Application of Regression Analysis in Medical (2014)

Considering the application of regression analysis in medical sciences, Chan et al. (2006) used multiple linear regression to estimate standard liver weight for assessing adequacies of graft size in live donor liver transplantation and remnant liver in major hepatectomy for cancer. Standard liver weight (SLW) in grams, body weight (BW) in kilograms, gender (male=1, female=0), and other anthropometric data of 159 Chinese liver donors who underwent donor right hepatectomy were analyzed. The formula (fitted model)

 \[SLW = 218 + 12.3 \times BW + 51 \times gender\]

 was developed with a coefficient of determination $R^2=0.48$.

Application of Regression Analysis

These results mean that in Chinese people, on average, for each 1-kg increase of BW, SLW increases about 12.3 g, and, on average, men have a 51-g higher SLW than women. Unfortunately, SEs and CIs for the estimated regression coefficients were not reported. Using Formula 6 in their article, the SLW for Chinese liver donors can be estimated if BW and gender are known. About 50% of the variance of SLW is explained by BW and gender.

 Some other related articles (Application of Regression Analysis in Medical Sciences)

Reference of Article

  • Chan SC, Liu CL, Lo CM, et al. (2006). Estimating liver weight of adults by body weight and gender. World J Gastroenterol 12, 2217–2222.

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