Important MCQ Random Variables 1

This quiz contains MCQ Random Variables. Let us start with the Online Quiz MCQ Random Variables with answers.

Online MCQs about Random Variable with Answers

1. A variable (Random Variable) assuming an infinite number of values is called


2. If $X$ is a discrete random variable, the function $f(X)$ is


3. If $X$ and $Y$ are random variable then $E(X + Y)$ is equal to


4. For a random variable $X$, $E(X)$ is


5. If $X$ and $Y$ are independent random variables then $E(XY)$ is equal to


6. If $X$ is a continuous random variable, then function $f(X)$ is


7. If $X$ is a random variable that can take only non-negative values, then


8. If $C$ is a non-random variable, the $E(C)$ is


9. Which of the following are examples of discrete random variables?


10. A variable whose value is determined by the outcome of a random experiment is called


11. Two random variables $X$ and $Y$ are said to be independent if:


12. A continuous random variable is a random variable that can


13. A continuous variable is a variable that can assume


14. A _____ random variable has a countable number of possible values.


15. Which of the following statements accurately describes a key difference between discrete and continuous random variables?


16. If $X$ is a random variable and $a$ and $b$ are constants then $Var(aX+ b)$ is equal to


17. If $X$ and $Y$ are two independent variables, then


18. A variable (Random Variable) assuming a finite number of values is called


19. Which of the following statements describes continuous random variables?


20. When four coins are tossed, the value of a random variable (Numbers of head) is


MCQ Random Variables

Online MCQ Random Variables

  • If $X$ is a continuous random variable, then function $f(X)$ is
  • A variable (Random Variable) assuming an infinite number of values is called
  • A variable whose value is determined by the outcome of a random experiment is called
  • If $X$ and $Y$ are random variable then $E(X + Y)$ is equal to
  • If $X$ is a discrete random variable, the function $f(X)$ is
  • When four coins are tossed, the value of a random variable (Number of heads) is
  • A variable (Random Variable) assuming a finite number of values is called
  • If $X$ and $Y$ are independent random variables then $E(XY)$ is equal to
  • Two random variables $X$ and $Y$ are said to be independent if:
  • If $X$ and $Y$ are two independent variables, then
  • A continuous random variable is a random variable that can
  • If $X$ is a random variable that can take only non-negative values, then
  • For a random variable $X$, $E(X)$ is
  • If $C$ is a non-random variable, the $E(C)$ is
  • A continuous variable is a variable that can assume
  • A __________ random variable has a countable number of possible values.
  • Which of the following statements accurately describes a key difference between discrete and continuous random variables?
  • Which of the following are examples of discrete random variables?
  • Which of the following statements describes continuous random variables?
  • If $X$ is a random variable and $a$ and $b$ are constants then $Var(aX+ b)$ is equal to
MCQ Random Variables

R and Data Analysis

MCQs General Knowledge

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