Important MCQs Time Series Quiz 2

The post is about MCQs Time Series Quiz. There are 20 multiple-choice questions related to components of a time series, multiplicative model of a time series, trend equation, simple average method, and moving average analysis. Let us start with the MCQS Times Series Quiz.

Online MCQs Time Series Analysis and Forecasting Quiz with Answers

1. If the origin in the trend equation $Y=a+bx$ is shifted backward by 2 years, the variable $X$ in the trend equation will be replaced by


2. For the given five values 15, 24, 18, 33, 42, the three years moving averages are:


3. An additive model of a time-series with the components $T, S, C$, and $I$ is


4. What is a common approach to handling missing data in time-series analysis?


5. What is the primary purpose of a seasonal decomposition plot in time-series analysis?


6. The equation $Y= \alpha \beta^x$ represents


7. I multiplicative model of a time-series with components $T, S, C,$ and $I$ is


8. Irregular variations are


9. In time-series analysis, what type of plot is commonly used to visualize the autocorrelation of a time series?


10. The moving average in a time series is free from the influences of:


11. A simple average method for finding out seasonal indices is good when


12. Irregular variations in a time-series are caused by


13. A time series consists of


14. In time-series feature engineering, what is a lag feature?


15. If the trend line with 1995 as the origin is $Y = 20.6 + 1.68 X$, the trend line with origin 1991 is


16. A method full of subjectivity to find out the trend line is


17. Value of $b$ in the trend line $Y=a+bX$ is


18. In time-series analysis, what is the purpose of scaling features?


19. If the origin in a trend equation is shifted forward by 3 years, $X$ in the equation $Y=a+bx$ will be replaced by:


20. The simple average method is used to calculate


MCQs Time Series Quiz

Online MCQs Time Series Quiz
  • Irregular variations in a time series are caused by
  • An additive model of a time series with the components $T, S, C$, and $I$ is
  • I multiplicative model of a time series with components $T, S, C,$ and $I$ is
  • A method full of subjectivity to find out the trend line is
  • If the origin in a trend equation is shifted forward by 3 years, $X$ in the equation $Y=a+bx$ will be replaced by:
  • If the origin in the trend equation $Y=a+bx$ is shifted backward by 2 years, the variable $X$ in the trend equation will be replaced by
  • If the trend line with 1995 as the origin is $Y = 20.6 + 1.68 X$, the trend line with origin 1991 is
  • The equation $Y= \alpha \beta^x$ represents
  • The simple average method is used to calculate
  • Irregular variations are
  • A simple average method for finding out seasonal indices is good when
  • The moving average in a time series is free from the influences of:
  • Value of $b$ in the trend line $Y=a+bX$ is
  • A time series consists of
  • For the given five values 15, 24, 18, 33, 42, the three years moving averages are:
  • What is the primary purpose of a seasonal decomposition plot in time series analysis?
  • In time series analysis, what type of plot is commonly used to visualize the autocorrelation of a time series?
  • In time series feature engineering, what is a lag feature?
  • In time series analysis, what is the purpose of scaling features?
  • What is a common approach to handling missing data in time-series analysis?
MCQs Time Series Quiz

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