Important MCQs on Correlation and Regression 3

The post is about MCQs on Correlation and Regression Analysis with Answers. There are 20 multiple-choice questions covering the topics related to correlation and regression analysis, interpretation of correlation and regression coefficients, relationship between variables, and correlation and regression coefficients. Let us start with MCQs on Correlation and Regression.

MCQs about Correlation and Regression Analysis

1. Two regression lines are parallel to each other if their slope is


2. When the regression line passes through the origin then


3. If $r_{xy} = -0.84$ then $r_{yx}=?$


4. If $X$ and $Y$ are independent of each other, the Coefficient of Correlation is


5. The coefficient of Correlation values lies between


6. The Coefficient of Correlation between $X$ and $X$ is


7. In the regression line $Y=a+bX$ the following is always true


8. If $b_{yx} <0$ and $b_{xy} =<0$, then $r$ is


9. It is possible that two regression coefficients have


10. The Coefficient of Correlation $r$ is independent of


11. If $r=0.6, b_{yx}=1.2$ then $b_{xy}=?$


12. In the regression line $Y=a+bX$


13. A perfect negative correlation is signified by


14. If $\hat{Y}=a$ then $r_{xy}$?


15. In Correlation, both variables are always


16. The regression coefficient is independent of


17. If two variables oppose each other then the correlation will be


18. When $b_{xy}$ is positive, then $b_{yx}$ will be


19. The Coefficient of Correlation between $U=X$ and $V=-X$ is


20. When two regression coefficients bear the same algebraic signs, then the correlation coefficient will be


MCQs on Correlation and Regression with Answers

MCQs on Correlation and Regression Quiz with Answers
  • The coefficient of Correlation values lies between
  • If $r_{xy} = -0.84$ then $r_{yx}=?$
  • In Correlation, both variables are always
  • If two variables oppose each other then the correlation will be
  • A perfect negative correlation is signified by
  • The Coefficient of Correlation between $U=X$ and $V=-X$ is
  • The Coefficient of Correlation between $X$ and $X$ is
  • The Coefficient of Correlation $r$ is independent of
  • If $X$ and $Y$ are independent of each other, the Coefficient of Correlation is
  • If $b_{yx} <0$ and $b_{xy} =<0$, then $r$ is
  • If $r=0.6, b_{yx}=1.2$ then $b_{xy}=?$
  • When the regression line passes through the origin then
  • Two regression lines are parallel to each other if their slope is
  • When $b_{xy}$ is positive, then $b_{yx}$ will be
  • If $\hat{Y}=a$ then $r_{xy}$?
  • When two regression coefficients bear the same algebraic signs, then the correlation coefficient will be
  • It is possible that two regression coefficients have
  • The regression coefficient is independent of
  • In the regression line $Y=a+bX$
  • In the regression line $Y=a+bX$ the following is always true
Statistics MCQs on Correlation and Regression

4 thoughts on “Important MCQs on Correlation and Regression 3”

  1. Q#2 wrong
    Regression coefficient is independent of
    Both “Unit of measurement” and “Scale and origin”


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