Important MCQ Sampling Quiz – 7

The Online MCQ sampling Quiz is about the Basics of Sampling and Sampling Distributions. It will help you understand the basic concepts of sampling methods and distributions. This Online MCQ Sampling Quiz will help the students to prepare for different exams related to education or jobs. Most of the MCQs on this page cover MCQ Sampling and Sampling Distributions, Probability Sampling and Non-Probability Sampling, Mean and Standard Deviation of Sample, Sample size, Sampling error, Sample bias, Sample Selection, etc.

Online MCQs about Sampling and Sampling Distributions with Answers

1. When sampling is done with or without replacement, $\mu_{\overline{X}_1-\overline{X}_2}$ is equal to


2. $S^2=\frac{\sum (X-\overline{X})^2}{n}$ is called


3. If $X$ represents the number of units having the specified characteristic and $n$ is the size of the sample then sample proportion $\hat{p}$ is equal to


4. When sampling is done without replacement $\sigma_{\overline{X}}$ is equal to


5. If $X$ represents the number of units having the specified characteristic and $N$ is the size of the population, then population proportion $p$ is equal to


6. The standard deviation of the distribution of sample means is equal to


7. If $\overline{X}=10$ and $\mu=12$ then sampling error is


8. When sampling is done with or without replacement, $E(\hat{p}_1 – \hat{p}_2)$ is equal to


9. When sampling is done with replacement, then $\mu_{s^2}$ is equal to


10. In sampling without replacement, the standard error of sampling distribution of sample proportion $\hat{p}$ is equal to


11. In case of sampling with replacement $\sigma_{\hat{p}_1 – \hat{p}_2}$ is equal to


12. If $E(\overline{X})=10$ and $\mu=10$ then bias is equal to


13. In case of sampling with replacement, $E(S^2)$ is equal to


14. The distribution of the means of samples of size 4, taken from a population with a standard deviation $\sigma$, has a standard deviation of


15. If $E(s^2)=3$ and $\sigma^2=2$ then bias will be


16. $s^2=\frac{\sum(X-\overline{X})^2}{n-1}$ is called


17. If $n=25$, $\sigma^2=25$, and $\overline{X}=25$, then standard error of $\overline{X}$ will be


18. In sampling without replacement, the expected value of $S^2$ is equal to


19. In sampling without replacement, $\mu_{s^2}$ is equal to


20. In sampling with replacement, $\sigma_{\overline{X}_1 – \overline{X}_2}$ is equal to


Online MCQ Sampling Quiz

  • If $E(\overline{X})=10$ and $\mu=10$ then bias is equal to
  • If $\overline{X}=10$ and $\mu=12$ then sampling error is
  • The standard deviation of the distribution of sample means is equal to
  • If $n=25$, $\sigma^2=25$, and $\overline{X}=25$, then standard error of $\overline{X}$ will be
  • $S^2=\frac{\sum (X-\overline{X})^2}{n}$ is called
  • $s^2=\frac{\sum(X-\overline{X})^2}{n-1}$ is called
  • If $E(s^2)=3$ and $\sigma^2=2$ then bias will be
  • In sampling without replacement, the standard error of sampling distribution of sample proportion $\hat{p}$ is equal to
  • When sampling is done without replacement $\sigma_{\overline{X}}$ is equal to
  • In case of sampling with replacement $\sigma_{\hat{p}1 – \hat{p}_2}$ is equal to
  • The distribution of the means of samples of size 4, taken from a population with a standard deviation $\sigma$, has a standard deviation of
  • In sampling with replacement, $\sigma{\overline{X}_1 – \overline{X}_2}$ is equal to
  • When sampling is done with or without replacement, $E(\hat{p}_1 – \hat{p}_2)$ is equal to
  • In case of sampling with replacement, $E(S^2)$ is equal to
  • In sampling without replacement, the expected value of $S^2$ is equal to
  • When sampling is done with replacement, then $\mu{s^2}$ is equal to
  • In sampling without replacement, $\mu_{s^2}$ is equal to
  • When sampling is done with or without replacement, $\mu_{\overline{X}_1-\overline{X}_2}$ is equal to
  • If $X$ represents the number of units having the specified characteristic and $n$ is the size of the sample then sample proportion $\hat{p}$ is equal to
  • If $X$ represents the number of units having the specified characteristic and $N$ is the size of the population, then population proportion $p$ is equal to
MCQs Sampling Quiz and Sampling Distribution

MCQ sampling Quiz for the preparation of exams and different statistical job tests in Government/ Semi-Government or Private Organization sectors. These tests are also helpful in getting admission to different colleges and Universities.

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