Important Time Series MCQs Test 3

The post is about Time Series MCQs Quiz. There are 20 multiple-choice questions related to components of time series, additive model for time series, multiplicative models for time series, moving average models, autoregressive models, and mathematical methods for measuring the trend. Let us start with Time Series MCQS.

Online MCQs about Time Series Analysis and Forecasting

1. In the moving average method, we cannot find the trend values of some


2. Time series data have a total number of components?


3. A set of observations recorded at an equal interval of time is called


4. What is the primary purpose of the Moving Average (MA) model in time series analysis?


5. A fire in a factory delaying production for some weeks is


6. In the measurement of the secular trend, the moving averages:


7. Additive model for time series Y = . . .


8. What does the term “AutoRegression” mean in the context of time series modeling?


9. What is the primary purpose of the inverse transformation in time-series analysis?


10. The following are the movement(s) in the secular trend


11. The most commonly used mathematical method for measuring the trend is


12. The multiplicative model for time series is Y = . . .


13. Prosperity, Recession, and depression in a business is an example of


14. The best-fitted trend line is one for which the sum of squares of residuals or errors is


15. In the theory of time series, a shortage of certain consumer goods before the annual budget is due to


16. Seasonal variations are


17. In an AutoRegression (AR) model with an order of 2 (AR(2)), how many of the most recent lagged values are considered predictors for the current value?


18. A rise in prices before Eid is an example of


19. The graph of time series is called


20. In a Moving Average (MA) model with an order of 3 (MA(3)), how many of the most recent lagged values are used to calculate the forecast for the current time step?


Online Time Series MCQs

Time Series MCQs Quiz with answers
  • Additive model for time series Y = . . .
  • The most commonly used mathematical method for measuring the trend is
  • A rise in prices before Eid is an example of
  • Prosperity, Recession, and depression in a business is an example of
  • In the moving average method, we cannot find the trend values of some
  • Seasonal variations are
  • A fire in a factory delaying production for some weeks is
  • The multiplicative model for time series is Y = . . .
  • In the theory of time series, a shortage of certain consumer goods before the annual budget is due to
  • A set of observations recorded at an equal interval of time is called
  • The best-fitted trend line is one for which the sum of squares of residuals or errors is
  • The graph of time series is called
  • In the measurement of the secular trend, the moving averages:
  • The following are the movement(s) in the secular trend
  • Time series data have a total number of components?
  • What is the primary purpose of the inverse transformation in time-series analysis?
  • What does the term “AutoRegression” mean in the context of time series modeling?
  • In an AutoRegression (AR) model with an order of 2 (AR(2)), how many of the most recent lagged values are considered predictors for the current value?
  • In a Moving Average (MA) model with an order of 3 (MA(3)), how many of the most recent lagged values are used to calculate the forecast for the current time step?
  • What is the primary purpose of the Moving Average (MA) model in time series analysis?
Statistics Time Series MCQs Quiz

Important MCQs Time Series Quiz 2

The post is about MCQs Time Series Quiz. There are 20 multiple-choice questions related to components of a time series, multiplicative model of a time series, trend equation, simple average method, and moving average analysis. Let us start with the MCQS Times Series Quiz.

Please go to Important MCQs Time Series Quiz 2 to view the test

MCQs Time Series Quiz

Online MCQs Time Series Quiz
  • Irregular variations in a time series are caused by
  • An additive model of a time series with the components $T, S, C$, and $I$ is
  • I multiplicative model of a time series with components $T, S, C,$ and $I$ is
  • A method full of subjectivity to find out the trend line is
  • If the origin in a trend equation is shifted forward by 3 years, $X$ in the equation $Y=a+bx$ will be replaced by:
  • If the origin in the trend equation $Y=a+bx$ is shifted backward by 2 years, the variable $X$ in the trend equation will be replaced by
  • If the trend line with 1995 as the origin is $Y = 20.6 + 1.68 X$, the trend line with origin 1991 is
  • The equation $Y= \alpha \beta^x$ represents
  • The simple average method is used to calculate
  • Irregular variations are
  • A simple average method for finding out seasonal indices is good when
  • The moving average in a time series is free from the influences of:
  • Value of $b$ in the trend line $Y=a+bX$ is
  • A time series consists of
  • For the given five values 15, 24, 18, 33, 42, the three years moving averages are:
  • What is the primary purpose of a seasonal decomposition plot in time series analysis?
  • In time series analysis, what type of plot is commonly used to visualize the autocorrelation of a time series?
  • In time series feature engineering, what is a lag feature?
  • In time series analysis, what is the purpose of scaling features?
  • What is a common approach to handling missing data in time-series analysis?
MCQs Time Series Quiz

Important MCQs on Experimental Design 1

The post is about MCQs on Experimental Design with Answers. There are 20 multiple-choice questions. The quiz is related to the Basics of the Design of Experiments, Analysis of variation, assumptions of ANOVA, One-Way ANOVA, Single-factor designs, and Two-Way ANOVA. Let us start with the MCQs on Experimental Design Quiz.

Please go to Important MCQs on Experimental Design 1 to view the test

Online MCQs on Experimental Design

MCQs on Experimental Design Quiz
  • Analysis of variance is used to test
  • The assumption used in ANOVA is
  • In ANOVA we use
  • Consider $k$ independent samples each containing $n_1, n_2, \cdots, n_k$ items such that $n_1+n_2+\cdots+ n_k=n$. In ANOVA we use F-distribution with a degree of freedom
  • In one-way ANOVA, with the usual notation, the error degree of freedom is
  • In one-way ANOVA, given $SSB = 2580, SSE =1656, k = 4, n = 20$ then the value of F is
  • In two-way ANOVA with $m$ rows and $n$ columns, the error degrees of freedom is
  • In one-way ANOVA, the calculated F value is less than the table F value then
  • In two-way ANOVA with $m=5$, $n=4$, then the total degrees of freedom is
  • In one-way ANOVA with the total number of observations is 15 with 5 treatments then the total degrees of freedom is
  • If the treatments consist of all combinations that can be formed from the different factors then the experiment is
  • Consider an experiment to investigate the efficacy of different insecticides in controlling pests and their effects on subsequent yield. What is the best reason for randomly assigning treatment levels (spraying or not spraying) to the experimental units (farms)?
  • Which of the following are important in designing an experiment?
  • Analysis of variance
  • A Mean Square is
  • For a single-factor ANOVA involving five populations, which of the following statements is true about the alternative hypothesis?
  • An experiment is performed in CRD with 10 replications to compare two treatments. The total experimental units will be
  • A teacher uses different teaching ways for different groups in his class to see which yields the best results. In this example a treatment is
  • If the total degrees of freedom between treatments in a CRD are 15 and 4 respectively, the degrees of freedom for error will be
  • If there are 6 treatments with 3 blocks in a RCBD then the degrees of freedom for error are
Statistics Help MCQs on Experimental Design