i=1}^n |x-\overline{x}|}{n} = \frac{40}{9} = 4.44\\
MD_{\tilde{x}} &= \frac{\sum\limits_{i=1}^n |x-\tilde{x}|}{n} = \frac{39}{9} = 4.33\\
MD_{\hat{x}} &= \frac{\sum\limits_{i=1}^n |x-\hat{x}|}{n} = \frac{36}{9} = 4.00

The relative measure of average deviation is the coefficient of average deviation. It can be calculated as follows:

Coefficient of Average Deviation from Mean (also called Mean Coefficient of Dispersion)

\begin{align*}\text{Mean Coefficient of Dispersion} = \frac{MD_{\overline{x}}}{\overline{x}} = \frac{4.44}{40}\times 100 = 11.1\%\end{align*}

Coefficient of Average Deviation from Median (also called Median Coefficient of Dispersion)

\begin{align*}\text{Median Coefficient of Dispersion} = \frac{MD_{\tilde{x}}}{\tilde{x}} = \frac{4.33}{39}\times 100 = 11.1\%\end{align*}

Coefficient of Average Deviation from Mode (also called Mode Coefficient of Dispersion)

\begin{align*}\text{Mode Coefficient of Dispersion} = \frac{MD_{\hat{x}}}{\hat{x}} = \frac{4}{36}\times 100 = 11.1\%\end{align*}

Average Deviation for Grouped Data

One can also compute average deviations for grouped data (Discrete Case) as follows:

Mid Point

\overline{x} &= \frac{\sum\limits_{i=1}^n}{n} = \frac{2040}{60} = 34\\
\tilde{x} &= 30\\
\hat{x} &= 30\\
MD_{\overline{x}} &= \frac{\sum\limits_{i=1}^n f|x-\overline{x}|}{n} = \frac{848}{60} = 14.13\\
MD_{\tilde{x}} &= \frac{\sum\limits_{i=1}^n f|x-\tilde{x}|}{n} = \frac{800}{60} = 13.33\\
MD_{\hat{x}} &= \frac{\sum\limits_{i=1}^n |x-\hat{x}|}{n} = \frac{36}{9} = 4\\
\text{Mean Coefficient of Dispersion} &= \frac{MD_{\overline{x}}} {n} = \frac{14.13}{34}\times = 41.57\%\\
\text{Median Coefficient of Dispersion} &= \frac{MD_{\tilde{x}}}{\tilde{x}} = \frac{13.333}{30}\times100=44.44\%

Importance of Dispersion in Statistics

From the above discussion and numerical examples, In statistics, the variability or dispersion is crucial. The following are some reasons for the importance of Dispersion in Statistics:

  • Understanding Data Spread: Variability gives insights into the spread or distribution of data, helping to understand how much individual data points differ from the average or some other measure.
  • Data Reliability: Lower variability in data can indicate higher reliability and consistency, which is key for making sound predictions and decisions.
  • Identifying Outliers: High variability can indicate the presence of outliers or anomalies in the data, which might require further investigation.
  • Comparing Datasets: Dispersion measures, such as variance and standard deviation, allow for the comparison of different datasets. Two datasets might have the same mean but different levels of dispersion, which can imply different data patterns or behaviors.
  • Risk Assessment: In fields like finance, assessing the variability of returns is crucial for understanding and managing risk. Higher variability often implies higher risk.
  • Statistical Inferences: Many statistical methods, such as hypothesis testing and confidence intervals, rely on the variability of data to make accurate inferences about populations from samples.
  • Balanced Decision Making: Understanding variability helps in making more informed decisions by providing a clearer picture of the data’s characteristics and potential fluctuations.
Importance of Dispersion in Statistics

Overall, variability is essential for a comprehensive understanding of data, enabling analysts to draw meaningful conclusions and make informed decisions.

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Data Analytics MCQs 2

The post is about Data Analytics MCQs. There are 20 multiple-choice questions for preparation for various subjects related to BS Data Analytics Degree Programs. Let us start with the Data Analytics MCQs with Answers.

Online Data Analytics MCQs with Answers

1. When you analyze historical data to predict future outcomes what type of Data Analytics are you performing?


2. From the provided list, select the three emerging technologies that are shaping today’s data ecosystem.


3. In “A Day in the Life of a Data Analyst”, what according to Sivaram Jaladi forms a large part of a Data Analyst’s job?


4. Which one of the provided file formats is commonly used by APIs and Web Services to return data?


5. What, according to Sivaram Jaladi, goes a long way in lending credibility to your data analysis findings?


6. Which emerging technology has made it possible for every enterprise to have access to limitless storage and high-performance computing?


7. The first step in the data analysis process is to gain an in-depth understanding of the problem and the desired outcome. What are you seeking answers to at this stage of the data analysis process?


8. Which of these data sources is an example of semi-structured data?


9. What is one example of the relational databases discussed in the video?


10. Which of these is one of the soft skills required to be a successful Data Analyst?


11. In “A Day in the Life of a Data Analyst”, what are some of the data points that were useful in analyzing the use case?


12. Data Analysts work within the data ecosystem to:


13. What data type is typically found in databases and spreadsheets?


14. Which of the data roles is responsible for extracting, integrating, and organizing data into data repositories?


15. From the provided list, select the three emerging technologies that are shaping today’s data ecosystem.


16. Why is proficiency in Statistics an important skill for a Data Analyst?


17. Which of these skills is essential to the role of a Data Analyst?


18. Which of the data analyst functional skills helps research and interpret data, theorize, and make forecasts?


19. A modern data ecosystem includes a network of continually evolving entities. It includes:


20. When we analyze data to understand why an event took place, which of the four types of data analytics are we performing?


Online Data Analytics MCQs with Answers

  • Which emerging technology has made it possible for every enterprise to have access to limitless storage and high-performance computing?
  • Which of the data roles is responsible for extracting, integrating, and organizing data into data repositories?
  • When you analyze historical data to predict future outcomes what type of Data Analytics are you performing?
  • A modern data ecosystem includes a network of continually evolving entities. It includes:
  • Data Analysts work within the data ecosystem to:
  • When we analyze data to understand why an event took place, which of the four types of data analytics are we performing?
  • The first step in the data analysis process is to gain an in-depth understanding of the problem and the desired outcome. What are you seeking answers to at this stage of the data analysis process?
  • From the provided list, select the three emerging technologies that are shaping today’s data ecosystem.
  • From the provided list, select the three emerging technologies that are shaping today’s data ecosystem.
  • Which of these skills is essential to the role of a Data Analyst?
  • What, according to Sivaram Jaladi, goes a long way in lending credibility to your data analysis findings?
  • Why is proficiency in Statistics an important skill for a Data Analyst?
  • Which of these is one of the soft skills required to be a successful Data Analyst?
  • Which of the data analyst functional skills helps research and interpret data, theorize, and make forecasts?
  • In “A Day in the Life of a Data Analyst”, what according to Sivaram Jaladi forms a large part of a Data Analyst’s job?
  • In “A Day in the Life of a Data Analyst”, what are some of the data points that were useful in analyzing the use case?
  • What data type is typically found in databases and spreadsheets?
  • Which of these data sources is an example of semi-structured data?
  • Which one of the provided file formats is commonly used by APIs and Web Services to return data?
  • What is one example of the relational databases discussed in the video?
Data Analytics MCQs with Answers

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Demography Quiz 3

The post is about MCQs Demography Quiz with Answers. All these MCQs related to demography (population studies) will also help you understand the concepts related to people for the preparation of different examinations. Test your knowledge and learn something new about the fascinating world of demography! Let us start with the MCQs demography quiz now.

Please go to Demography Quiz 3 to view the test

Online MCQs Demography Quiz with Answers

  • The crude in-migration rate is expressed as:
  • The formula for the crude migration rate is equal to ————.
  • Who coined the term demography?
  • The World Population Day is celebrated every year on ——–.
  • The total number of people per unit area is known as ———–
  • Which type of map shows “The type of political system (Government) in each country of the world”?
  • A ————– is someone that LEAVES a country
  • A ————– is someone that COMES INTO a country
  • “A count of the population in a particular area” is also known as:
  • The current population of the earth is:
  • Which continent has the highest growth rate?
  • Which continent has the largest population?
  • What type of geographic feature do humans generally settle next to?
  • The “URBAN” population refers to the people living in a:
  • Reasons to LEAVE an area are known as:
  • Reasons to GO TO an area are known as:
  • The study of the human population is known as:
  • In developing countries, the population pyramid has a
  • Which of the following is the least densely populated place in the world?
  • When the analysis of population density is done by calculating it through net cultivated area, then the measure is termed as
MCQs Demography Quiz with Answers

Keywords: demography quiz, population quiz, demographics test, population studies, population growth, migration, age structure, fertility, mortality, population distribution, online quiz, learn demography

Statistics, Data Analysis, and MCQs

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