MCQs Skewness and Kurtosis 11

This quiz contains MCQs Skewness and Kurtosis covering the shape of the distribution, Measures of central tendency such as mean, median, mode, Weighted mean, data and type of data, sources of data, Measures of Dispersion/ Variation, Standard Deviation, Variance, Range, and measure of position, etc. Let us start the MCQs Skewness and Kurtosis Quiz.

1. In Symmetrical distribution $Q_3-Q_1=20$, Median = 15, $Q_3$ is equal to


2. For a symmetrical distribution


3. In symmetrical distribution if $Q_1=4, Q_3=12$ then median is


4. When mean, median, and mode are identical the distribution is


5. The degree to which numerical data tend to spread out about an average value is called


6. If the moment Ratio $\beta_2=3$ then the distribution is


7. When a distribution is symmetrical and has one mode, the highest point on the curve is called the


8. If the frequency curve has a longer tail to the left, the distribution is


9. In a symmetrical distribution, the mean is 25. What is the value of the median?


10. The distribution is positively skewed if


11. The first three moments of a distribution about the mean $\overline{X}$ are 1, 4, and 0. The distribution is


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Basic statistics deals with the measure of central tendencies (such as mean, median, mode, weighted mean, geometric mean, and Harmonic mean) and measures of dispersion (such as range, standard deviation, and variances).

Basic statistical methods include planning and designing the study, collecting data, arranging, and numerical and graphically summarizing the collected data.

Basic statistics are also used to perform statistical analysis to draw meaningful inferences.

MCQs Skewness and Kurtosis

A basic visual inspection of data using some graphical and numerical statistics may reveal useful hidden information already available in the data. The graphical representation includes a bar chart, pie chart, dot chart, box plot, etc.

Companies related to finance, communication, manufacturing, charity organizations, government institutes, simple to large businesses, etc. are all examples that have a massive interest in collecting data and measuring different sorts of statistical findings. This helps them to learn from the past, noticing the trends, and planning for the future.

Various graphical and numerical ways are used to check the skewness of the data. Skewness is the lack of symmetry in distribution.

MCQs Skewness and Kurtosis

  • When a distribution is symmetrical and has one mode, the highest point on the curve is called the
  • If the moment Ratio $\beta_2=3$ then the distribution is
  • For a symmetrical distribution
  • The degree to which numerical data tend to spread out about an average value is called
  • In symmetrical distribution if $Q_1=4, Q_3=12$ then median is
  • The first three moments of a distribution about the mean $\overline{X}$ are 1, 4, and 0. The distribution is
  • The distribution is positively skewed if
  • In Symmetrical distribution $Q_3-Q_1=20$, Median = 15, $Q_3$ is equal to
  • When mean, median, and mode are identical the distribution is
  • In a symmetrical distribution, the mean is 25. What is the value of the median?
  • If the frequency curve has a longer tail to the left, the distribution is

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Introduction to R Language

Index Numbers An Introduction

The index numbers are numbers that “measure a relative change in a variable or an average relative change in a group of related variables concerning a base”. An index number indicates the level of certain phenomena at some given period in comparison with the level of the same phenomena at some reference period. The index numbers are usually constructed for economic variables such as price, quantity, wage, unemployment, investment, cost of living, etc.

Index numbers are free from units of measurement because they show relative changes. For ease of understanding, index numbers are expressed in percentages. To construct an index number at least two periods are required and a period that is economically stable and has no major crisis caused by wars, diseases, strikes, food shortage, etc. known as the normal period is selected as a base. Index numbers of wholesale prices and consumer prices, etc. are published by the Federal Bureau of Statistics and State Bank of Pakistan.

Uses/ Need of Index Numbers

There are many uses for index numbers but the most important are:

  • Many economic plans and Government policies depend on index numbers, for example, to control rising prices of government imports from other countries or give subsidies (financial support) to the manufacturer.
  • The Price index number is used to know the purchasing ability of money at different periods and places.
  • The quantity index number is used to know the changes in the quantities produced, consumed, sold, purchased, imported or exported, etc.
  • Consumer price index numbers are used to know people’s standards of living and the goods and services used by them.
  • Index numbers are used to forecast future economic trends
  • Cyclical (long-term movements, which are in the form of oscillation) and seasonal (short-term movements, which are linked with the seasons or movements that repeat themselves within a fixed period) movements are measured by index number.
Index Numbers

Shortcomings of Index Number

Index numbers can not be used freely due to the following shortcomings:

  • An improper base period gives misleading results. Base periods must be free from all types of crises caused by wars, diseases, strikes, food shortages, etc. If such a period is not available then the average of some or all the periods is selected as the base.
  • Selection of favorite commodities is difficult because the use of services and commodities by individuals varies with the locality of people, social customs, standard of living, occupation, ideas of saving, courage of investment, and sources of income, etc.
  • The quality of a product cannot be observed at each point, that is, ball-to-ball commentary is difficult. For example, if we want to view the quality of cloth at each thread before purchasing it becomes impossible.
  • Index number gives a rough measure of relative changes because sampling error or error of measurement may occur at the stages of gathering data or the base period may be improper or the number of commodities may be less than required. According to Dr. Arriving Fisher, the accuracy of index numbers may be increased by increasing the number of commodities.
  • Different methods of index numbers usually give different results.
  • Prices vary from place to place according to the idea of profit of investors, expenditures on transportation, and awareness about the psychology of buyers, hence their collection is difficult.

Examples of Important Index Numbers:

  • Consumer Price Index (CPI): Tracks changes in the prices of goods and services purchased by consumers.
  • Producer Price Index (PPI): Measures the average change in prices received by domestic producers for their output.
  • Wholesale Price Index (WPI): Tracks the price changes of goods traded in wholesale markets.
  • Industrial Production Index (IPI): Measures the volume of physical production in the industrial sector.

In conclusion, index numbers are a powerful tool for summarizing complex economic information and identifying trends. They play a vital role in economic analysis, decision-making, and understanding changes in our world over time.

R Frequently Asked Questions

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Introduction to Matrix (2021)

This post is about some basic introduction to matrix.

Matrices are everywhere. If you have used a spreadsheet program such as MS Excel, or Lotus, written a table (such as in Ms-Word), or even have used mathematical or statistical software such as Mathematica, Matlab, Minitab, SAS, SPSS, Eviews, etc., you have used a matrix. Let us start with the Introduction to matrix.

Introduction to Matrix

Matrices make the presentation of numbers clearer and make calculations easier to program. For example, the matrix is given below about the sale of tires in a particular store given by quarter and make of tires.


It is called a matrix, as information is stored in a particular order and different computations can also be performed. For example, if you want to know how many Michigan tires were sold in Quarter 3, you can go along the row ‘Michigan’ and column ‘Q3’ and find that it is 15.

Similarly, the total number of sales of ‘Michigan’ tiers can also be found by adding all the elements from Q1 to Q4 in the Michigan row. It sums to 55. So, a matrix is a rectangular array of elements. The elements of a matrix can be symbolic expressions or numbers. Matrix $[A]$ is denoted by;

Introduction to Matrix

Row $i$ of the matrix $[A]$ has $n$ elements and is $[a_{i1}, a_{i2}, cdots, a_{1n}] and column of $[A]$ has $m$ elements and is $begin{bmatrix}a_{1j}\ a_{2j} \ vdots\ a_{mj}end{bmatrix}$.

The size (order) of any matrix is defined by the number of rows and columns in the matrix. If a matrix $[A]$ has $m$ rows and $n$ columns, the size of the matrix is denoted by $(mtimes n)$. The matrix $[A]$ can also be denoted by $[A]_{mtimes n}$ to show that $[A]$ is a matrix that has $m$ rows and $n$ columns in it.

Each entry in the matrix is called the element or entry of the matrix and is denoted by $a_{ij}$, where $i$ represents the row number and $j$ is the column number of the matrix element.

Matrix of tire Sale

The above-arranged information about sales and types of tires can be denoted by the matrix $[A]$, that is, the matrix has 3 rows and 4 columns. So, the order (size) of the matrix is 3 x 4. Note that element $a_{23}$ indicates the sales of tires in ‘Michigan’ in quarter 3 (Q3). That is all about Introduction to Matrix.

R and Data Analysis

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