Important Random Variable MCQ Questions 4

This Post contains Random Variable MCQ Questions. The Random Variable MCQ Questions are about the discrete, continuous, distribution, expectation, and variance of a random variable. Let us start with the Online Random Variable MCQ Questions.

Online MCQs about Random Variable with Answers

1. The number of children in a family is an example of ________ variable


2. In generating random numbers there are _________ number of assumptions to follow


3. If $X$ and $Y$ are random variables, then $E(X-Y)$ is equal to


4. The amount of milk produced by a cow is _________ variable


5. A discrete variable is also called


6. The set of all possible outcomes of a random experiment is called


7. Which of the following is a characteristic of the probability distribution of a random variable?


8. The sum of dots when two dice are rolled is an example of


9. Discrete data is usually generated by the process


10. A variable which can assume all values in the range is called


11. In a family with two children, how many are girls there


12. If $X$ and $Y$ are independent random variables, then $Var(X-Y)$ is equal to


13. Continuous variables can assume __________ values


14. The number of deaths in a road accident is an example of _________ variable


15. A variable that takes measurable values is called a


16. In generating random numbers the probability of each digit/number is


17. The number of automobile accidents per year in Multan city is an example of


18. A Chi-Square random variable can assume the value


19. Random numbers are generated by some


20. Usually, measurements give rise to ________ data


A Random Variable (random quantity or stochastic variable) is a set of possible values from a random experiment.

Important Random Variable MCQ Questions 4

Random Variable MCQ Questions

  • Random numbers are generated by some
  • In generating random numbers there are __________ number of assumptions to follow
  • In generating random numbers the probability of each digit/number is
  • In a family with two children, how many are girls there
  • A discrete variable is also called
  • Discrete data is usually generated by the process
  • The sum of dots when two dice are rolled is an example of
  • The number of deaths in a road accident is an example of _____________ variable
  • The number of children in a family is an example of a variable
  • A variable which can assume all values in the range is called
  • Usually, measurements give rise to data
  • Continuous variables can assume values
  • The amount of milk produced by a cow is ___________ variable
  • A variable that takes measurable values is called a
  • The set of all possible outcomes of a random experiment is called
  • A Chi-Square random variable can assume the value
  • The number of automobile accidents per year in Multan city is an example of
  • Which of the following is a characteristic of the probability distribution of a random variable?
  • If $X$ and $Y$ are random variables, then $E(X-Y)$ is equal to
  • If $X$ and $Y$ are independent random variables, then $Var(X-Y)$ is equal to
Random Variable MCQ Questions

The domain of a random variable is called sample space. For example, in the case of a coin toss experiment, there are only two possible outcomes, namely heads or tails. A random variable can be either discrete or continuous. The discrete random variable takes only certain values such as 1, 2, 3, etc., and a continuous random variable can take any value within a range such as the height of persons.

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