Seasonal Variations: Estimation (2020)

We have to find a way of isolating and measuring the seasonal variations. There are two reasons for isolating and measuring the effect of seasonal variations.

  • To study the changes brought by seasons in the values of the given variable in a time series
  • To remove it from the time series to determine the value of the variable

Summing the values of a particular season for several years, the irregular variations will cancel each other, due to independent random disturbances. If we also eliminate the effect of trend and cyclical variations, the seasonal variations will be left out which are expressed as a percentage of their average.

Seasonal Variations

A study of seasonal variation leads to more realistic planning of production and purchases etc.

Seasonal Index Method

When the effect of the trend has been eliminated, we can calculate a measure of seasonal variation known as the seasonal index. A seasonal index is simply an average of the monthly or quarterly value of different years expressed as a percentage of averages of all the monthly or quarterly values of the year.

The following methods are used to estimate seasonal variations.

  • Average percentage method (simple average method)
  • Link relative method
  • Ratio to the trend of short-time values
  • Ratio to the trend of long-time averages projected to short times
  • Ratio to moving average

The Simple Average Method

Assume the series is expressed as


Consider the long-time averages as trend values and eliminate the trend element by expressing a short-time observed value as a percentage of the corresponding long-time average. In the multiplicative model, we obtain

\frac{\text{short time observed value} }{\text{long time average}}\times &= \frac{TSCI}{T}\times 100\\
&=SCI\times 100

This percentage of the long-time average represents the seasonal (S), the cyclical (C), and the irregular (I) component.

Once $SCI$ is obtained, we try to remove $CI$ as much as possible from $SCI$. This is done by arranging these percentages season-wise for all the long times (say years) and taking the modified arithmetic mean for each season by ignoring both the smallest and the largest percentages. These would be seasonal indices.

If the average of these indices is not 100, then the adjustment can be made, by expressing these seasonal indices as the percentage of their arithmetic mean. The adjustment factor would be

\frac{100}{\text{Mean of Seasonal Indiex}} \rightarrow \frac{400}{\text{sums of quarterly index}} \,\, \text{ or } \frac{1200}{\text{sums of monthly indices}}

Seasonal Variations: Objective of Time Series

Example of Seasonal Variations

Question: The following data is about several automobiles sold.

YearQuarter 1Quarter 2Quarter 3Quarter 4

Calculate the seasonal indices by the average percentage method.


First, we obtain the yearly (long-term) averages

Year Total11311098127213381353
Yearly Average1131/4=282.75274.50318.00334.50338.25

Next, we divide each quarterly value by the corresponding yearly average and express the results as percentages. That is,

YearQuarter 1Quarter 2Quarter 3Quarter 4
1981$\frac{250}{282.75}\times=88.42$$\frac{278}{282.75}\times=98.32^*$Total (modified)
Total (modified)
Mean (modified)

* on values represents the smallest and largest values in a quarter that are not included in the total.

Statistical Software for Seasonal Variation

Several statistical software packages can automate these calculations for you. Popular options include:

  • Python libraries like Pandas and Statsmodels
  • R statistical computing environment
  • Excel with add-in tools like Data Analysis ToolPak

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Detrending Time Series (2020)

Detrending time series is a process of eliminating the trend component from a time series, where a trend refers to a change in the mean over time (a continuous decrease or increase over time). It means that when data is detrended, an aspect from that data has been removed that you think is causing some kind of distortion.

Assuming the multiplicative model:

$$Detrended\, value = \frac{Y}{T} = \frac{TSCI}{T}=SCI $$

Assuming additive model:

$$Detrended\, value = Y-T=T+S+C+I-T = S+C+I$$

Components of Time Series Data: Detrending Time Series
Component of Time Series Data

Detrending Time Series (Stationary Time Series)

The detrending time series is a process of removing the trend from a non-stationary time series. A detrended time series is known as a stationary time series, while a time series with a trend is a non-stationary time series. A stationary time series oscillates about the horizontal line. If a series does not have a trend or we remove the trend successfully, the series is said to be trend stationary.

Eliminating the trend component may be thought of as rotating the trend line to a horizontal position. The trend component can be eliminated from the observed time series by computing either the ratios to the trend if the multiplicative model is assumed or the deviations from the trend if the additive model is assumed.

Note that the best detrending method depends on the nature of your trend:

  • Use differencing for stationary trends (constant increase/decrease).
  • Use model fitting for more complex trends (curves, changing slopes).

Detrending is often a preparatory step for further analysis such as forecasting and identifying seasonal patterns. On the other hand, detrending might not be necessary if the trend is already incorporated into your analysis. Some methods, like deseasonalizing, can involve both detrending and removing seasonal effects.

Detrending Time Series

Read about Secular Trends in Time Series

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Goldfeld-Quandt Test Example (2020)

Data is taken from the Economic Survey of Pakistan 1991-1992. The data file link is at the end of the post “Goldfeld-Quandt Test Example for the Detection of Heteroscedasticity”.

Read about the Goldfeld-Quandt Test in detail by clicking the link “Goldfeld-Quandt Test: Comparison of Variances of Error Terms“.

Goldfeld-Quandt Test Example

For an illustration of the Goldfeld-Quandt Test Example, the data given in the file should be divided into two sub-samples after dropping (removing/deleting) the middle five observations.

Sub-sample 1 consists of data from 1959-60 to 1970-71.

Sub-sample 2 consists of data from 1976-77 to 1987-1988.

The sub-sample 1 is highlighted in green colour, and sub-sample 2 is highlighted in blue color, while the middle observation that has to be deleted is highlighted in red.

Goldfeld-Quandt Test Example

The Step-by-Step Procedure to Conduct the Goldfeld Quandt Test

Step 1: Order or Rank the observations according to the value of $X_i$. (Note that observations are already ranked.)

Step 2: Omit $c$ central observations. We selected 1/6 observations to be removed from the middle of the observations. 

Step 3: Fit OLS regression on both samples separately and obtain the Residual Sum of Squares (RSS) for each sub-sample.

The Estimated regression for the two sub-samples are:

Sub-sample 1: $\hat{C}_1 = 1010.096 + 0.849 \text{Income}$

Sub-sample 2: $\hat{C}_2 = -244.003 + 0.88067 \text{Income}$

Now compute the Residual Sum of Squares for both sub-samples.

The residual Sum of Squares for Sub-Sample 1 is $RSS_1=2532224$

The residual Sum of Squares for Sub-Sample 2 is $RSS_2=10339356$

The F-Statistic is $ \lambda=\frac{RSS_2/n_2}{RSS_1/n_1}=\frac{10339356}{2532224}=4.083$

The critical value of $F(n_1=10, n_2=10$ at a 5% level of significance is 2.98.

Since the computed F value is greater than the critical value, heteroscedasticity exists in this case, that is, the variance of the error term is not consistent, rather it depends on the independent variable, GNP.

Your assignment is to perform the Goldfeld-Quandt Test Example using any statistical software and confirm the results.

Download the data file by clicking the link “GNP and consumption expenditure data“.

Learn about White’s Test of Heteroscedasticity

Goldfeld-Quandt Test Example

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