Basics of Ratios: Use and Application (2021)

This post will discuss some Basics of Ratios. The ratio is used to compare two quantities of the same kind. Consider in a group of 45 people, 15 of whom are females. Let us understand the Basics of Ratios from an example.

Example of Ratios

We can compare the number of males and the number of females in the group in two different ways,

  1. There are 15 more males than females in a group of people. We are comparing the number of males and the number of females in the group of people by finding their differences.
  2. The number of males in a group of people is twice that of females. We are comparing the number of males and the number of females by finding a fraction consisting of the number of males over the number of females. The fraction is 3015.

In the second method, the fraction obtained is an example of the ratio.

A ratio may be written with a colon symbol between the numbers. Therefore, the male-female ratio in the group of people can be written as 30:15 or 3015. It can be read as the ratio of 30 is to 15, or simply 30 to 15.

In general, the ratio of a to b can be written as la:b or ab, where a and b represent whole numbers and b should not be zero. Since ratio 3015=21 or 30:15=2:1. the 30:15 and 2:1 are called equivalent ratios.

Basics of Ratios

Note that the order in which the ratio is written is important. A ratio has no measurement units. It is only a number that indicates how many times, one quantity is as great as the other. For example, the male to the female ratio of 2:1 means that the number of males is twice the number of females. It can also be interpreted as the female to male of 1:2 or 12 indicates that there are half as many females as males.

Ratios Formula Uses and Application

Application of Ratios

Ratios can also be used to compare more than two quantities. For example, three-men A, B, and C share the profit of a business. They receive say 5000, 3000, and 1000, respectively. The ratio of their share of the profit is 5000:3000:1000 or 5:3:1.

One can also find that either there is an increase or decrease in the ratio. For example, say if the number of teachers in a college is increased from 45 to 55, then the ratio “number of present staff” to “number of old staff” (or number of present staff: number of old staff) = 55:45=11:9 or no. of present staffno. of old staff=5545=119.
This ratio can be interpreted as the number of teachers has been increased in the ratio 11:9 or 119.

The application of ratios in various fields are:

  1. Finance (Financial rations, investment analysis)
  2. Business and Management (inventory management, marketing and sales, and human resources)
  3. Science and Engineering (Concentration and Ratios in Chemistry, Mixture Ratios, Scale and Proportion
  4. Everyday Applications (Recipes, Maps and Scales)
  5. Mathematics (Rates and Unit Costs, Proportions)

Remember, ratios are a versatile tool, and their specific applications can vary depending on the field and situation. However, their core principle of comparing quantities remains constant, making them a valuable asset for anyone seeking to analyze and understand the world around them.

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Significant Figures: Introduction and Example (2021)

Rounding of numbers is done so that one can concentrate on the most significant digits. For example, consider a flat price at 285500. A rich man might think in hundreds of thousands of dollars. To a rich man, it is easier to think in terms of 1 significant figure, the “3” in 300,000. A wage might be worried about the hundreds of dollars. To him, there may be four significant figures, the ‘2’, ‘8’, ‘5’, and ‘5’ in 285500.

Significant Figures Example

Consider an example: A weight recorded as 8426kg is correct to 3 decimal places. Reporting this weight in grams, the 8425g is nearest to the whole number. Recording the weight as 8.426kg correct to 4 significant figures and converting the weight to 8426g, the number of significant figures is still 4. Thus, sometimes it is more useful to express a result in terms of numbers of significant figures rather than the number of decimal places.

There are some rules for writing significant figures:

Rule 1: Include one extra figure for consideration. Simply drop the extra figure if it is less than 5. If it is 5 or more, add 1 to the previous figure before dropping the extra figure.

Rule 2: All non-zero digits are significant wherever they are recorded. For example, 7.22 is correct to 3 significant figures.

Rule 3: Zeros that lie between non-zero digits are significant. For example, 2003 is correct for 4 significant figures.
Rule 4: Zeros that are not preceded by a non-zero digit (leading zeros) are not significant. For example, 0.000325 is correct to 3 significant digits.

Rule 5: Zeros that appear after the decimal points (trailing zeros) but are not followed by a non-zero digit are significant. For example, there are 5 significant digits in 22.300.

Rule 6: The final zeros in a whole number may or may not be significant. It depends on how the estimation is made.

Significant Figures

A point to remember is that the number of digits is used to denote an exact value to a specified degree of accuracy. For example, 6084.324 is a value accurate to 7 significant figures. If written as 6080 it is accurate to 3 significant digits. The final 0 is not significant because it is used to show the order of magnitude of the number.

Significant Figures

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Percentages, Fractions, and Decimals Made Easy

Percentages, Fractions, and Decimals are connected. Percentages, fractions, and decimals are all different ways to represent parts of a whole. They can be converted between each other, which is useful for solving many mathematical problems.

We often see phrases like

  • up to 75% off on all items
  • 90% housing loan with low-interest rates
  • 10% to 50% discount advertisements

Examples of Percentages, Fractions, and Decimals

These are some examples of percentages.

Suppose, there are 200 students in a college. Let 80 students remain in college to participate in college extra-curricular activities (ECA). The fraction of students who participated in college ECA can be written as 80100, or 40100, or 25. We can read it as 80 out of 200 students participated in ECA (or 2 out of 5 participated in ECA). Multiplying this fraction with 100 will convert the fraction to percentages. Therefore, 40% of the students participated in ECA.

By percent means that for every hundred or out of every hundred.

Therefore, a percentage is a fraction whose denominator is always 100. Therefore, a percentage can be converted to a fraction by dividing it by 100. Alternatively, one can change a fraction or a decimal to a percentage by multiplying it by 100. The following figure is about the conversion cycle of percentages to fractions or decimals and vice versa.

Percentages, Fractions, and Decimals

Real-life Examples of Percentages, Fractions, and Decimals

Suppose, you are told that 70% of the students in a class of 50 passed a Mathematics test. How many of them failed?

Number of Students passed the Mathematics test = 70% of 50 = 70100×50=35

Number of students who failed the Mathematics test = 5035=15.

The number of students who failed can be found in an alternative way


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